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Saturday night fell. The vibrating bass reached all the way outside of the club where people were lined up to be let in. It was busier than usual and for fire safety reasons they had to wait for people to leave the club first.

So Minho stood there too, somewhere in the middle waiting to be finally taken out of the crisp wind. He checked his phone for the umpteenth time but still didn't received a message from his friend. His rubbed over his bare arm when another shiver ran down his skin, and cursed at himself for leaving a coat at home because he wanted to save on wardrobe costs.

The phone was back to his ear without even realizing he typed in the number he knew by heart, and waited for the transition tone to stop.


"Hey, where are you? Everything okay?" Minho's eyebrows disappeared behind his brown locks. Hyunjin never called him that. But most importantly, he sounded tipsy. He looked at his watch; it wasn't even ten yet.

"At the club!"

"What? I'm at the club? Where are you? I'm outside."

"Me too! Wait.." It went silent. The brunet then heard a male voice in the background he couldn't link to one of his friends. "Hey, I see you!"

Immediately his head shot up in every direction he could think of and then froze when it landed on very blond hair sticking out above a group of girls. His long arm shot up elated and waved his hand for the brunet to come to him. Hyunjin was first in the long, very long line.

Minho crept forward, ignoring the annoyed looks at the front pusher, and smiled lightly at his friend. But the corners of his mouth dropped when he recognized who was standing next to him; the model from the painting.

"Hyung!" Arms wrapped around the brunet, chests pressed against the other. "This is Taecyeon, he called not much after you left. We had something to eat and a little drink—"

"A little?" Minho inspected Hyunjin's glazed eyes and the crooked smile that was impossible to remove from his face, and then at the man next to him who was clearly amused by it all.

"Yes, I had some wine." His smile grew.

"You almost drank the whole bottle on your own," the man, Taecyeon, chuckled with one hand over his mouth to contain himself from laughing harder at the blond boy.

Something bubbled in Minho who eyed the very tall model and cursed him in so many colors and lets one slip from his lips: "—Dick."

They finally entered the club, after what felt like forever, especially when the model inched closer to Hyunjin when the blonde physically shivered from the same wind who was pestering Minho the whole time waiting in line. 

Inside, Minho nipped is friend's leather jacket to get him closer to walk with him than with him. The blond boy only smiled when he turned to him, scrunching his nose when the smoke coming from a machine tickled it. 

The oldest didn't know what hit him, seeing this image, which wasn't all that new to him, frankly. Still, it stirred something deep inside of him, watching this adorable side of the blond exposed in the purple and red lights of the club. Plus, him being tipsy as hell. The dancer knew all too well how to name that; protectiveness. He didn't like it when Hyunjin's own guard was lowered and people who took advantage of that. Like that model was doing right now.

"What do you guys want?!" The man yelled above the music, pointing towards the bar to make his words clear. Talking in plural was clearly out of courtesy because his eyes were glued on Hyunjin. Not the slightest interested in the dancer. 

ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕃𝔸𝕌𝔾ℍ𝕊 ✔ ¨°ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ°¨Where stories live. Discover now