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A/N: A happy belated birthday to our favorite Minho! 


I want to kiss you..

Minho had an out of body experience when he said that. It rolled off his tongue without realizing it. His focus was completely on Hyunjin's sleepy eyes; a warm brown color that burnt his skin.

But the words had been stuck in his throat since last night at the cafe, waiting for the right moment to use them. When he opened his eyes this morning and got blessed with the natural beauty of his blond friend, it was clear it was time to release them.

"May I kiss you?"

The question may not be louder than a whisper but seeing Hyunjin's enlarged eyes told Minho he heard his question. It caused an explosion of butterflies in his abdomen, each one divided into a new butterfly until the dancer felt that he could no longer contain them and let them spread through every fiber of his body. It forced him closer toward his friend. To take the matter into his own hands. To scramble out of that abyss they have both been trapped in all along. A gray space where they were neither friends nor lovers. Minho took Hyunjin with him out of that trench the moment he pressed his lips onto the one's of his blond friend.

The feeling of pure euphoria washed over Minho when he experienced the plump and especially soft texture of the artist's lips. Hyunjin's warmth was like a blanket over Minho's mind. An embrace he didn't know he needed so badly. And now that he had felt this, he yearned for more; like breathing to stay alive.

Curious and eager, he pressed his tongue against the opening of Hyunjin's mouth. Minho wanted more, so much more. His body vibrated along the dizzying rhythm of his heart. And when the tips of the tongues met, Minho struggled not to combust out of his skin.

When the blond moaned, something in Minho snapped. The cautious Boy Scout field trip turned into a wild climb to the highest peak. His fingers roamed over every patch of Hyunjin's heated skin, rubbing his chest longingly.

It provoked a reaction from Hyunjin and let his slender fingers run over Minho's bare skin. A sea of tiny dots crashed like waves over the dancer, following the artist's sensual route. The brunet felt his muscles tense with every new touch, longing for more of the curious but above all unfamiliar feeling. Everything in him longed for more. His crotch was telling them both that everything Hyunijn did, didn't go unnoticed. Minho felt his growing member press against his friend's bulge—and that's when he noticed Hyunjin freeze.

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