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Not far from Hyunjin's art studio was a newly opened brownie bar. A bakery by day and a cocktail bar in the evening, serving freshly baked sweets from that morning. And Felix was waiting for them outside by the entrance. He waved to his friends and held the door open for them. They took a seat by the window and looked at the menu. The youngest's eyes sparkled, seeing all the sweetness.

"This is perfect after an evening of alcohol." Felix has trouble choosing and would prefer to taste a bite of everything. Minho saw his indecisiveness and smiled invisible.

"Shall we all order something different? Then we can taste everything," suggested the oldest and immediately saw a very happy face from Felix. Hyunjin agreed.

"Hyung~! Taste this!" Felix took a piece of cake from his plate and hung over the table to stuff it into Minho's mouth. Hyunjin silently watched the two and put a fork with pie in his mouth. His eyes were fixated on the white cream smeared on Minho's upper lip. He wants to grab a napkin but stopped halfway when Felix beat him to it. The youngest's thumb slid over Minho's lips and then sucked it into his own mouth with a smile.

"Hmm," Minho replied, unaware. "How's yours?" He tilted his head to Hyunjin that sat beside him. The dark eyes, slightly enlarged in anticipation, distracted the blond. "—Jin?"

"—Oh. Yes, it's nice.. do you want to try?" He pushed the plate with his pie in Minho's direction, letting Minho grab a piece with his fork and hummed when he tasted it.  

"Did you sleep well?" Felix took another mouthful and chewed with chubby cheeks. He swallowed and said, "You stayed with him, didn't you?" He pointed his fork from Minho to Hyunjin.

"I slept well. Why?" Hyunjin asked, in the mean time he stole the sweets from Minho's plate.

"No, I was just curious. The last time Minho slept with me, he kept me up almost all night." The two opposite of Felix frowned at the same time but for a completely different reason. 

"When? Why are you only telling this now?" The dancer felt guilty to have kept Felix up.

"Remembering it now. After that karaoke night, you were so drunk," the freckled boy chuckled, thinking back to that night. The many songs, the wrong notes, the dancing, and the very drunk Minho. Felix nearly gave into his friend's weight as he took him home. The karaoke bar was the closest to his house and he didn't want to send his friend back home alone.

"Hm, he slept like a baby with me." Hyunjin shrugged. "He always sleeps well with me. Maybe it's your bed, or you." Shots fired! The hard and, above all, unnecessary sneer at Felix surprised the youngest, and actually Hyunjin himself.

"I kicked him out of bed, apparently from the wrong side," the oldest joked, meanwhile giving his neighbor under the table a jab with his elbow in the ribs. "Plans today, Lix?"

The youngest stared at his blond friend, clearly hurt. But the other didn't look at him, poking aimlessly into the pie, more aggressive with each poke as if the food had done something to him too. Felix sighed and looked back at Minho. "Not much, maybe visiting the dance studio. I can't get the hang of a part of the choreography."

Felix was ​​a dancer and was often asked to dance for music videos. This time he has the lead role and will dance next to the female singer. He has been perfecting himself for weeks and the shooting was just around the corner, which made the boy extremely nervous.

"Oh, do you need a professional eye? Who knows, I might be of help."

"For real?" Felix's eyes brightened, his stress and the painful words from Hyunjin forgotten for just a second. "That would really help me tremendously." The boy looked up to Minho a lot. His technique, strength and motion in his dance were admirable—to say the least. In the dance world, Lee Minho was a notorious name. Although he was a strict dance teacher, there was not a single rookie—even seniors—who didn't wanted to be trained by him. But because he worked for a small-scale dance school, it was difficult to book him. Why he wasn't working for a bigger company or an university was a mystery to many.

"No problem."


Hyunjin had said goodbye to the boys when they went to Felix's dance studio together. He was in his own studio, getting his stuff ready before his model arrived. The brushes were clean and dry in a jar, the easel has been pushed in front of his stool and the stool for the model was placed in the middle of the room. He put the last things on a table when he heard the doorbell. The male walked to the door and welcomed the young man.

"Glad you're here! Would you like something to drink before we start?"

The man, named Taecyeon, put his bag in the hall and took off his shoes. On his socks, he followed the blond boy to the set-up room. It was not the first time that he has modeled for artists but it was his first time going completely naked. Yesterday during the sketch he could still keep his boxer briefs on, but today he has to leave them behind and that made him a little nervous, especially with such a handsome young man in front of him.

"No thanks, my abs disappear if I take too much fluid. I did my best for you." Taecyeon gave Hyunjin a playful grin. The latter smiled shyly and sat down on his stool.

"When you're ready, can you take a seat and sit in the same position as yesterday?" Hyunjin brushed his hair from his face and tied it up. He grabbed some paint and started mixing, ignoring the man who stripped off is clothes.

"Like this?" The blond head snapped up and saw the young man sitting naked on the stool, a little uncomfortable now that nothing hid his private parts anymore.

Hyunjin looked from his sketch to the man and then stood up. "Can I?" he asked. Taecyeon nodded and followed the boy with his eyes. Standing in front of him, the artist began to move the model's arms and slightly change its position.

Taecyeon couldn't take his eyes off the handsome artist who was focused on positioning his body. He was professional, he must admit. If he was in his shoes, the temptation would be too much.

"We'll take a break in an hour, is that okay?" The man nodded again and Hyunjin took his place back behind his easel. He picked up a brush and immediately started painting.

Some music has been turned on—rap music from his friends—to keep the atmosphere in the studio comfortable. Hyunjin was not immune to naked men, especially when they are so toned, but his mind kept wandering off to earlier today. He felt guilty toward Felix. He shouldn't have snapped at him like that, it was completely unnecessary. A knot formed in his stomach and he knew he must call his friend to apologize.

An hour flew by and Hyunjin studied his result. He frowned at the brown hair he painted on his canvas. The model's was black.

 The model's was black

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