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The realization that Hyunjin's lips had been on his skin, sucking, kicked in a little too slow—just a little. And when it did, a red color crept onto his neck, making the hickey almost disappear, and flushed his ears to a very hot temperature. 

"You did what?" Minho's voice was almost inaudible. It was that there was no other sound in the room then their own breathing and that they were facing each other appropriately close that Hyunjin could hear it.

"Well, not on purpose! You know how handsy I get while I'm asleep." The dramatic expression on the blond was something very typical of him but the dancer was not having it. Not this time.

"Oh now you know how to use the word the right way in a sentence," Minho scoffed, trying to retrieve the burning sensation on his cheeks. He was not used to be flustered by this, especially not by his friend. 

"Oh shut up. I was dreaming and nothing more than that. I wasn't aware I actually did it.."

"—I feel...violated," Minho muttered, rubbing over the spot Hyunjin apparently had attacked when he was innocently asleep. Shouldn't you at least trust your friend? 

"Oh cut the crap. If this was some hot chick you would be telling me this three Christmases straight. You can use this as a good story to our friends." A pillow was shoved into Minho's face and even felt some kept pressure. This was not at all personal.

"You understand I most definitely will use this story. They will hear this, Hyunjin.." The voice of the brunet was muffled, still talking into the pillow. It was quickly removed when hearing those words as a clear threat. The blond was silent for a second, processing. He was called a babo by his friends for a good reason. Thanks to Minho, who started calling him that. Now Jisung couldn't shut up about it.

"You wouldn't," got out a little hesitant. He hoped the older was joking, punishing him because he gave him the hickey and teased him afterward. He shouldn't, but teasing Minho was like second nature to him. And he always got the aftermath but Hyunjin was slow-witted, he couldn't deny that.

The evil grin displaying on Minho's face said he would and his words, well, were the same, "Oh I would. Prepare yourself to make up for this in every way possible. Only then I will keep these lips sealed." He pulled his fingers to his lips and made a motion like turning the key in a lock. 

"I don't think we are friends anymore." Hyunjin now stuffed the pillow in his own face to contain himself from screaming. He knew very well how wicked the older one's brain was wired. The prank on Changbin was still vivid in everyone's mind, and especially Binnie's. It has been two years already but Changbin was still scared going to the toilet in the dark. That fake snake pouncing at him the second he opened the lid of the toilet still haunted him in his dreams. He really thought the toy was real and ran with his pants around his ankles back into the room where everyone was. It was Minho's birthday and he held the party at his home and, yeah, friends and family kind of tend to gather in one place on such a day. That Changbin was mortified was stating it mildly. 

"Really? You calling it quits after almost ten years? No best buds? Well then no bed buds either." Arms and feet were pressed against the tall body and shoved Hyunjin over the edge. As a last attempt, the artist tried to grab the covers, the mattress—something!—but still ended onto the cold floor with a 'hmpf'. 

 "You're starting already, huh? Fine. I'm FINE! Not fazed AT ALL. I'm going to get a shower and get out of your hair, sir." The blond scrambled up and bowed at Minho, taking his leave toward the bathroom. The door slammed shut and the lock got aggressively turned. "—Well in here you can do nothing!" he yelled through the wall and smacked it with a flat hand. 

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