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After the weighted words from Minho, ten minutes went by in complete silence. Hyunjin took the time to dry out his never-ending tears, not sure what to say anymore. He just can't wreck his mind over the thought of someone hating on the dancer. And that being his uncle from all the someone's it could have been instead.

Minho has been nothing more than sweet to Hyunjin since the day they met at school. Helped him with math. Stayed after school to shoot some hoops with the others while being terrible at it. He's the guy that lets you win without you knowing. A good-hearted man that puts others before himself.

And he's the same guy that looks completely broken. With slumped shoulders and red, puffy eyes plastered on his grandmother. It makes Hyunjin's bottom lip quiver all over again.

"Min-" The artist swallows the rest of his sentence when he hears and feels his phone go off in his back pocket. "Sorry," he whispers, glancing at the sleeping elderly. Hyunjin signs to Minho that he'll take the call outside and tiptoes as quickly out of the door.

The dancer looks at the door where Hyunjin just left. His emotions are all over the place at the moment, so he's not sure yet if he is relieved that everything is now out in the open. He knows Hyunjin will never judge him, but it still gnaws at him that there will be a small possibility that the blond will look differently at him, even if it's just the slightest bit. 

And he's not talking about blaming him. Minho can't phantom the thought Hyunjin would blame his ten-year-old self for what happened, even if he does so himself. No, he doesn't like the thought that the artist will view him as a sad person. Someone to be sorry for. That he will be walking on eggshells from now on.

His troubling thoughts evaporate when he feels his grandmother stir beneath his warm palm. Minho's head snaps away from the door and sees her eyes flutter open. Her warm brown eyes are opaque, missing the spark she always has. A sad smile trembles on his lips.

"Hey, halmeoni," he whispers, stroking her hair once more. "How are you feeling today?" Gently, he takes off her oxygen mask and shuts the machine down.

"Minho?" Her voice is groggy and dry from sleep. The brunet pours some fresh water into a cup. An arm directs her up from the small of her head and helps her take a few sips. He fluffs her pillows up and lets her lie down with her upper body slightly raised. "How long have you been sitting here? Why didn't you wake me?"

"I just got here, halmeoni, don't worry." Minho steadies his smile, pure fondness for the woman who practically raised him, shining in his eyes. "Did you sleep okay? Can I get you anything? Or need nurse Park?"

"Minho.." Her wrinkly hand lifts to cover his hand, her thumb swiping over the back. "You need to stop worrying about me so much. I'm old, yes, but that's life. And it has been a beautiful life. You've grown up into this handsome man, and I can't be more proud of you. You have to let it go." Minho's eyes well up. Her sweet, sweet face is nothing more than a blur. "You have to let go of the past. It's not your fault. And I'll keep saying it 'till my last breath as long as you are not forgiving yourself."

"Hal-" The brunet's voice cracks, tears seeping through, making him choke. "I.."

"No," she speaks firmly. "I don't want this feeling between us to be taken with when I'm gone. It will follow me, and it will haunt you. Please, try to let it go, for me, but most importantly for yourself. You deserve to be happy and guilt-free." 

"I am happy.." Happy. The word. The emotion. That feeling. It's directly linked to Hyunjin. His pretty face laugh-wrinkling eyes, and a bubbling voice. He is happy with his life right now. How things turned a whole 180 between him and his best friend. The happiness and love he's feeling flourishes in his chest, and roots into every cell of his body.

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