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↓↓ I have an announcement at the end, please read ↓↓

Hyunjin wakes up to the Thursday morning light seeping through the poorly closed curtains. The golden glow draws a diagonal line over his squinted eye, across his cheek, down his neck. His eyebrows knit together, followed by a soft hum deep in his throat.

"Shit," the artist curses when he hears the vibration of his phone and feels it move across the bedside table. With a swatting arm, Hyunjin tries to silence the disturbing factor of the still quiet morning.

Another curse slips through his lips as his phone continues to vibrate tauntingly. The blond gives a quick look at Minho who seems to be still too deep in his dream world. The brunet is with its back to Hyunjin, folded into the smallest possible ball.

With a final blow, he finally hits his phone. A sigh of relief leaves his body and deflates back into his pillow.

"Finally you pick up."

Hyunjin's eyes shoot wide-open. What was left of his sleep, that had still had a hold on him like a warm embrace, had now been knocked out of him in with only four words. Quickly, he turns to his other side and snatches his phone from the bedside table. Fifteen seconds tick by on his screen.

"Stop calling me!" Hyunjin whispers in his most menacing tone. His jaws locks and irritation bubbles through his veins to a boiling point.

"Why are you like this? Got out of the wrong side of the bed?" I'm still in bed.. It's fucking early, Hyunjin grumbles through his thoughts.

The laughing undertone makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He wants to throw something snappy back, but feels and hears someone waking up beside him.

"Who is it?" Sleep, still wrapped around Minho like a warm blanket, makes his voice all groggy. It immediately lets the artist slide his thumb over the red phone icon and tucks his phone under his pillow before turning back to the brunet.

"No one, a spam call that doesn't get the hint that I'm not interested in an internet subscription." The unpleasant feelings that dominates his body slowly fades away when he sees Minho's sleepy face. The dancer's warm stare feels like a healing balm on his skin. A smile tickles the corners of his mouth. Knuckles slide over Minho's cheek with the creases of his pillow imprinted on it. And a thumb sticks out to rub away a little crust from the corner of his eye.

"I hate that," Minho agrees, half suppressing his yawn, letting his eyes water. "How did you sleep?" The dancer now runs his warm hand over Hyunjin's body; up over his upper arm, his collarbone, following the softly curved line of the blond's elegant neck. Minho's palm cups under his ear, fingers weave into his tousled hair, and the thumb presses gently on the soft spot under his chin. Hyunjin swallows, pressing against the pad of the thumb. Minho's clear and natural dominance is tempered with the softness the dancer now exudes. Small eyes, a puffy face and bedhair. But Hyunjin feels the other one's energy clawing at his neck. It stirs something in him, if he's being honest.

It gnaws at Hyunjin, keeping things under wraps. Especially with Minho. And that look the other gives, makes him knibbel even deeper on his lower lip.

"I slept like a baby. Best sleeping pill ever." And he means it. He fell asleep like a log. Dreamless. Which doesn't happen often with the artist. Yesterday, after the workshop he gave, he ran headlong to Minho's place. It was clear the brunet was in need of a good hug, but to be honest, Hyunjin needed him just as much. He was having an off day, Wednesday, and the dancer's semi-naked and very hot body was all he needed. The hot bed session was of course a wonderful bonus. The thought back to their aching hard-ons rubbing against each other makes the blush turn back on the artist's cheeks.

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