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With entangled legs, Hyunjin lies on his stomach and Minho on his back. The small bed is forcing the dancer's whole arm and a part of his shoulder over the edge. Fingertips ghost over the carpet beneath the bed. A little twitch indicates he's waking up.

On the other side, the disheveled blond is buried nose-deep into his pillow. How he is breathing is a great question. One arm is folded underneath the pillow, the other outstretched on his side, his hand brushing Minho's thigh.

A soft knock on the wooden door makes the brunet stir. He's not ready to open his eyes yet, so squeezes them shut a little tighter.

"Minho, honey?" The low voice is followed by a face peeking through the created gap. "Breakfast is ready." Silently, she assesses the dark room. Teenage Minho's choice of hanging up black curtains is doing a great job of keeping the daylight out.

The dancer's mother smiles when she is finally adjusted to the darkness and recognizes the other body sprawled over the slim bed. The sheet lays bunched up and kicked away at their feet, they probably gotten too hot somewhere in the night.

Minho still refuses to let go of the warmth his dream is providing him. The dangling arm swings back onto his stomach, and then he turns on his right side to press himself against Hyunjin. The hand of the artist that was touching Minho's thigh just a second ago is now trapped between both of them, nestled against the brunet's groin.

"I'll come back in a few minutes," she whispers, the soft click of the door giving them back their privacy.

A pleasant feeling washes over Minho, creating a sleepy smile on his lips. His morning erection is the final alarm he needs to fully wake up.

The back of Hyunjin's hand gives a stimulant to his swelling dick. Uncontrollably, he gives short thrusts, enjoying the friction.

"You're such a romantic." Hyunjin's voice cracks and is muffled by the pillow. "Is this what my future is going to look like?"

Minho is not stopping, and Hyunjin is just teasing and unbothered by the hard wake-up call because he nudges his hand deeper against the dancer's groin.

Because of the awkward angle Hyunjin is in, he's not able to take action in his own hand-quite literally. But he pulls his face out of the pillow, getting too flushed by the sudden heat Minho is creating, and lays his head back down to face the wall.

There is something really hot about not seeing Minho but feeling him so well. His body, or just his hand, is getting used for the other's pleasure, and that makes Hyunjin even harder.

Rapid gushes of air tickle through the artist's hair, caressing the back of his neck. Minho keeps getting closer, never stopping his hips from bucking, and presses his chest against Hyunjin's shoulder and arm.

"If you let me." The raspy words are a belated answer to Hyunjin's question if this is what his future is going to be. It makes the blond's heart stammer, and then trip. "Then this will be us every day." -and off the cliff.

"Hyung~" Hyunjin's hips roll into the mattress to create his own blissful friction.

"Fuck, you're making me insane." With a skilled flip, Hyunjin lies on his back now with Minho on top of him. The dancer's firm thighs wiggle between Hyunjin's, forcing them apart. "I want to see you come."

"Here?" the blond exclaims but gets cut off by an unexpected moan when Minho thrusts his heavy erection against his own. He tilts his hips off the mattress to follow along with the pace Minho is holding.

"Yeah, just like that." The thickness of Minho's morning voice is amplifying the heat that is gathering in the blond's core. Stars are multiplying, the tiny points like needles pinching into his skin.

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