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A/N: Sorry for the wait! I know how annoying that can be. Enjoy the longer chapter <3

"How many of you need their backs tomorrow?" The short, freckled boy walks back in the music studio with still a grin plastered on his face. Hyunjin eyeballs him with suspicion, nerves boiling up. He's not sure where this is going, but knowing Felix for so long now, it's highly possible that it's going to bite Hyunjin in the ass. "I thought about a little crash party here. It's getting late and I'm in no mood to go home, in the cold—alone." Felix plops down back on the sofa next to Hyunjin.

Jisung gives the headset back to Chan and turns away from the laptop. The oldest follows the motion with a twirl in the desk chair and hooks an arm on Jisung's small waist along the way. With a far too feminine shriek, the youngest stumbles on Chan's lap. Trying to save himself, Jisung presses his palm between their bodies to help him get back up. But heat crashes on his cheeks when his palm is palming something.

"There is far too much going on in those seconds." A laugh rumbles in the corner of the small studio. Slumped on the far right of the sofa, Minho checks out his two friends through crescent shaped eyes, a big smile balling his cheeks upwards. He sees Chan nuzzling his smirking face in the crook of Jisung's neck hidden underneath the bright orange hoody. The color clashes with the fire red on the younger's face, making it all the more hilarious.

"I take dips on spooning Hannie!" Chan coos, his voice muffled against Jisung's skin. The grip on the smaller tightens, taking away all the air and fiery words Jisung normally has. He's completely flustered.

"I think Ji is in," Felix grins and then scootches closer to his taller friend. He puts up his most irresistible doe-like eyes. His small hands are on the other's leg and pats it. "And you? Important stuff to do tomorrow?" The corners widen into a creepy Cheshire all teeth grin, making Hyunjin shift uncomfortable on the sofa. He wants to say no, because no is so easy to say. But that face urges him to say yes, and that makes his palms sweaty. Hyunjin rubs them over his jeans with a conflict in his head. He's such an overthinker. Too many scenarios run through his mind what could happen if he says yes. And all of them includes Minho. Felix is on to something. He just knows it.

The long silence is Minho's cue to answer on Hyunjin's behalf. His arm drapes over the shoulder of the artist, letting his fingers play with material of the sweater. "We'll stay, right Hyunnie? I have to be at the dance school around eleven, so I'm okay with staying." Minho's hand flattens out against the artist's chest and pushes the blond against him. "Hm?"

Hyunjin doesn't need to see the brunet's face to know what kind of expression he's showing; one arched eyebrow, pulling the corner of his mouth up into a suggestive smirk. Knowing that and feeling the heat of the other radiate against the right side of Hyunjin's body, makes him turn into a hot puddled mess. And when Minho presses himself harder against his hip, letting him know and feel that his little lapdance has still an effect on the brunet, he looses all the connections in his brain.

Erratic, the artist gulps. His dry throat makes his words come out hoarse. "I-I don't know. I have—stuff to do tomorrow."

Felix looks at the two with a knowing smile. He's not sure if Hyunjin told Minho that he knows their relationship development, but if he doesn't, Minho clearly doesn't mind showing his affection while being with the others. It makes Felix happy and somewhat proud that the other feels comfortable with his friends to let go a little. And he really wants to let Hyunjin see for himself that it's okay what the two of them have and his friends would never judge him. So he pushes further.

"I understand.. do you want me to drop you off at the bus stop? The last one is leaving in fifteen minutes."

Confusion washes over Hyunjin's face, not sure what Felix is trying to do. And when Minho agrees, he deflates.

ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕃𝔸𝕌𝔾ℍ𝕊 ✔ ¨°ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ°¨Where stories live. Discover now