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With a soft grunt, there was a small movement in the long body of the blond. He still felt the after effects of his dream washing through his limbs. There was a tingling warmth just under his skin that sent a sleepy smile to his face.

A little disappointed that the pleasant dream had come to an abrupt end, Hyunjin opened his eyes. His vision was completely covered by Minho's face. He could  count the lashes individually if he wanted to. But he decided to make better use of his precious time by enjoying the sleeping face just inches away from him.

Minho's bed hair was messy, covering parts of his forehead and eyebrows. There was no skin-breaking frown or tugged down lips; he looked peaceful. His mouth was slightly open, wet with saliva that almost spilled onto his pillow. It took the utmost of Hyunjin not to wipe his thumb over the brunet's lips. And when the dancer scrunched his nose, Hyunjin pushed his front teeth into his lower lip. He could effortlessly, if he wanted to, rub his nose over the little mole on Minho's nose; an Inuit kiss to show his affection to the other.

Last night, an unknown button switched to on in his head that controlled a wiring in his body he wasn't aware of existed. Now that it was supplied with power, his body electrified at the smallest and above all silliest things that had to do with the man in front of him. Like seeing Minho's perfect nose move.

And one thing was definitely turned on this morning. Hyunjin felt his morning wood press against Minho's pillow. The dancer's pillow, normally wedged between his legs, was now sandwiched between the two bodies, and the blond was very grateful that the bundle of feathers acted as a barrier. He didn't know how he would have saved himself if his hard-on had been pressed against his friend's body. And most likely, Minho would no longer be so peacefully asleep.

Uncomfortably, the artist moved his hand under the covers to reposition his painful boner in his boxers, then froze when he no longer looked at the dark eyelashes fanned over Minho's skin, but at two sleepy, chocolate brown eyes.

No words were spoken between the two. Minho just stared at the other, seeming to process where he was and what exactly was going on. Then he felt the pillow between them and the leg of Hyunjin, who still managed to get across to wrap his ankle around that of the dancer's.

On the other side of the soft barrier, Hyunjin was still stiff with a hand he didn't dare to pull out of his underwear, afraid his friend might think wrong of him. That he jerked off next to a sleeping form, for example.

Pink crawled over his neck to his ears at that thought and the awkward situation he was in now. He preferred to be swallowed by the mattress and never come out again. His heart pounded uncontrollably against his rib cage, and he would believe it if Minho could hear it.

"I want to kiss you."

The ringing in Hyunjin's ears was so loud that he was sure not to have heard his friend properly. His body was completely against him, playing dirty games. Let him hear things he has been longing for so painfully these past few hours. He was on the brink of tears spilling over the edge, that's how fucked up his emotions were at the moment.

"May I kiss you?"

The question, which he heard so clearly now, turned him into a frenzy of desire. Yes. Yes! Oh god, yes! He couldn't help but think how Minho's lips would feel since their moment in the alley where the brunet had teased him to utter madness. He had then expected to get an answer about the taste of Minho's lips and how they'd kiss. Leading? Dominant? Soft? Caring? Waiting? Or a hysterical combination of everything?

Only then did Hyunjin realize that he had never answered the loaded question. He could feel the intensity bubbling up between them the longer he said nothing. But he didn't know how to answer this without sounding like a complete idiot. Therefore, he could only nod timidly.

But nothing happened. For a moment, the blonde thought his nod of consent was too invisible for Minho to see. That by not saying anything he had made it clear to his friend that he didn't want anything to do with him that way. Guilt was added to the heap of emotions which were already shoved down his throat. He swallowed, tried to get it down, but it was in vain.

Oh.. Oh! OH!

Minho crawled closer, eating away the last few inches between them, and tried to pull out the pillow that is kept them apart, but Hyunjin clawed onto it like it was his lifeline, keeping his last shred of sanity in check.

Their lips were so close that Hyunjin could  smell the fresh mint from Minho's breath, telling him they hadn't slept that many hours. The heat fanned over his lower lip, which he already unconsciously wet; an invitation to just kiss him in case his little nod earlier wasn't obvious enough.

Eyelashes weaved. Noses brushed skin. A pang to the left under his chest.

Every ringing alarm, silly thoughts, fear of his boner, rejection, craziness, everything disappeared in an instant when Minho finally pressed his lips to Hyunjin's. Pure bliss spread through his body like a warm wave. His head was numb, completely devoted to what happened between their lips, fully on their own accord. Hyunjin didn't even notice that the pillow between them had been removed and Minho had pulled his body flush against the other; hands cupping his nape with the thumbs on the artist's face, gently rubbing the sides and earlobes.

A hurricane swirled around Hyunjin's heart when the tip of his friend's tongue nudged against the seam of his lips. He opened his mouth and felt the other's tongue search directly for his target; his. An unintended moan slipped through their wrestling tongues. Minho responded to him by pressing his body harder against the blond's. The cautious, exploring kisses shifted into a more longing one. One hand of the dancer lets go of Hyunjin's hair and wandered over the shirt to feel his skin from below. The cold fingertips over his overheated skin provoked another moan into the brunet's mouth.

Goosebumps spread over his skin, hair rose on his arms and his nipples hardened as Minho's hand wandered over his chest. A staggering heart beat wildly against the warm palm when the dancer decided to keep it there during their little make out session.

Slowly but surely, Hyunjin regained control of the situation that unfolded so suddenly. He began to take more initiative between the two and rolled his tongue vigorously around the other. His own hands were apparently all this time on Minho's well-shaped chest, and he now consciously rubbed it. He felt small buds appear under his palms, following the route they took over the dancer's body. Muscles flexed beneath his touch. The brunet's stomach. His chest to his bicep. Over his shoulder to his sculpted back. Only then did Hyunjin feel a completely different muscle react to his fleeting touches. Only now did he realize that the pillow between them had disappeared and that his boner pressed against Minho's—that twitched to every new touch. The hardened heat against his flushed Hyunjin's cheeks into a deep crimson.

Kissing his friend was one thing but their excited crotches against each other was another. The distraction down there made him lose his dominating control over their tongues. Minho seemed to notice and stopped their kiss. He rushed out a breath, an indication that Hyunjin wasn't the only one who needed to catch his breath.

When Hyunjin gathered all his courage, he opened his eyes to see Minho's. Ten years, that was how long he knew his friend now. Still, he had never seen this look before. It was wild, lustful, yet kind. It was an incomprehensible mix that turned Hyunjin into mush in the dancer's strong arms. He never knew that he wanted so badly to be caged in the other's embrace. It felt so right.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for your precious attention towards my story! Really appreciate it. The votes, comments and messages were a true serotine boost! That's why there is this fast follow-up chapter. Let me know if you would like the next chapter to be in Minho's view of their first kiss or that you want to continue the story :)

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