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~A double update, because you guys deserve a good chapter, than that fucker-filled last chapter~

Flashes of blue dance over Minho's face when he finally gets out of the car; it's more a push and tumble-and forgetting his seat belt. Two police cars are parked in front of Hyunjin's apartment complex. Two policemen are in a conversation with each other next to their car, the other is vacant. They give him a quick look as he passes them in a fast jog towards the main door that is kept open.

Minho freezes. Descending from the stairs, stuck between the other two policemen, is Taecyeon. He's cuffed with a firm grip by the arm, but that doesn't brake his skin crawling smirk. And as if he feels being watched, he looks up. The grin widens to a full-on display of teeth.

"You filthy motherfucker!" When the man is in swinging range, Minho slams his fist on the other's jaw. "What have you done to him?!" Rage is consuming the dancer's body, urging him to go for another hit. Taecyeon just smiles, red staining his teeth. That same color is clouding Minho's rationality, letting the knuckles of his left fist bury in the man's cheek. Blood gets spit out right in front of the brunet's feet.

"Woa, woa, easy sir." Minho gets grabbed at his upper arms, creating distance between the men. Taecyeon doesn't waver, that stupid smile still plastered on his face.

"Nothing he didn't enjoy," he chuckles with blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. "Keep an eye on your pretty little thing, before you lose him out of sight again."

"Is that a threat?!" Minho is trying to find a way to get free from their grasp.

"Sir! -Shit, get him out of here!" The same policeman orders the other two holding the sociopath. They steer the man away from Minho to the police car. The brunet follows their movement until Taecyeon is thrown in the backseat and the door with tinted window is withholding him from seeing the man.

"Let me go!" He shrugs himself free from their grip and turns to them. "Is he upstairs?" They all know who he is and they nod, placing their arms along their body.

Minho's lungs feel like shriveled balloons when he's running the last set of stairs. He turns onto the hall landing, seeing the last door at the end being open. Everything slows in his mind when he walks towards that door. The hallway seems to stretch-out the farther the brunet goes. A never ending nightmare where Minho is trying everything in his power to get to Hyunjin.

When he finally reaches the door he slows to a halt. He's trying to compose himself before entering. Unclenching his fists and trying to loosen up his tense shoulders. He hears the voices of his friends talking about something, but his head is dipped underneath icy water; the words alien-like, drifting around him.

The dancer sucks in a deep breath, then rounds the corner.

Near the kitchen there is Chan talking to Jisung and Changbin. The oldest stops when he sees Changbin advert his gaze and turns around to face Minho. They don't say anything, just a crisscross of understanding.

Then his eyes land on the sofa in the living room. Jeongin is sitting on the armrest while Seungmin and Felix took the sides of Hyunjin. Both have a comforting hand on the artist his knees, their faces angled to his.

Hyunjin. Minho does a full body scan to search for any visible injuries. His eyes go up and down for the fourth time, but he can't see any bruises or red marks on his arms, neck or face. His blond hair is disheveled and a deep frown is pushing his eyebrows down. Minho follows the motion, it's until then he notices the dried up blood on the artist bottom lip.

Minho lets out a shaky breath. His lungs functioning little by little. It grasps the attention from Hyunjin who snaps his head up, no longer looking at his fumbling hands on his lap. He didn't seem to have cried, which comforts Minho in some way.

ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕃𝔸𝕌𝔾ℍ𝕊 ✔ ¨°ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ°¨Where stories live. Discover now