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A/N: Second update! If you haven't read 38 yet ♡

"I have two questions," Minho's voice sounds through the phone. Hyunjin sits on the ground with his back against the sofa. Felix lays on top of it, snoring. Jeongin found his bed in some miraculous way and Seungmin sits at the kitchen table; cheek on the surface, arms hugging the almost empty Gold Strike. "One: How drunk are you? Two: did you have fun?"

Hyunjin squints at the time on his screen but doesn't see much more than a blur.

"Like, I really, really want to kiss you right now drunk. And yes, I had fun. Missed this."

"That is my favorite type of drunk. I'm downstairs. Do you need me to come up?"

The blond tries to stand up. His weight leans onto the couch to get his feet beneath him and push himself up. He gets there, far from pretty, though.

"No, I think I'll manage. Give me a minute."

"No rush."

The connection is gone and Hyunjin wobbles his way through the dorm to gather his things, as quietly as possible. But drunks have a terrible sense of depth so it's with no surprise he hits his knee against the leg of the kitchen table.

"Wah?" Seugmin lifts his head off the table, his eyes kept close, and looks around him. Then he faceplants himself again and hugs the bottle a little tighter.

"Thanks for the amazing night, Seungminnie," Hyunjin whispers, rubbing painfully over his knee and tiptoes with his jacket under his arm and his shoes and phone in his other hand toward the door. It creaks open and he internally curses the door.

"Have fun," Felix croaks with a heavy voice. His arm lays splayed over his eyes, the other dangles off the couch.

"Felix shut the fuck up!" Hyunjin whisper-yells in a high voice, startled by the sudden demonic voice. Hot pink flushes his cheeks from the alcohol still active in his blood and the embarrassment that he gets called out again by Felix. "And stop eavesdropping on me."

"Love you too."

The blond manages to get downstairs without breaking something or himself. Through the glass windows of the double doors, he can see Minho looking at the dark sky with his back to him.

"Hyung." Hyunjin steps out. Minho turns around with his hands in his jacket pockets. He still wears his dance practice wear, with his hair down and fluffy, and the artist thinks he looks extremely handsome like that.

"Hey," the dancer says softly and closes the gap between them. "You good?" He eyes the rosy cheeks and the half-masted eyes. Then flicks his eyes down the blond's lips who are getting wetted by a cheeky tongue as we speak.

"Yeah," Hyunjin slurs a little and envelopes his arms around Minho's neck. "Missed you."

Fingers lace through brown hair and tug on them demandingly. Minho gets the hint and presses his lips on Hyunjin's. They taste of sweet alcoholic drinks and leftover cherry chapstick.

"How many did you have?" The dancer mumbles between kisses. "I think I can get drunk by just the taste of it."

"Let's," Hyunjin whispers back, eyes now fully focused on the other. "I want to make out with you while drunk."

A low, wanting grunt escapes Minho's throat and grabs Hyunjin by the waist to get them closer. "Not here. But heck yes." He steers the tipsy drunk off the university grounds back to his house.

They walk their way back, enjoying the soft spring night and each other's silence. Hyunjin's heavy head lays on top of Minho's shoulders with their fingers intertwined. It's a long walk of more than thirty minutes, but they both don't seem to mind.

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