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Glasses of beer were scattered on the table of the booth as time passed. There was a stack of Uno waiting to be finished between Felix, Chan, and Jisung. Their prying eyes glanced at one another from behind their leftover cards, waiting impatiently for the next move—and it was Felix's turn. With only three cards left, he laid down his card a little hesitant, scared of the outcome.

"Four!" Jisung smirked proudly, not having to draw two cards, and then shifted his eyes to Chan sitting to his left. Felix did the same, getting sweaty now because he had nothing left to fight against if Chan was going to give him a direct blow.

The excruciating silence broke, "Take six!"

Felix immediately turned into a ball of nothing and threw himself into Changbin who was in a conversation with Minho next to him, and his startle made it very clear that he was not a spectator of their game.

"Hyung~" Felix whined with a tipsy slur in his voice. His fingers curled into the hem of Changbin's short sleeve and started tugging, forcing his friend's full attention.

"What's up, kiddo?" he grinned at the flushed pink on the blond freckled cheeks. "Is Chan being merciless again?" The younger nodded with a pout. "—Do you want me to win for you?" Another nod and a very bright smile. Eagerly, he gave his two cards to Changbin and grabbed six more from the deck.

"Wah, no!" Jisung sputtered. "That's not fair!" He hovered over the table and tried to snatch the cards out of Changbin's hold between the half-empty glasses.

"Fuck off, Sungieboy, he's clearly on the verge of being drunk. Are you that desperate to win?" A smack on the hand made Jisung collect it back and knitted his brows in annoyance. 

"As if.. Bring it on Bin!"

In the meantime, Seungmin stood and grabbed another chair to sit next to Jeongin so he could have an easier conversation with his school friend. He was not the type to shout over a very heated Uno game.

Minho's eyes trailed to the left where he now found an empty spot beside Hyunjin. The tall blond had his eyes set on the polaroids and took one of the photo's off to have a better look at it.

"That's my favorite." The low voice sent a direct shiver over Hyunjin's neck and raced down his spine. He was too far away in his own thoughts to hear or see the brunet take a seat next to him as he watched very closely at the photo between his thumbs.

"Really? W-why?" Hyunjin invisibly cursed himself for the irregularity in his voice. The presence of Minho so close to him—because the booth is not meant for four bodies—and the scent of his perfume he could recognize in an instant, made him turn into mush. 

"Because you are so happy here, it makes me happy," was the brunet's simple answer and his dark brown eyes lingered on Hyunjin. The latter was not sure what was happening to him and looked at the empty beer glasses on the table and thought of how many of them were his. He did feel the buzz of the alcohol in his head but he was not sure that was the sole reason he was reacting so stupidly right now.

"—Oh." That was it, there wasn't more he could muster to say as the heat started to itch the back of his neck. At that very moment, he was very happy his hair was long enough to cover his neck, and the hood of his sweater covered the rest. 

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