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Gerard's POV

I'm not gonna lie, I never thought I would see this day.

When Bert showed up at the hospital and forced me to go with him, I knew that this time, I was truly going to have to break myself out. I wasn't going to let Bert win. Never. So for almost two years, I had been planning my escape.

I knew I would have to gain Bert's trust. I had to make him believe that I wouldn't run away if I were given the chance. I had to pretend that I liked him. I had to go places with him, and be his "boyfriend". When he left he took me to New York which, luckily, I was actually familiar with. He flaunted me around the city, and he never let me out of his sight. But that was okay, I didn't need long to put my plan into play.

The whole time I was with him I was sitting, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. In my time with him something that got me through it was remembering the times I spent with Vic and Kellin.

And I said to myself, what would Vic do? And well, Vic would stab that bitch until he bleeds out. And I wasn't afraid to do that. Just... in a different way.

In New York City we went by different names. Nobody knew either of our true identities, for obvious reasons. Nobody here knows who I really am, and if Bert's dead body is somehow found in our shared apartment, how're they gonna track me?? I'm not, "Adam Michaels," I'm Gerard Way. But luckily, nobody knew that.

I waited and waited for the perfect moment to take Bert off guard. And I knew exactly how I was gonna do it.

Bert was still using hard drugs, but I refused to let him force me to do it this time. Anytime he would try I would fight it, I never let him break me.

But when he used heroin at home, he would barely even be present at all. It wouldn't be hard for me to slip a little something in his drink that'll make sure that this time, he never wakes up again.

And that I did. I made sure that he was truly dead, and at the first opportunity, I ran.

I ran out onto the streets, wandering around until it was early enough for me to buy the quickest train ticket out of there.

And when I got to Jersey, I knew to come here. I didn't know if Frank still lived at our apartment, but I knew he would never quit here.

When I walked in and saw him and Kellin behind the counter, I couldn't even talk. For some reason, I didn't actually expect to see him here. But here he was, and it was as if I was frozen.


I wanted to move towards him, but I was frozen. But that was okay, cause Frank came to me.

He practically leaped over the counter, and he buried himself into me in a hug.

I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was crying. And honestly, it made me cry.

For the first time in a long time, I was crying tears of joy. Not pain, not heartache, joy.

I hugged him back so tightly, not wanting to even let go.

My hand slipped into his hair as I comforted him while he cried, Kellin waiting patiently for the two of us to pull away. 

When Frank finally pulled away from the hug, he put both of his hands on my face, caressing my cheeks and admiring me for a moment before he leaned in for a passionate kiss.

I kissed him back just as passionately, if not more. God I'd wanted to do this for so long, and for a while, I thought I would never get to again. If it wasn't for Frank, I don't know if I would've had the strength or courage to make it out of there. But not a day went by where he wasn't on my mind. 

When we pull away from the kiss I see Kellin messaging someone on his phone, and I can't help but wonder if it was Vic. I needed to see him, needed to tell him how much I appreciate what he tried to do for me before. 

"I-I, I can't believe you're here.." Frank said weakly, "I-I thought, that I'd never-"

"Hey, shh" I cut him off, pulling him back in for another comforting hug. "It's ok, I'm here now, and I'm safe. And nothing is ever gonna take me away from you again."

"How are you here?" Kellin then asks lightly, "Are you okay talking about what happened?"

I take in a breath, thinking about his question and how to answer it. But as I do so, the door opens up behind us.

"Holy shit, Gerard-" Vic says, his eyes wide as he looks me up and down. "Kellin said you were here I had to come see you for myself, oh my god man are you alright??" 

I let out a small laugh at his words. "Well, you got here fast. I'm fine now, better than fine actually. I feel.." I trail off, realizing that I'd never truly felt happy since Bert took me. "I feel happy," I say with a small smile.

"So, what happened Gee?" Frank asks me lightly, "Where's Bert??"

I can't help but smile lightly at his words as I realized once again that he was truly gone, and that he was never gonna hurt me again.

"Yeah, if he's around I need to know so we can finally deal with him proper-" Vic starts, but I cut him off.

"Bert's dead," I say simply, causing silence to fall over the room.

"Like.. dead dead?" Kellin asks for clarification, and I let out a breathy laugh. 

"Yes. Dead dead," I confirm.

"W-what happened?" Frank asks, confused.

"I, uhmm..." I trail off, "I kinda poisoned him? And once I was sure he was dead I got out of there as quickly as I could and found the fastest train route here. And I didn't know if you'd still live in our apartment, but I knew you'd never leave here, so.. here I am" I explain, and I see Vic's jaw drop.

"You killed him??" Vic asks, "Holy shit Gerard that's badass, I've been trying to kill that bastard for years and you did it.."

"I had to," I admit. "There wasn't a day that passed where I didn't think of you guys, and even if I just ran away I knew he would find me again. I had to kill him. I had to.."

"It's ok Gerard," Kellin comforts. "You did what you had to do, and ultimately you did the right thing. Now he'll never hurt you, or anybody else again."

"I-I know," I say, "it was just so scary.."

"Well, now you have our protection again Gerard," Vic says reassuringly, "you'll never have to do anything like that again. It's over."

I look down at Frank still in my arms and I can't help but feel so overwhelmed with joy right now. I had made it back. I was finally where I belonged again, and nothing could change that.

I lean down and give Frank another passionate kiss, putting all my pent-up emotions into it and hugging him close.

I was finally home. 


Heyyy I know it's been months since I said I was continuing this but here you go 💀 I am planning on doing a couple more chapters just to give you guys some happy gee and frank content :) yw 

- Max <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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