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Gerard's POV

After Vic and Kellin left our house last night, Frank and I began theorizing on what they were hiding.

It was obvious that they somehow knew who Bert was, but how?

Frank's theory was that they were working for him, or are still working in his little gang. I don't believe that, however.

My first thought was that one of them dated him at some point, but that doesn't necessarily make sense. Bert did go to the same school that Kellin, Vic, and I all went to together, but Kellin and Vic had been together for the entirety of High School. If one of them dated him, it was a really long time ago.

So then I came up with another theory.

One of them is somehow related to him.

I mean, one of them has to be. There's no way one of them dated him, or was friends with him. And I don't really believe that either one of them could be in some sort of mafia or gang thing, either.

But, I also don't want to push them too much. It really seemed like neither of them wanted to talk about it, so I'm not going to pressure them.

But I'm going to figure it out somehow. With, or without their help.


It was now Thursday, another day in which I had off.

Frank kissed me goodbye and went off to work, so I waited a couple minutes for him to be out of my sight before I also left the house.

I didn't tell him where I was going, because I figured he would tell me if was an awful idea.

And yes, he may be right, but it's worth a shot.

Nothing bad could really happen. I mean, the worst thing that could happen is that I don't get the information that I want. Not that big of a deal.

But, if I take the risk, then I could. And that's what's important.

So, once Frank is out of sight, I grab my car keys and my phone and walk outside to my car.

I unlock it and get it. But once I do, I sigh as I rest my head on the top of the steering wheel.

Am I really going to do this? Is this really the smart thing to do?

'Fuck it' I think as I put my keys in the engine. 'What could go wrong?'

Frank's POV

Work today had been nice. It's slow, but not too slow. So, steady I guess.

I'm working with Adam today, so I took this as an opportunity to try and put in a good word for Kellin.

"So Adam." I start as I'm sorting through some new-arrivals.

"So Frank" He responds, not looking up from the computer he was sat in front of.

"I noticed that you've been complaining about working a lot." I say nonchalantly.

He pauses his typing for a just a second before he restarts again. "Uh huh."

"Maybe you should hire another person." I suggest. "That way you won't have to work as much."

"It's not that easy to find someone who's willing to work here, Frank. I mean, before you, it was just me and Ray. Not a lot of people want to work here." He explains.

"Well, what if I told you that I found someone who did?" I ask.

That gets his attention. He stops typing and turns his chair around, looking me in the eyes.

"You're not fucking with me?" He asks.

"I'm not fucking with you." I confirm.

He looks me up and down and then sighs. "Well, then why didn't you start with that?"

"I don't know, I wanted to see if you were even looking to hire somebody before I asked you." I explain.

"Well, tell this person to come in for an interview tomorrow at 2. I'll talk to them, and I'll probably give them the job. As long as they're not psycho or something."

"I promise you, they're not." I smile.

"Good." He says as he turns back towards the computer. "Now get back to work. Those records aren't going to sort themselves."

"Yeah yeah, okay." I joke as I look back down at my stack of records, getting distracted when I hear the bell ring that signals that someone has walked in.

"Welcome to Jersey Records." I greet, looking up.

Then I feel myself start to grow nervous.

It was the guy who gave me his number last time he was here, Ronnie.

"Uhm, if you uh, need anything ask the guy by the computer." I say, pointing towards Adam. "I-I'm going on break-"

"Wait!" He says, stopping me before I could leave.

"Y-yeah?" I ask, feeling my heartrate pick up. I really don't like rejecting people.

"I don't know if you remember this, or if you even saw it, but last time I was here I thought you were cute, so I gave you my number. I never got a text back, so I was just wondering if it was... I don't know, something I did?" He gets out, and it looks like he's also nervous.

"Oh no no no, it's nothing like that." I say with a slight awkward laugh. "It's just that, I already found my soulmate, so I'm not looking for anyone new."

"Oh." He says, and I can tell that he's disappointed.

I can't help but feel bad for him. But, at the same time, I don't.

I have Gerard, and I don't need anybody else. Especially not random ass dudes that I don't even know.

"I'm sorry." I say, breaking the semi-awkward silence.

"M-maybe we could just, I don't know, be friends?" He asks hopefully.

"I don't think my boyfriend would like that." I answer honestly. "And I don't know if I'd really be okay with it either."

"Well, your boyfriend doesn't have to know." He says, and that immediately puts me off.

"You're making it sound like I'm cheating on him. I'm not. And I don't really need friends right now. Maybe, in the future, when you don't care about me in that way anymore, we can try." I say, completely giving him false hope. "But for now, I need you to stop talking to me before I get my manager."

"Okay." He says with a small smile. "Until next time."

"Bye." I say with a forced smile.

The second he walks out I'm taking a deep breath.

He kinda freaks me out.

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