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Gerard's POV

"Shiit, yall weren't fucking around?" Frank asks once again.

"No Frank, we wouldn't lie to you guys." Kellin tells us. 

A couple seconds later someone comes through the back door. I see Jamie reach for something, presumably his gun, before he relaxes as he sees the persons face.

"That's Nick." Vic motions with his head, and Nick waves.

"Hey guys" he greets. And then, something clicks in my head.

"Wait, Jamie and Mike.. oh my god." I say, my eyes widening.

"Frank I know how to prove for sure that they're not lying. Vic, when we were at Brendon's house you left the group to take a phone call. I happened to overhear part of it and you were mad at Mike and told him that Jamie was in charge that night. Then you said you wanted to protect someone..." I trailed off. "It was us, wasn't it." 

"Yeah..yeah it was you guys." Vic admits, and then suddenly his facial expression turns into one of panic. I look around and Vic, Kellin, Jamie, and Nick all looked nervous.

"Frank, I need you to get behind this counter and take over for me for a second." Kellin says, hopping over the counter.


"Please just do it. And Gerard, come with us." 

"What?! No, we're not separating." Frank says stubbornly.

"Frank, someone from our rival gang is about to come into the store. If he sees us, you could get caught in a crossfire." Vic says. "We won't hurt Gerard. Just please, get behind the counter."

"Fuck, fine." Frank says as he switches places with Kellin, everyone in Vic's mafia huddling into the back room as Kellin drags me with them.

Jamie locks the door and we all sit around the security cameras, watching closely.

"How did you guys know?" I question. 

"Mike saw him on the street heading this direction. My guys have been watching him for a while and they know that he comes here every so often. He comes here to taunt Frank, but he's not going to hurt him." Vic tells me.

"How do you know that?" I ask weakly.

"If things change, we're all right here. And none of us will hesitate to shoot him if he tries anything." Nick tells me. 

A middle aged man then walks through the door of the shop, and I see Frank flinch back.

"God, I fucking hate Radke." 


Frank's POV

My breathing hitched as I saw the guy who was supposedly in a gang walk through the door.

It was the fucking dude who gave me his number. Of course it was. Fucking, Ronnie I think?

"Oh hey! I'm glad it's you working. Last time it was some other guy, and he wasn't quite as interesting to look at as you are." He smirks. 

"How can I help you?" I ask, trying to avoid that subject matter altogether.

"Well, you could get on your pretty little knees for me and suck me off." He says cockily.

"I will call my manager and get you banned from this store permanently." I threaten. 

"Oh, you're not gonna do that sugar." He says, and I shiver in disgust.

He then does something I didn't expect. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at my head.

Gerard's POV

"Fuck it, I'm going out there-" Jamie says, but Vic's iron grip on his wrist stops him.

"Don't." Vic says sternly. "Mike is on the roof of the building across the street. He's got a gun aimed right at Ronnie's head, and on my command, he'll shoot." 

"Won't that start a war?" Nick asks. 

"It doesn't matter, just as long as Frank doesn't get hurt." Vic says, and despite the situation, I smile. Vic really did care about us.

But then, I look at the security camera.

Frank looked terrified, and it was all my fault. This was the second time he had been held at gunpoint. And it was my fault.

Ronnie then started to move closer to Frank.

The cameras didn't have audio, but whatever he said to Frank had him quivering in fear.

Frank then walked around to the other side of the counter and got on his knees in front of Ronnie, tears streaming down his face.

Ronnie then went to unzip his pants and I gagged. 

Vic looked furious as he figured out what was going on. He then started talking into his watch.

"Mike. Squeeze that fucking trigger." 

All of the sudden a gunshot was heard, and I watched the camera intensely.

I saw Ronnie's body fall to the ground as glass shattered around Frank and Ronnie. The bullet went straight through the window, right into the side of Ronnie's head. Frank backed up quickly and started running his hands through his hair.

"Gerard, go out there and comfort Frank. Then, call the police."

"What?" I questioned. 

"Kellin's a tech wiz. He's gonna erase the security camera footage altogether. The police will assume that whoever shot Ronnie cut the cameras. I need you to tell them that Ronnie was suddenly shot out of the blue from outside. The police with believe you if you're convincing enough. Now go comfort your boyfriend. Mike and Oli will be outside watching you." Vic explains.


"When you go home there'll be three guys in your apartment. Rem, Em, and Sebastian. They are there to protect you." Kellin explains. 

"Now go Gerard, go."

Everyone started to flood out the back doors, but Kellin stayed behind.

"Aren't you leaving too?"

"I have to delete this footage real quick. It'll take me like a minute, I'll be long gone by the time the police get here." He says as he sits down at the chair in front of the computer running the cameras. 

I then run out of the back room and run towards Frank, seeing him curled up in the corner crying and hyperventilating.

"Hey baby, look at me." I say quietly and slowly.

His eyes blink up towards me and I smile. 

"There we go, are you okay?"

"I-I t-thought they w-weren't gonna s-stop him-"

"Hey hey, shh baby it's okay. Kellin and Vic will always be there for us from now on okay? Now, I'm going to call the police. Kellin erased the security footage and they left. I need you to let me do the talking when the police get here okay?" 

"I-is he d-dead?" Frank asks, and I take a glance over at Ronnie.

I didn't see his chest moving at all. He was definitely dead.

"I don't know baby. I'm sorry for putting you through this." 

"I-it's okay. J-just please hug me?" 

"Of course." 

Eternally Yours - Frerard -Where stories live. Discover now