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Frank's POV

Gerard and I were laying in bed, scrolling on our phones as we both came down from our high.

"You think Remington heard us?" Gee asks quietly. 

"I don't know, maybe. If he did, I feel bad." I laugh slightly.

It's back to silence after that, until I finally blurt out what was on my mind.

"What if we run away?" I say suddenly.

"What?" Gerard asks, clearly taken aback by my question.

"What if we run away?" I repeat. "We could leave this whole town behind, shit, even this state behind. We could move to fucking California or something, I don't know. Just somewhere where we don't have to live like this."

"Live like what?"

"In constant fear of our lives? Having these people constantly guarding us 24/7 like we're royalty or something. I just want to be able to walk outside, with nobody guarding me, and have no fear that I'm going to be kidnapped or killed." I explain.

"Frank, this is all my fault. No matter where we go, Vic or Bert will find us, and this will start all over again. Vic is the leader of a fucking mafia, and Bert is determined to get his revenge. They will find a way to figure out where we are. There's no escape to this life. And I'm sorry I'm putting you through this." 

That's when words started coming out of my mouth before I could think about them.

"You know what? You're right. This is your fucking fault. It's all your fucking fault. I was kidnapped, and almost damn near killed because of you and your stupid ex boyfriend. You're the reason that we can't leave the house like normal people, and you're the reason that Bob got shot!" I say angrily.

Silence immediately fills the air, like Gee was too shocked to say anything.

"I can't be in this house right now. I'm leaving. And no. You can't come with." 

I walk out of the bedroom and into the living room, seeing Remington immediately get off the couch as he noticed my anger.

"Woah woah hey, what's going on?"

"I'm leaving." 

"Well I have to come with you-"

"If you fucking follow me I'm calling the cops and telling them what you, and everyone else in your little mafia does for a living. So please, for just once, leave me the fuck alone." I say angrily. 

Remington backs up immediately, letting me leave without a question.


Gerard's POV

I...can't believe he just said those things to me.

Is that how he really feels? Does he blame this whole thing on me?

Remington then runs in the room, looking very panicked.

"I'm leaving, I have to chase after Frank. Emerson will be up here in a couple minutes, lock your bedroom door until he gets up here okay??"

"O-okay." I say, watching him leave the room as I get up and lock the door.

I still can't believe he said those things about me.

I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes as I collapsed onto the bed, sobbing into my own pillow.

Does he even love me anymore? 

Doesn't he know how guilty I feel about this already? Why would he say those things to me when he knows how I feel..

I decide that I should probably let Vic and Kellin know, so I grab my phone and call Kellin.

It only rings one time before he answers.

"Gee? What's going on, are you okay?!"

"I-I don't know." I say, trying my best to speak with my choked up throat.

"It's okay Gee, just breathe. What happened?"

"F-frank got mad at me. H-he said this whole thing was my fault, a-and that If it weren't for me h-he wouldn't have to live this way. Then he ran out of the apartment and I think Remington is trying to track him down. He said he was going to send Emerson up here, b-but I haven't heard him come in yet." 

"Is the door to the room you're currently in locked?"


"Stay where you are. Vic and I are coming to get you, I'm sure Remington and Sebastian can find Frank and calm him down. If Emerson doesn't come up there within the next couple of minutes please let me know. We can't lose one of our guys."


"We'll be there super fast Gee, don't even worry about it."

"I-it's not that I'm worried about." 

"Well, what are you worried about then?"

"I-I don't think that- that Frank likes me a-anymore." I manage to get out between sobs.

"Oh Gee..." Kellin says sympathetically.

"H-he seemed really mad at me, a-and he's never yelled at me like that before. W-what if he doesn't like me anymore, a-and he turns you guys in??"

"Gee, that won't happen. You and him are meant to be, nothing in this universe can break that bond. He was probably just angry, and took it out on you. He still loves you. I promise."

"H-how can you promise that?" I ask quietly.

"Because Vic and I went through the same thing. I yelled at him when I found out what he did for a living. I was really mad at him, even though I knew we were soulmates. I ran away from him, but of course, he ended up finding me. I was angry, but then I realized I was wrong. I was wrong to be mad at him when he cared for me so deeply. I promise you, Gee, he will come back. And everything will turn out okay." 

"A-and what if it doesn't?" I ask. "How am I supposed to live the rest of my life knowing that my soulmate walked away from me?"

"That won't happen."

"B-But what if it does?"

Kellin was silent for a moment before he spoke.

"If that happens, I will personally kill Frank myself." 

I laugh slightly, wiping away some of the stray tears from my eyes.

"If he really leaves you forever because your psycho ex won't leave you alone, then you don't deserve him. Soulmate or not. But, I know for a fact that he'll come crawling back. Because, I'm gonna be honest with you Gerard, you're the whole package."

I smile just slightly, but even that small smile was enough to make me feel better.

"Thank you Kellin."

"Of course Gee. I'll always be here for you." 

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