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Gerard's POV

Pulling up to the building started to make me nervous.

I got out of my car and walked in, and everything started to settle in. 

I nervously walked up to the desk and waited for the lady to acknowledge my existence, and once she did, I took a deep breath.

"I'm here to visit an inmate."


"My name or the inmates?" I ask, but she doesn't seem amused.

"The inmate."

"Oh, uhm, Bert McCracken." 

She eyes me for a second before she looks back down at her computer and starts typing. 

"Your name?"

"Gerard Way."

"Please sit down. They'll call you up in a second." The receptionist says.

I only nod in response, sitting at one of the chairs furthest away from her.

I can feel my leg bouncing, and I'm not even doing in intentionally. I only noticed it when the person sitting next to me started talking to me. 

"Hey, can you like, not fucking do that? It's extremely annoying."

"Sorry." I mumble as I avoid eye contact. 

"Gerard Way?" Someone calls, and I stand up.

"Follow me." They say simply, and so I do.

They eventually lead me to a room, and stop outside of it.

"Bert is in here. He is handcuffed by one hand to the desk, so he cannot get up, or hurt you. I will be standing outside of this door, but I will not be listening. There are cameras, though, so if he tries to do anything to you, we'll have it recorded." They explain. "You have ten minutes, and then I will come in and escort you out. However, you can leave at anytime."

"Okay." I say with a nod. "Thank you." 

"No problem." They say as they open the door for me.

I walk in slowly, and Bert's face immediately lights up as he sees me.

The police officer closes the door behind me, and my heart about drops into my stomach.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Geebear." Bert says with a sick smile, and my whole body cringes at that nickname coming out of his mouth.

"No." I say semi-quietly. "I am not your Geebear." 

"But, it sure does look like you came back, doesn't it?" He smirks. "Did you come to your senses and realize that I'm much better than your little Frankie?" 

"God no." I cringe. "I came here searching for information, and you're going to give it to me."

"Oooh, demanding huh? I like it. Maybe I should've let you top me-"

"Shut up." I say cutting him off, but he's not listening.

"Does Frankie top you? God I bet he can't make you feel half as good as I can."

"Shut up!" I say more forcefully this time, and he backs off just slightly. "How do you know Vic Fuentes and Kellin Quinn?" 

He laughs as he looks me straight in the eyes. "I'll tell you.. if you give me something in return." He says suggestively.

"W-what?" I ask, and he motions for me to come closer.

I hesitantly walk forward until I'm right in front of him, and with his free hand, he sneaks it into my hair and pulls me down so I'm looking him in the eyes, and then he gently runs his fingers through my hair. 

"Have sex with me."

"I-In your dreams." I say weakly.

He only smirks. "Don't act like you don't want to. I know you, Gee. I know all the little things that drive you absolutely crazy, and I know just how to make you fall apart. Don't you want to feel so good?" 

He's starting to lean forward, and that's when I realize what he's doing.

It takes all my strength to slip out of my submissive-like state from my hair being messed with, but I know I need to. I use both my hands to pull his hand off of my head, and then I back up quickly, out of reach from him.

He didn't like that.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asks angrily.

"Y-you were going to k-kiss me." I say, backing up slowly.

"And?" He questions, and I felt sick to my stomach.

"If you're not going to give me the information that I want...I-I'm going to leave." I say

"All you have to do is have sex with me darling." He says with a twisted smile. "Then I'll tell you what you want to know."

"I won't." I say confidently.

"But you want to." He throws back at me smugly.

"I don't." I say sternly. "And I'm leaving. I don't know why I thought coming here was a good idea."

"I do." he says just as I'm about to leave the room. And for some reason, it makes me stop.

"Your subconscious misses me. As much as you don't want to admit it Geebear, you miss me. You want me so bad, that you're making up any excuse to come and see me. Wanting to know how I know people that we went to HighSchool with together? Seems like instead of thinking about the question clearly, you jumped straight to wanting to see me."

I stare at him blankly for a second before I leave the room, not saying anything else to him.

We all went to HighSchool together! Duh! Why didn't I fucking think about that?

I guess it was just the fact that Kellin and Vic were so quick to push it to the side, I figured it was something bad.

But maybe it wasn't. Maybe I'm just paranoid. 

Maybe I'm just stupid.

Or maybe...Bert's right.

"You okay?" The police officer asks me, and suddenly I'm brought back to the real world.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I"m good."

"Alright, I'll guide you back up to the front."


I get into my car and drive home, but I can't stop thinking about what Bert said right before I left.

My subconscious misses him.

Is that true?

No, of course that's not true. He's trying to get inside my head and make me think that I miss him. But I don't.

He almost killed Frank. He kidnapped him, and he wanted to kidnap me. He's an awful, toxic person, and I don't miss him. My life's been so much better now that he's gone, and I won't crawl back to him again.

He doesn't control me.

He doesn't own me. 

And he never will. 

Eternally Yours - Frerard -Where stories live. Discover now