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Gerard's POV

"What do you think, we're stupid?" Frank asks angrily.

Far from it, actually.

"We're not leaving this apartment." Frank states.

What does Gerard want?

Frank looks over at me and I freeze. I don't even know what I want.

Gerard, I would never hurt you. You know that. If I wanted to hurt you I would've done it a long time ago. Just please, trust me?

Frank leans over me and presses the mute button on the phone, meaning that Kellin can't hear us.

"You're not seriously considering this are you??" Frank asks, and I don't say anything.

"You really think it's a coincidence that they happen to show up here in this town, know Bert, and happen to need to leave Brendon's house right as the police arrive at the same time Bert escapes?"

I then feel my own eyes go wide. "Holy shit you're right."

"Yeah I know, so hang up the phone." He says as he tries to grab it, but I snatch it before he can.

"No no, I mean...you're right, but you're wrong." I say as I get up and start pacing around the room.

"What the fuck are you talking about??" Frank questions angrily.

"I'm talking about the fact that Kellin and Vic were at Brendons that whole night. We were outside, right by the cars. If they left, we would've seen them or heard them if they left. I don't think they're out to get us, I think it's quite the opposite." I explain. "I think they're like Bob. That's why they freaked out when the police were here, because they were in Bert's gang at one point, and because Bert got out, they assumed the cops were there for them."

"How would they know that Bert got out at all?"

"That's the part I haven't figured out yet." I answer honestly. "But if I'm right about this, they're not gonna hurt us."

Uhm, hello? I hear from the phone in my hand. I totally forgot Kellin was still on the phone.

I hit unmute and I take a deep breath.

"Where do you wanna meet up?"


Convincing Frank was the easy part. The hard part, however, was convincing Pete.

"Pete, I'm telling you, they're not gonna hurt me-"

"That's what they want you to think!" He says quickly, cutting me off.

"That's what I said." Frank mutters, and I look over at him.

"Who's side are you on here?!" I ask, and he shrugs. "I guess I'm Switzerland, I dunno."

"You can't be fucking Switzerland, come on Frank. You know just as well as I do that this is a huge possibility." I tell him.

"Possibility is the important word in that sentence. Because that means there's also a possibility that you're wrong. And we just can't take that risk Gerard." Pete states, Mikey staying completely silent.

"What do you think Mikes?" I ask him. "Or are you 'Switzerland' too."

"Well, my honest opinion is that you're an adult, Gerard. If you want to go, then go." He says nonchalantly.

"Mikey!" Pete exclaims. "Are you insane??"

"Pete, I was with Kellin and Vic all night. They never left the house. There's no way they could've broken Bert out of prison if they were with me. And plus, I grew up with them. They were my High School friends, and I know what they're capable of. Kidnapping and killing are not on the list."

"Thank you!" I agreed, throwing my hands up in emphasis.

"Fine." Pete snapped. "But just know, that if you die or get kidnapped, I am not coming to save your stupid ass."

I flinch back at his reaction, and his face immediately softens.

"Shit Gee, I'm sorry. I just...don't want you to get hurt." He apologizes.

"Then please, trust me on this one, okay?" I ask and he nods.

"I-I'm sorry." He sniffles. "I didn't mean to snap on you like that."

"I know." I comfort him.

"Now, I'm going to visit Kellin. Frank, are you coming with me?"

"Of course. I'm not letting you come alone." He says as he gets up.

"Why can't I just come with you?" Pete questions.

"Kellin said he couldn't tell us, and literally said it had to be in person. I imagine they're just embarrassed by the fact they were tricked by Bert and don't want anyone else to possibly hear it." I explain.

"So when you come back, you're not even gonna tell us what their secret is?" Mikey asks, confused.

"Depends on what it is. If it's really serious, I might. But if it's more personal, I'll decide if it's worth it."

"Okay. Just, please, be safe? I don't want to lose either of you." Mikey tells us.

"I promise you, we will make it back just fine."


Kellin wanted to meet us at Frank's work, the Jersey City Records. He was working by himself today, and he said it would be the least suspicious place.

He also mentioned the fact that we had cameras, but no audio, so nothing we said would be recorded.

As Frank drove to his work, I grew more and more nervous.

Why did he feel the need to mention that there wasn't any audio with the cameras?

I started to worry that maybe he actually was going to tell us some sketchy shit, but I quickly pushed that thought out of my head.

When we arrived at the store, Frank turned off the car and looked at me.

"Are you sure about this? We could turn around right now and go back home."

"I'm sure."

We both got out of the car and walked in the building, seeing Kellin standing behind the counter, Vic standing on the customer side.

"Hey guys." Kellin greeted awkwardly, and Frank went straight into questioning mode.

"Alright let's cut to the chase here, what the fuck is up with you two."

They look at each other before Kellin sighs.

"Let me start this off by saying that we are not out to hurt you. It's quite the opposite, actually. What I'm about to say might sound scary, but I promise you that we would never hurt either of you, your friends, or your family. We are not out to get you."

"Okay..." I say skeptically, and Kellin continues.

"When we moved here, we had no intent of reconnecting with you guys. It honestly just kind of happened. Then we found out about what happened between you guys and Bert, and I guess we decided to...intervene."

"And do what, set Bert free?!" Frank spits angrily.

"What?! No, is that what you think?" Vic asks, and Frank and I don't say anything.

"I hate Bert's guts, god I would never even associate with him." Vic says bitterly.

Well, there goes my theory.

"I'm once again going to preface this next statement with, we are not here to hurt you. Our only intent is helping you. Now, don't freak out, because what I'm about to say is gonna sound scary, but trust me, it's only scary if you're on the other side." Kellin comforts.

"It's super important that this stays between us four. If anybody else finds out, it could put us all in danger." Vic cuts in.

"Okay, I get it. Don't tell anybody, blah blah blah. What's going on." Frank asks, and I could tell he's getting aggravated.

Kellin takes a deep breath before he looks up, locking eyes with me.

"Vic's the leader of a Mafia."

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