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The first book just hit 69K lmao nice. I love you guys 🥺

Gerard's POV

After our little fun and games in the pool, we all decided we were done.

Pete and Brendon were arguing over which team "won", but honestly, there were no winners. There really wasn't a way to win.

After everyone got out we all went inside to change, some people going in bathrooms while other went into bedrooms.

It took a while since, ya know, there was a lot of us, but we all got settled eventually.

Most people's hair was still a little damp, especially the girls'. LynZ's was practically still dripping.

We were all having our own little conversations amongst ourselves when Brendon suddenly walked into the middle of the room, clearing his throat in an obvious attempt to get our attention.

Everyone turned to look at him, and he smirked.

"Well, as you all know, we have some new additions to the group. Kellin, Vic, I hope you feel welcome." Brendon says. "However, I will let you guys know, that there's a little something you have to do for 'initiation.'"

"And what would that be?" Kellin asks.

"You have to choose someone in the room to make-out with. Then, you have to sit in a closet with them and do it. None of us will listen, and it's basically honors system on if you really do it or not, but it has to be done." Brendon states.

"Can't we just, pick each other?" Vic asks.

Brendon pauses, then he turns to Pete.

"Can they?" He asks. "We've never initiated a couple before. Usually you have to make out with someone who's already in the group.."

"You're really gonna make them choose someone else when they're already dating? That would be so uncomfortable for them." Patrick cuts in.

"Oh no, it's fine." Vic reassures.

"Yeah, we don't care. I trust Vic enough. And plus, it's not like this is serious." Kellin says.

"Okay." Brendon says, putting his hands up in mock-surrender. "As long as you guys don't care."

"Vic, you choose first." Pete says. Vic scans the room a little before his eyes land on me.

"Gerard." He says, and I could feel Frank's grip around my waist tighten.

"Bold move Fuentes. Frank's gonna kill you." Mikey laughs.

"Oh no I won't. It's not like it's serious right?" Frank says, his voice sounding calm, but his mannerisms telling me he's anything but.

"I can tell him no." I whisper.

"Really Gee, it's fine. I don't care." He whispers back.

"Just remember one thing." I say, and he hums in response.

"I like it when you get jealous." I whisper seductively as I get up, making my way over to Vic and grabbing his hand.

"Follow me Fuentes." I say, and he gets up, following me over to the closet.

Once we're both in there I lock the door from the inside, I didn't want anyone else coming in.

"I'm sorry if I made things awkward by picking you. I just knew that'd you'd let me get away with not actually doing this. I mean, no offense towards you, I just..don't wanna do this when I have Kellin, ya know?" he whispers.

"I get it. We don't have to do anything, but I promise I'll tell them you did it." I say.

"Thank you Gee, I knew you'd understand." He tells me.

We talk for a little while (in whispers of course) before we decide that it had been long enough.

We both get up and make our way back to the living room, the random chatter almost immediate stopping.

"So?" Brendon asks, and I put on a fake smirk.

"He did it."

Everyone then starts cheering, congratulating Vic as he goes and sits back down next to Kellin.

"Alright, Kellin? Who do you choose?" Pete asks.

"Well, I feel as if it's only fair to choose Frank." He says, and my stomach just about drops.

Of course he'd choose Frank.

I know that Frank assured me that nothing would ever happen between them two, but that didn't stop me from worrying just slightly.

While Frank and Kellin go to the closet, I decide I need to walk away.

I wander around Brendons house for a while, pausing outside a closed door when I hear someone talking.

"I'm sorry, you did what?!" I hear someone whisper-shout quite angrily.

After hearing that, I quickly recognize the voice as Vic's, and it seems as if he's on the phone.

"Just, *sigh*, Jamie's in charge right now. Talk to him. I know- I know I'm in charge just, Mike, please talk to Jamie. I'm trying to have a nice night."

There's silence for a little as the person on the other line talks.

"Well get him back in your sight then?! You know what to do, you're not a newbie anymore Mike."

There's silence for a little until Vic speaks again.

"I know, I know, I want to protect him too, and we can't do that if you let J out of your sight. Just please, get it sorted out- I gotta go."

I immediately run downstairs before Vic came out of the room, I wasn't about to let him know I was listening.

Protect someone?? What the fuck was he talking about??

I quickly run downstairs and sit down on the couch next to Ray, earning a small glance from him.

"What was-"

"Shhh." I say, putting my finger on his lips.

He looks at me weirdly, but doesn't say anything.

Vic comes into the room a coupe seconds later, looking completely normal as he sits down on the couch.

How is he acting so normal. He's gotta be hiding so many secrets and yet he just sits there like there's nothing wrong. How does he do that. It confuses me so much. I just don't-

"Gee?" Someone says, and I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts to see Kellin standing in front of me.

"We didn't do anything." He says really quietly. "I just thought you should know."

"Vic and I didn't do anything either." I whisper back, and he smiles.

"I figured." He says. "I just really didn't really feel like ruining a relationship today."

"Today?" I tease.

"Yup, so watch your back." He says with a laugh, lightly pushing me shoulder.

He walks away and then my mind starts right back up.

How many secrets is he hiding?

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