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Did I write last night? No. Did I spend an hour customizing my iphone homescreen? Indeed.

Gerard's POV

I was holding Frank in my arms when I heard a knock at our bedroom door.

"Hey..it's Kellin. Can I come in?"

I look over at Frank and he nods, so I get up and walk over to the door, unlocking it.

I open it and Kellin gives me a sympathetic smile, walking into the room cautiously and closing the door behind him.

"Frank?" He questions as he walks over to the bed and sits down slowly. "Can I talk to you?"

"I-I need Gerard."

Kellin looks over at me and I nod, walking over to Frank and wrapping my arms around him gently.

"Are you okay to talk now?" Kellin questions softly.

Frank only nods in response.

"Okay. I need you to listen to me closely here, because this is super important. What happened to Ronnie is not your fault. You did not shoot him, Mike did. You know why Mike shot him? Because he was going to hurt you. If Mike hadn't of shot him, you could've been taken captive once again. Ronnie works for Bert's group, Frank. He was no doubt sent there to see if you were working so he could fuck with you. So I need you to understand that his death is not your fault. There is no blood on your hands, so please, do not beat yourself up over his death. Ronnie wasn't a good person, and he didn't have good intentions when he walked into that store. This is not your fault."

I saw Frank look up at Kellin with glossy eyes, the brightness that usually shined behind them was dim, but at the same time, that gave me hope.

Even if the light was dim, it was still present. There was a little part of him that was still hopeful, and that in itself was enough to give me hope.

If Frank still believed, then I could too.

"How do you do it?" Frank asked, and Kellin gave him a confused glance.

"How do you..kill people and not feel guilty?" Frank clarified.

"I'd be lying if I said I've never felt guilty. There have definitely been times where I have felt guilty, even though personally I've never killed anyone. But, I just remind myself that these people aren't innocent. They aren't your average Joe that you meet in the street, no. They're drug lords, mafia/gang members, and they would go out of their way to harm people. These people are rotten to the core. So, I guess reminding myself of that helps."

"So..you think what you're doing is justified because they're bad people?" Frank questions.

"Personally? No. I don't think it's justified. But, I love Vic. I would do anything to protect him and keep him. However, Vic leads in such a way where casualties are rare, so usually there's no blood on anybody's hands. But when it happens, I just deal with it. I deal with it because I love him, and I understand that it's what he has to do." Kellin explains.

"But today, Vic told Mike to fire without hesitation. There was no second thought, no hesitation to kill. Why was today different?" I cut in.

"Today was different because it was Frank. Vic leads with kindness whenever he can, but, if there's family or friends on the line, he won't hesitate to pull a trigger. You don't fuck with his personal life."

"H-He cares about me?" Frank questions, almost as if he's in disbelief.

"Of course he fucking cares about you." Kellin states as he lets out a breathy laugh. "If he didn't care about you, he would've tried to talk to Ronnie instead of shooting him so he could avoid killing somebody. But, if he did that, there would be a chance he could've taken you. He didn't want that. He may not know you that well, but that doesn't matter. We're friends now Frank, it's gonna be hard to get rid of us when we care about protecting you so much."

Frank smiles lightly and I hug him a little tighter, glad that Vic went against his own morals to save him.

"I have a question." I say.

"Go for it." Kellin responds.

"So, can we ever leave the house again? And also, can we ever have people over? Because I know that somebody's gonna be here all the time to protect us, but what if one of our friends comes over? We can't tell out friends why the person is really here."

"Good questions, let me go get Vic and he can talk about that with you guys."


Vic talked with us for about an hour and went over everything he thought was important.

We could have friends over, but only people we've been friends with since High School before Frank got kidnapped.

The person who was in charge of protecting the apartment would just have to hide in a room where they wouldn't be seen.

We could go out in public, because someone would be following us at all times.

We were cautioned to be careful, though. To not stick out, and to always make sure we could see someone from Vic's mafia at all times.

And obviously, we couldn't tell anybody. Not Mikey, not Pete, nobody.

It was definitely going to be tough to keep something so huge from Mikey, considering we told each other everything. But, I understood that if word got out, it could be detrimental for Vic and everyone who works for him.

Emerson was on apartment duty while Sebastian was outside the building, watching to see if anyone he recognized walked in.

It was weird to have someone we didn't really know well constantly monitoring our apartment, but I'm sure we'd get used to it. We might even become friends with these guys, who knows.

"Gee, you know I love you right?" Frank asked me suddenly.

"Of course. Why would you ask that?"

"Well, it seems like lately I've gotten really lucky when it comes to people helping me out of dangerous situations. I'm just worried my luck's going to run about before I can say goodbye..."

"You won't be saying goodbye anytime soon, Frank. I promise."


Sorry I like disappeared off the face of the earth for a little there. My apologies :)

Eternally Yours - Frerard -Where stories live. Discover now