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Gerard's POV

I called the police just like Vic had told me to do.

Frank had called his boss, Adam, and he was so worried about Frank that he showed up quicker than the police did.

"Frank are you okay?! What the fuck happened here?!" He asked as soon as he walked in the backdoor.

I saw his eyes wander around the room as he noticed the shattered window, the glass all over the floor, and the dead body laying on the floor.

"Oh my god.." He whispered to himself.

"I came in here to visit Frank and this guy had walked in. He was talking to Frank and then suddenly the glass shattered and he fell to the ground. Someone outside must have shot him." I lie, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Are either of you guys hurt?"

"Not physically." Frank said, and Adam frowned.

"The police should be here any second." I tell him.

"I'm gonna go check the security cameras. Maybe they picked something up." He said, and I felt myself grow nervous. But I had to trust that Kellin had did the proper job. I mean, how many times had he done this before? If they've been doing this since High School he's gotta be pretty good at what he does.

Adam walked into the back room and Frank looked up at me, his eyes still glossy.

"H-he's gonna s-see them-"

"No baby, shh. Kellin deleted the footage. Nobody will see what really happened. It's okay." I comfort, holding him close.

"I-I wanna go home."

"I know baby. We just gotta talk to the police then we can-"

"Frank!" Adam says from the back room, causing me to stop my sentence.

He walks out of the back room and leans against the wall.

"Kellin was supposed to be working today's shift. So, why are you here?" He asks.

Shit. How did nobody think about that?!

"W-we switched shifts. He said that h-he was sick. I forgot to tell you, I-I'm sorry." He lies.

"You don't need to be sorry, Frank. It's okay, I was just wondering. You don't need to be sorry for anything." Adam tells him softly.

I let out a small breath of relief. I thought we were fucking done for.

The police showed up shortly after, wrapping up Ronnie's body and declaring the store a 'crime scene', meaning Frank wouldn't be going back to work anytime soon.

The police interviewed Frank and I, but I did most of the talking. He was still in shock, and I didn't want him to accidentally say something he wasn't supposed to. I trusted him, but I knew he wasn't thinking clearly right now.

We answered their questions (not truthfully....of course) and quickly made our way back to the car. Checking the trunk and the backseat before leaving.

We made our way back to our apartment in semi-silence before I pulled into the parking lot.

"We're gonna talk about this when we get inside okay?" I tell Frank softly.

He only nods his head.

I get out of the car and hold his hand as we walk into the apartment, a little alarmed when we saw two men sitting on our couch.

"Don't freak out." One of them said as they stood up. "We're here to help you."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I ask, immediately putting my arm in front of Frank.

"I'm Emerson, but you'll hear Vic call me Em. This is Sebastian, and Remington is by your balcony. You'll hear Vic call him Em. If you need more proof, I will call Vic right now." Emerson says as he holds his hands up in the air, showing me that he's innocent.

"Call him." I say simply.

He nods as he keeps one hand in the air, the other reaching into his back pocket as he pulls out a phone, clicking a couple things before a ringing noise was heard as he put the phone down on the coffee table.

"Hello?" A voice was heard on the other line. It was definitely Vic. "Em? Is everything okay?!"

"Everything is fine." He says calmly. "Gerard wanted proof that we were who we say we are."

"Okay, thank god. You scared me. I thought they were hurt." Vic says, sounding relieved.

Emerson smiles. "They're 100% okay. Well, physically at least. Maybe send Kellin over here to talk to Frank? He might be able to calm him down a bit. Frank? Is that okay?"

"Y-yeah." He says.

"Okay, but I'm coming with. I don't want him to be there without me."

"Okay." Emerson agrees, and suddenly someone else walks into the room. Presumably Remington.

"Okay, see you in a little bit." Emerson says, then hangs up the phone.

"See, we're completely harmless." Sebastian says from the couch.

"Well, harmless to you." Remington says. "But if someone tries to hurt you" he says, then imitates the noise of a gun. "They're gonna wish they didn't."

"Okay, Frank and I are going to go in our bedroom. We'd appreciate some privacy.." I tell them.

"Sure, don't let us stop you from doing anything. Usually it'll only be two of us in here and we'll switch often. We're not gonna take your food or anything, so don't worry about that." Remington informs us.

"Okay, just let us know when Kellin and Vic get here. I think we still have a couple questions" I say, causing Frank to nod.

"Of course." Sebastian says.

Frank and I walk into our bedroom and I lock the door behind us, not wanting one of them to accidently walk in on us when Frank's emotional like this.

I sit on the bed and Frank crawls into my lap, practically latching onto me.

I run my fingers through his hair and rub circles on his back as he struggles not to cry.

"What's bothering you the most baby?" I ask him softly.

"H-he died b-because of me." Frank mumbles into my shoulder.

"You can't blame yourself for that. He was a bad person, Frank. You know what he would've made you do if nobody was there to stop him."

"I-I just feel bad-" He cries, and I feel my heart ache for him.

My poor baby, all broken. And it's all because of me.

I guess I just have to pick up the pieces and put them back together again.

Eternally Yours - Frerard -Where stories live. Discover now