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Gerard's POV

"Really?" I ask, looking him in the eyes. "You're okay with this?"

"Yeah. I did some thinking while I was out shopping this morning, and while I still think they're hiding something, I don't think it's malicious. Kellin's too sweet to do anything harmful, and I don't think he'd want to be with someone who was doing bad things." he explains.

I smile. "I'm glad you changed your mind. I know we both agreed that was thought something was up, but I think we should both drop it."

"Great. I'll text Brendon, one of you ask them?" Mikey says.

"I got it." I say, whipping out my phone.

Kellin's POV

"Vic?" I call out after I receive the text message from Gerard.

I walk around the house and find him in his office, looking a little stressed out on the phone.

"Just get it done okay?! Don't question me again." he says before he hangs up the phone and looks over at me.

"Oh, hey Kell. What's up?" he asks.

"Well, Gerard asked us if we wanted to go with him and Frank to a get together tonight to meet some of their friends." I say, fiddling with my fingers.

"I don't know babe, you know I have work stuff." he says, and I give him a look.

He sighs.

"Babe, you know we've talked about this. And plus, how are we going to tell Gerard that you're busy with work when we told them you're a teacher. It's summer." I reason.

"I'll make a call." he says, and I smile.

I walk over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks babe. I'll let Gerard know."

Gerard's POV

"They said yes!" I tell Mikey and Frank.

"Cool, I'm sure they'll fit in with the group." Frank says.

"Oh shit, initiation." Mikey says, and I smile.

"They're dating, so they'll probably just pick each other. I'd we cautious to not get too close to that closet, though. They've been dating for a while." I joke.

"I can't believe they lasted all through High School and are still together. They have to be soulmates, I mean, come on. There's no way they're spending this much time together and they're not meant to be." Mikey says.

"All through High School? How long have they been dating?" Frank asks.

"Well, they started dating freshman year I believe, so..about five years? Around there." I tell him.

"Oh wow." He says. "That's a long time to be committed to each other for it to all be for nothing."

"True. I don't think it's for nothing, though. They really seem to balance each other out. I think they're made to be, personally." Mikey tells us.

"Right, well. It's 3, so we should probably be heading over to Brendon's." I say.

"Yeah, I gotta head home. My swim shit is all still there, I'll meet you at Pete's." Mikey says, and leaves.

Frank and I talk for a little bit before heading up to our bedroom, grabbing swimming stuff and throwing it into a bag.

"So, what you said earlier, about Kellin and Vic? Did you mean that, or was that just to ease Mikey's conscious." I ask as I throw a towel into the bag.

"A little bit of both." He answers honestly. "I don't think they're out to get us Gerard. I still do think they're hiding something, but I don't think they're bad people."

"Neither do I." I say, and he smiles.

"I'm glad we agree. Now, are we ready to go?"

"Yup." I say, and soon we're hopping in the car.


When we get to Brendon's house, I see that we are once again the last people to arrive. Well, except for Vic and Kellin, that is.

We walk to the backyard and see Brendon, Ryan, Ray, Patrick, Pete, Mikey, Jamia, LynZ, Hayley, and Nicole all in the pool. Josh and Tyler were sitting down on the edge, dipping their feet in and having a conversation with Brendon.

"Oh, hey guys!" Ryan calls out, motioning for us to come closer.

When Brendon said he had a pool, I imagined like a pop-up small pool, but this, this was a whole ass in-ground pool. I don't know how him and Ryan could afford this, but it was nice. And pretty big, too.

Frank and I walk over to Ryan and say hello, telling him that we brought our swimming stuff with us.

"Well, go change. We'll be waiting for ya."

Frank and I walk inside and go to the nearest bathroom to change.

We both change together, and at one point Frank's eyes slipped down a little further than needed.

"My eyes are up here, mister." I tease, and he just smirks.

"Well, to be honest, I wasn't quite looking at your eyes." He says as he wraps his arms around my neck.

"Frank, not now." I tell him, and he frowns.

"Why not?"

"They're waiting for us. Tell you what, when everyone is asleep tonight, I might ask you to come skinny dipping with me." I say.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Maybe." I say, and he leans up and kisses me passionately.

I push him away and he laughs.

Once we both gathered ourselves a little, we went back outside.

I noticed that it seemed Vic and Kellin had arrived. They were sitting on the edge of the pool, talking to Mikey.

Frank and I walked over to them and sat down next to them.

"We're glad you guys could make it out tonight." I said, and they both smiled.

"We're glad too." Kellin says.

"Did you guys bring swim stuff?" Mikey asks.

"We did. I'm not sure if I want to swim, though. I think Kellin wants too." Vic says.

"Aww, come on babe. It'll be fun." Kellin says, resting his chin on Vic's shoulder and giving him puppy-dog eyes.

"You know I can't resist those." Vic says, and Kellin smiles.

"I know. That's like, quite literally the whole point."

"You kill me." Vic jokes.

"In a good way." Kellin finishes with a smile.

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