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Sorry for my absence. I was camping and had no service :(

Gerard's POV

Before I knew it, it was Friday. Also known as 'The Day We're Hanging Out at Brendon and Ryan's.'

Frank and Ray managed to talk to Adam about taking off today, and he told them that he would be able to handle the store for one day by himself. So, both of them were available.

Frank had gone out a little bit ago to buy some drinks for tonight and pick us up lunch, so I was home alone for just a little while until he came back.

I was choosing my outfit in the bedroom when I heard the front door open. I thought it was Frank, so I didn't think about it much.

It only started to worry me after it was silent. Usually Frank would greet me when he came home, and the fact that he hadn't yet was a little worrying.

I put down the clothes I was looking at and opened our bedside drawer, grabbing the pocket knife that we kept in there. Ya know, just in case.

I opened our bedroom door quietly and peaked out into the upstairs hallway, seeing it empty.

I wanted to call out Frank's name, but I knew better.

If it wasn't Frank, I wasn't about to alert whoever it was that I was in the house.

I walked out of the bedroom and took a peek down the stairs, debating whether or not I should go down there or not.

I walked down a couple of the stairs so I could take a peek into the living room and the kitchen. I was even more scared, however, when I didn't see anybody.

I walked down the stairs cautiously, making sure to keep my back to the wall as I went, effectively making it so I couldn't be attacked from behind.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I decided to step out into the middle of the living room.

I turn so my back is to the couch, and I walk a little bit farther towards the kitchen.

Suddenly, I feel hands on my shoulders. The person has used my shoulders to push themself up, wrapping their legs around my waist.

"Get off me!" I say, not quite screaming, but being pretty loud.

I then hear laughing, and that's when I connected the laughing to a person.

"Mikey! You bitch!" I say with a slight laugh, backing up and falling backwards so that I squished him on the couch.

"Ow ow ow!" He says, pushing me off slightly, causing me to laugh.

"I can't believe you really brought a knife with you and didn't even try to use it." He says.

"Did you want me to fucking stab you??" I ask sarcastically.

"You know the answer to that." He says, giving me a look.

"Well, sorry for trying to protect myself. You know, there's probably a whole gang after me. I could never be too safe." I tell him.

"You know what you should do?" He asks, and I just make a noise in response, showing that I was listening.

"You know how LynZ took that self-defense class? I think you should have her teach you a couple things, and maybe Frank too. I mean, I really think it could be useful for both of you." He says.

"Mikey, remember when I tried to take that karate class? I fucking suck, I can't do karate." I remind him.

"Self defense is not the same as karate. Self defense is just being able to protect yourself, karate is a little more extra than that." He explains.

"Yeah well, I know that's not the reason you came here. So why don't you tell me the real reason you're here." I say, changing the subject.

"I can't just visit my brother because I want too?" He asks.

"I suppose you could, but I know there's another reason, too." I say, and he sighs.

"I already talked to Brendon about this, and he said it was fine. But, I want to invite Kellin and Vic." He says.

"Oh." I say simply, not exactly sure how to respond to that.

"I know you said that they were 'sus', whatever the fuck that means, but I haven't seen them in years Gee. The fact that you're in touch with them again is so exciting for me, I really want to see them again." He explains.

I sigh. "Let's wait until Frank gets back. I'll ask him what he thinks."

"What exactly is the issue? Like, why do you not like them anymore." He asks.

"Oh trust me, it's not that at all. I like them a lot, trust me. It's just-" I say, but stop myself. If Mikey hears the situation, he might not want to see them anymore. And I'm not going to ruin that. I know he really wants to see them again.

"Frank and I are just being cautious. He thinks it's a little suspicious that they came to town and became friends with us the second Bert got arrested."

"So you think they're working for him or something?" He asks.

"No." I lie quickly. "We have no proof that they're working with him, and honestly we have no proof that they're trying to harm us at all. Just harmless little conspiracy theories."

"Oh." He says, and suddenly both our heads turn sharply towards the door when we hear it opening.

Frank walks in with the food and drinks and freezes when he sees us both staring at him.

"Uhm, hello?" He says. "Haven't seen you in a while, Mikey."

"Hey" I say, getting up and kissing him on the cheek.

"Soooo" I say, and Frank gives me a look.

"Mikey has a question to ask you." I say quickly.

"What? No, Gee has a question for-"

"It was your idea!"

"He's your boyfriend!"

"Oh my god, what is going on?" Frank asks.

Mikey and I stare at each other, and I sigh when I realize he wasn't gonna say anything.

"You know how Kellin and Vic when to High School with Mikey and I?" I ask.

"Yes" He says simply, glaring at me.

"Well, Mikey was obviously friends with them too. And he wanted to know if you'd be fine with them coming to Brendon's tonight, since, you know, you're the one who called them "suspicious." I tell him.

"Oh." He says, setting down the things he was carrying.


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