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Gerard's POV

Frank and I spent some time out there for a while. We made small conversation and looked at the stars. 

We joked around for a little while until we both freaked out.

The lights turned on in the house and heart just about dropped into my stomach.

Frank and I looked at each other and scurried out of the pool, quickly putting our clothes back on.

We were confused, however, when nobody came outside.

"Maybe someone just wanted a drink in the kitchen or something." Frank says, and I shake my head.

"No. The upstairs lights are on too, and so are the living room lights. Something's wrong." I say, and walk inside.

Frank follows close behind me as I walk in the backdoor, confused as I see Kellin and Vic crouching in the kitchen under the counter tops, out of view of everyone in the living room.

"What're you-"

"Shhh." Kellin says as he holds his pointer finger up to his mouth.

I crouch down to his level and whisper into his ear. "What's going on."

Kellin and Vic look at each other and say nothing, which just confuses me even more.

"Kellin. What's going on." I repeat my question, and he sighs.

"Vic and I have to leave." He whispers.

"Why?" I question.

"Gerard please-" He begs, and Frank cuts in.

"No, don't ignore him. What the fuck is going on." 

"Back off." Vic whispers harshly, and Frank visibly flinches back.

"Look, I'll explain everything later. But for now, I need you to let us leave." Kellin begs.

I look at Frank and he says nothing. I sigh.

"Fine, but you better explain everything in the morning." 

Kellin and Vic look at each other, and then they crawl towards the back door and quickly run out.

"What the fuck was that." Frank asks, and just shake my head.

"I have no fucking clue."

We both walk out into the living room and are shocked to see a police officer standing in the doorway.

Brendon and Ryan were talking to the officer, and everyone else was standing around.

"W-what's going on?" I aks, and everyone turns to look at us.

"There you guys are!" LynZ says.

"What's going on." I repeat, and the officer speaks up.

That's when I recognize the officer as one of the officers who came to help us find Frank.

"Frank Iero." The officer spoke, and I look over at Frank.

"U-uhm, yes?" He asks nervously.

"Could you step outside with me." The officer says, and I look at Frank with concern.

"O-okay." He says and walks over to the cop, following him outside.

"Okay, can someone tell me what the fuck I missed?" I ask, and Brendon speaks first.

"Cops fucking pounded on the door and woke up everyone. Said no one was in trouble, but asked to speak to Frank. Then you guys walked in the door." Brendon explains.

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