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Ignore the fact that I'm updating this at 2 AM on a school night 

Also,  if I like, did a 30 Day Frerard smut thing how many of y'all would read it 

Frank's POV

"Gee. Why do you look like you've been crying?" Mikey repeats when nobody answers his question the first time.

Nobody wants to speak. Nobody wants to say the wrong thing and throw the whole operation off course. 

"Mikey, Pete, can I talk to you in my bedroom for a second?" Gerard asks slowly as he gets up from the couch.

"Are you going to tell us what's going on?" Pete questions.

"Yes." Gee says in return, and I can't tell if he's telling the truth or not.

"You better. No more lies Gee." Mikey says as he and Pete follow Gerard into our bedroom.

"What the fuck do we do?!" Sebastian asks. "He's gonna tell them!" 

"No. No he's not. I know Gee, he's gonna make something up." I reassure them, even though I'm not sure if I even believe myself.

"You don't know that." Emerson says with a frown. "He could tank this whole thing, we could all go to jail!"

"Okay guys, you need to calm down. Nobody's going to jail." Kellin says, using a very calming voice.

"How can you be sure of that?" Sebastian questions.

"Look, I know you guys are stressed, but I need you to breath. Even if he tells Mikey and Pete, they wouldn't turn around and tell the police. That would be stupid, even they would know that would put Gerard and Frank in danger." Kellin says calmly.

I can understand why he's the mental health support. He's got a soothing voice, it calms them down almost immediately.

"But won't Vic be mad?"

"He might be a little mad at first, but don't worry. I'll talk to him, and he can take his anger out on me. You guys won't have to deal with him like that." 

"Take his anger out on you?" I question, and everyone avoids my gaze awkwardly.

"Oh." I say quietly, starting to spew words out of me mouth to fill the awkwardness. "I understand. I'm am not judging you by the way, don't even worry about it. I completely get the appeal. Gee and I-"

"Alright, you don't have to say anything else." Kellin cuts me off before I could continue.

"Cool cool cool, I would've just embarrassed myself anyway." I say quickly as I make my way to the kitchen to avoid the awkward tension clearly present in the living room.

I walk into the kitchen and take a deep breath. I was not expecting things to get so awkward so fast. God, why did I have to be so weird. 

I sit down at the table and rest my head face down on it, hoping for some alone time to think about what to say to Kellin next that won't make things awkward.

"Whatcha doing there Frank." A voice says, and I recognize it as Emersons.

"Hoping that I disappear into nothingness so I don't continue to make things awkward between me and one of the people who is keeping me alive." 

He lets out a breathy laugh. "That sounds nice, but you don't have to worry about it man. Kellin's a chill guy, he's not gonna bring it up again."

"That doesn't stop me from thinking about it constantly and wanting to rewind time and say anything except what I actually did say." I mumble from the table.

"I think you're being a bit overdramatic here."


"Please lift your head up from the table."

"Uggg, fine." I groan as I do so, wincing as my eyes readjust to the bright light of the kitchen.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. It's fine, all of us had the same reaction at some-"

"Gerard just came out of the bedroom with the two guys. Come on." Sebastian says as he sticks his head in the kitchen, cutting Emerson off.

"Oh no! We have to end this extremely interesting conversation that we were definitely having between the two of us, that is a real shame. Emerson, maybe we could continue this never?" I say as I get up from the chair, quickly making my way back to the living room.

Gerard was standing in the middle of the room with Pete and Mikey, Pete having a somewhat angry expression on his face, and Mikey's being hard to read.

"Okay guys, I told them the truth." Gerard said, but nobody said anything.

"I cheated on Frank with Vic."

My eyes went so wide I think they might've popped out of my eye sockets. So did Kellin's.

"That's why I was crying. Because they found out and confronted me about it. Emerson and Sebastian wanted to come with to yell at me. Which is valid. Nobody wanted to tell you guys because they didn't want to ruin your image of me." 

I had no words to say. I knew he was lying, obviously, but that's the story he decided to go with?!

"I'm extremely disappointed in you Gerard." Mikey said. "Pete and I will be going. I don't want to talk to you right now."

And just like that, they went.

"Hey so, what the actual fuck was that." Kellin says first.

"Yeah, your first excuse you could come up with was that?!" I add on.

"I'm sorry!" He says. "I panicked! I needed to come up with something believable!"

"And that was believable? Literally anything else would have been better!" I tell him.

"I'm sorry, okay! Important thing is that I got them off my case. They won't be talking to me for a while." Gerard says.

"Gee, your sacrificing your family relationships for this lie. Maybe you should've just told them the truth." Sebastian says from the couch, clearly concerned.

"No, it's fine. I wouldn't want you guys to somehow get caught."

"But, that was your brother.." Emerson says. "You clearly care about him, and you just like, ruined your relationship with that one lie." 

"Oh no, it's fine." He says, but I could tell he was lying. "He'll forgive me." 

"Fuck it." Kellin says suddenly and makes a move for the door, confusing all of us.

He walks out into the hallway and runs to the left.

A couple minutes later he comes back, a very unamused Mikey and Pete behind him.

"Gerard, tell them the truth." Kellin says.

"I did." Gerard states simply. "I cheated on Frank."

"No, you didn't." 

"Yes, I did."

"No, you didn't-"

"Jesus Christ, Vic and Kellin are in a Mafia! There, now you know!" I cut in, annoyed with the constant back and forth bickering.

Mikey and Pete just blink in confusion.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

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