
386 21 14

Gerard's POV

Kellin eventually managed to get Vic in the pool, but it did involve just a small bit of seduction.

Nobody really noticed it though, it was subtle. But I saw the looks that Kellin gave Vic, I know those all too well.

Once everyone was in the pool, we decided to play football, but not really. We had a water football, and we were basically just gonna play a grown-up version of keep away.

We were originally going to play guys against girls, but then we realized that wasn't quite fair. So, we picked two team captains instead. Brendon, and Pete.

"Rock paper scissors to see who chooses first." Ryan says. "Best two out of three."

Pete ended up winning and he shouted in victory.

"Yes! Mikeyway you already knowww you're on my team." He says, and so Mikey makes his way over.

"Ross!" Brendon shouts. "You're with me baby."

"Alright, Pattycakes? Make your way over here sweet thang." Pete says, and Patrick blushes.

"Hmmm." Brendon ponders. "Yo LynZ! You're a strong independent woman, get over here."

"Ha! You got it." She says.

"Joshua! Get you and your six-pack lookin ass over here!" Pete says and Josh just laughs.

"Well, if we're playing that way, Vic? Right? Get over here, you seem like you're physically active." Brendon says.

Kellin whispers something into Vic's ear and Vic just smiles, swimming over towards Brendon

"Should we be insulted that we haven't been picked yet?" I whisper to Frank jokingly, and he just laughs.

"Nah, these are our friends. They don't mean any harm."

"Frank! Get over here my dude." Pete says, and Frank gives me a small kiss before swimming away.

"Hayley! Over here sexy lady." Brendon jokes.

"Hmmm Tyler. Over here." Pete chooses.

"Gee! You're mine!" Brendon says, and I swim over to him. I'm slightly disappointed that I'm not on the same team as Frank, but that's fine.

"Jamia!" Pete yells, and she smiles.

"Nicoleee!" Brendon yells out.

I see Mikey whisper something to Pete, and then he calls out Kellin's name.

Kellin smiles, but I can tell that he was surprised.

"Toro! Man, I'm so glad I got you." Brendon says, and Kellin fakes being offended.

"Wow, I'm definitely not hurt by that whatsoever."

"Sorry Kellin, but I know that my man Toro's got my back." Brendon says as he puts a hand on Ray's shoulder.

These sure are some interesting teams.

Mikey, Patrick, Frank, Tyler, Jamia, Josh, and Kellin were on Pete's team. Ryan, LynZ, Vic, Hayley, Nicole, Ray, and me were on Brendon's team.

All of the couples except the team captain ones were split up. Frank and I, Tyler and Josh, Jamia and LynZ, and Kellin and Vic were all split up on to seperate teams. This was sure as hell going to be interesting.

Brendon and Pete both called over their teams so that they could form strategies.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do. If you're in a relationship and your partner is on the opposite team, and their team has the ball, never leave their side. Distract them, seduce them, I don't give a fuck what you do as long as you can distract them enough so that they're not an open target. Just, don't have sex in my pool please. At least not while I'm out here." Brendon says. "If you're not in a relationship, or your partner is on this team, then cover anyone who's open. Make conversation, just cause a distraction. We want to catch them off guard to we can have every possible chance at keeping our hands on that ball. And if we have the ball, keep yourself open. Don't let anyone stand in front of you or behind you, keep your guard up."

"Wow, you guys take this shit seriously huh? I mean, no judgement though. I'm completely up for the challenge. Oh, and also, I can seduce Kellin so easily it's not even funny." Vic says with a laugh.

"You guys are dating? Oh wow that's so cute! How long?" Nicole asks.

"Around five years." Vic answers.

"Damn dude, congrats. That's a long time to be with someone for." Brendon says.

"Yeah, definitely. But I love him." Vic smiles.

We talk strategy for a little longer until we're interrupted by Pete.

"Yo! Brendo, how long are ya'll gonna stand around for? We're getting bored."

"We're good now actually. Rock paper scissors to see who starts with the ball?" Brendon asks.

"You know it."

Pete and Brendon swim to the middle while the rest of us spread out into the pool. I'm scanning the pool for Frank, and I eventually lay eyes on him.

While Brendon and Pete are doing rock paper scissors, I take a deep breath and dunk myself underwater, swimming over to where I know Frank is.

I open my eyes for a second, assessing my situations and seeing Frank right in front of me.

I pop up from under the water and Frank definitely looks startled.

I laugh as he lightly pushes my shoulder.

"Jesus Christ, you fucking scared me."

"Sorry." I apologize, turning around to see who had won the competition.

Pete had won again, meaning that his team started off with the ball.

I immediately assume my defensive position in front of Frank, ready to catch any ball that anyone tried to throw at him. But, I wasn't going to ignore Brendon's advice.

"You know, you look hot with your hair all wet like that." I tell him.

"Yeah?" he questions, and I nod.

"God, it just riles me up. Reminds me of your sex hair." I say, swimming so that I'm behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Is that so?" He asks, turning his head so he's looking at me at an angle.

I back away from him just slightly. In the distance I see that Mikey's holding the football, and he needs someone to throw it to, and quick.

I back away from Frank, making it look like he's open.

I sneak a quick glance and see that Mikey's about to throw it to Frank, but Frank has no idea. Perfect time for me to intercept.

"Yeah, just makes me want to get fucked by you." I tell Frank, and he practically growls.

"Frank!" I hear Mikey shout as he throws the football, but it's too late.

I knew the football was coming, so I was in perfect position to jump right in front of Frank, grabbing the football in mid-air before it could even reach Frank's hands.

"Oh I see, you tricked me." Frank says with a devilish smirk, and I'm just more confused than anything. Shouldn't he be mad?

I take a glance and see that Hayley was open, so I quickly throw her the football, and then Frank grabs my wrist.

"You're going to regret teasing me like that, sugar." he says sweetly, but I know his intentions are anything but.

"I'll show you what happens when you tease me like that." Frank whispers, before he swims away.

Leaving just me and my thoughts.

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