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For those of you who are reading my other Frerard book, "Be Careful What You Wish For", I'm putting that book on hold for right now. I have a new project that I'm putting more of my focus on. Sorry :(( it won't be on hold forever, though

Gerard's POV

As I was driving home, I was conflicted.

Do I tell Frank that I went to see my psycho abusive ex boyfriend who tried to kill him?

Now that I say that out loud, I realize how stupid of me it was to even go there. I don't know why I thought I would get a straight answer from him. I should've known there was going to be some catch, or that he would try something like that on me. I shouldn't have been so stupid.

But, I'm going to make a promise to myself, right here right now.

I'm never going back there again.

I don't care if he has dire information that could save me, I'm not going back. I don't need him, and he needs to understand that. I don't care about him anymore.

I drive home and park my car, walking in the building an up to our apartment. I unlock the door and walk in, immediately collapsing on the couch.

Do I tell him?

I have to. He'll know that something is wrong with me no matter what, and if I lie he'll probably figure out the truth somehow. I'll just tell him when he gets home.

So, for the next couple hours I just mope around the house, finding random things to clean, or little things to organize.

That's one thing that Frank loves about me, my habit of just cleaning the little things. He says it's cute, but I think he just likes it because he never has to clean anything.

The second I hear the jingling of keys in our door I'm practically running to the front door.

As soon as I see his face I feel myself start crying, and I honestly don't even know why.

"Gee? Baby, what's wrong?" He asks immediately, closing the door and pulling me in for a hug.

"I-I j-just did something a-awful." I stutter out as I hug him.

"Oh Gee, it can't be that bad." He pulls away and looks me in the eyes, wiping away some of the stray tears. "What is it?"

I look him in the eyes and I feel really guilty. I let my own curiosity get the best of me, and as a result I could hurt Frank really badly.

"I-I w-went to see him." I say, knowing that Frank would be able to fill in the pieces. I couldn't even bring myself to say his name anymore.

"Why?" Frank asks softly, surprisingly not seeming that upset.

"I just thought" I start to say, pausing as I wipe away my tears. "I thought that maybe he would tell me how he knew Vic and Kellin. You know, since they seemed so suspicious. Now that I say it it sounds kind of stupid. If they were in his gang then why would he tell me that? That could get them and him in more trouble, he's not that stupid. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea, I was just so desperate for an answer that-"

"Gerard." Frank says, cutting me off. I look him in his eyes, and all I see is sympathy. "I'm not mad at you."

"Y-You're not?" I ask, confused.

"No." He confirms. "You went to a jail that's crawling with police. There's no way you could really be in any danger there. I do want to know everything that you guys talked about, though."

"You won't want to hear it." I say, and that's when I could tell he was starting to get a little hostile.

"Why wouldn't I want to hear it?"

"Well, when I asked him how he knew Kellin and Vic he said he'd tell me if I had sex with him. I told him no, obviously, but then he started going on about how much better than you he could make me feel, and then he started to touch my hair and went to kiss me, but I pulled away and left. I would never let him do anything like that to me, and you know that." I explain.

He's silent for a second before he takes a step closer to me. I take a step back, but then he takes another step forward.

Eventually I'm against the wall and he grabs both of my wrists and pins them to either side of my head, and that's when I realize what's happening.

"He could make you feel better than me, huh?" He asks, staring me down like I'm his prey. "Let's prove him wrong."

"F-fuck, okay-" I say, and he smirks.

~Smut Warning~

He grabs my wrist and pulls me into our bedroom, and pushes me onto the bed.

He straddles my waist and then goes to grab at my jeans. He looks up at me and I nod, knowing he's asking me for permission.

He takes me pants and boxers off, leaving me exposed from the waist down.

He leans down and starts kissing and nipping at my neck, causing me to let out small noises and whines.

I try to sneak my hands into his hair, but he grabs my wrists and pins them down, looking me in the eye.

"Did I say you could do that darling?" He asks. "This night is supposed to be all about you, don't make me change that. Because I would just love to leave you tied up here with a cock-ring for a while, with a vibrator shoved right against your prostate, leaving you there while you want me so desperately. Being able to see me watch you squirm, getting so close to releasing, but being denied. However, I have a feeling that you don't want that, am I correct?"

I nod. While that sounds appealing, I'm not really up for that tonight. I'm still feeling emotionally drained, and I'm not sure that'd be the best thing for me right now.

"What do you want baby?" Frank asks.

"I-I want you to praise me. Tell me that I'm pretty, and tell me that you love me, but don't treat me like you do. I want to feel the pain, b-but I need the reassurance that you're not mad at me." I say hesitantly.

Frank only smiles a genuine smile.

"Anything for you babydoll."

Eternally Yours - Frerard -Where stories live. Discover now