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This is from Gerard's POV by the way, so all the contact names are what Gerard has them saved as in his phone


Breadbin added You, Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III, Mikes, Frankie, RyRo, Jams, Mom, Hayley, "i dIdN't sLeEp wItH mY tEacHers", Joshua, TyJo, Raymond, and Pattycakes to the group!

Breadbin: alright whores, im having another party at my house on friday. i have a pool now tho, so bring swimming shit

Ryro: how come i didnt know this was happening

Breadbin: you do. i just told you

Jams: can yall like not have coupley fights in the gc thanks

Hayley: i thought we already had a gc?? why is there a new one

Breadbin named the group 'Ronald McDonalds' sluts'

Breadbin: lynz wasnt in the other one and i didnt know how to add her. so i just made a new one

Pattycakes: brendon what

Mom: aw thanks for including me.

Pattycakes: is nobody going to talk about what brendon did??!?

Raymond: I don't know if Frank and I will both be able to take off that day. I'll talk to our boss though.

Frankie: he might cuz he just hired kellin

Raymond: who

Me: frank got my old highschool friend a job at where yall work

Raymond: ohh

Mikes: wait, Kellin?? like Kellin Quinn??

Frankie: yeah wbi

Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III: whos kellin

"i dOn't sLeEp wItH mY tEacHers": ooooo someones jelly

Joshua: awww is Petey jealous?

Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III: im not jealous i just wanna know

Me: i already said he was an old friend from highscool, mikey was friends with him too. he has a boyfriend

Mikes: he still dating Vic Fuentes?

Frankie: yeah, and they're sus

TyJo: huh?

Me: lets not bring our personal issues into the gc frank

Breadbin: oh no, please do I live for drama

RyRo: b don't push

Breadbin: but i wanna knowwwwww

Me: i gotta go anyway, by yall

I put my phone into my pocket as my boss walks up front, making me pick up a damp towel and start wiping down the bar in front of me.

Once that's done I start filling some of our pumps, noticing a couple of them were close to empty.

It's our slowest part of the day, meaning that this is normally the time where everyone is cleaning and filling because there's literally nothing else to do.

It's only me, Amy, Danielle, and Tony working right now, but we haven't even had a customer in 40 minutes.

"Hey Gee, you have a minute?" Tony asks me, and I'm a little surprised. Tony's not really the talkative type, but I'm not gonna say no to a conversation.

"Yeah, sure." I say, and he looks around, almost as if he's making sure nobody is listening.

"I just-" he starts to say, but he pauses, searching for the right words. "You found your soulmate, right?"

"Yeah, I did." I smile.

"How did you... how did you know when the right time was? It's just that, I've been with my partner for about a year now, and I really wanna know, but I don't know when to bring it up. So, I guess what I'm asking is, how did you know when the right time was?"

I pause. I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't really expecting that.

"That's a difficult question to answer. I'll tell you this, though, every relationship is different. Some people try to figure it out right away, some wait, and some never want to know. My situation was a bit different, though. I had just been through a very tough and emotional situation with my boyfriend at the time, and I guess we both knew in that moment that even if we weren't meant to be, we were going to bend the rules regardless. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying wait for some deep emotional harrowing event to do it, but I am saying that in that moment, we both knew it was the right time. When the time is right, both of you just, kinda know. And let me tell you this, don't be nervous. I know it's scary, but if you really love someone, I believe that sometimes the laws of the universe can be broken. I know that I rambled a lot, but I hope you kind of get the bigger picture. But anyways, don't worry about it, Tony. If the time is right, you'll know." I ramble, but it seems like he still understood.

"Thank you, Gerard. It means a lot to me that you shared this with me. I'll make sure to remember it." Tony says, and I could even see a slight smile on his face.

"Of course Tony. And if you ever need anything, you can come to me. I know you're not totally fond of talking to people, but just know that I'll always be here to listen, or talk." I say sincerely, and his smiles grows slightly.

"I'll think about it." He says, and then he turns around and walks away.

I have a content smile on my face as I continue filling pumps, but my head perks up as I hear my manager Amy call my name.

"Hey Gee, can I talk to you for a second?" She asks, and I nod, following her to the back of the store to her desk.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask hesitantly, but she laughs.

"Trouble? Quite the opposite, Gerard. I want to promote you." She says, and I could feel my heart rate increasing.

"Promote me?" I ask.

"Yes, promote you. Gerard, I hope this isn't an invasion of privacy for either of you, but I overheard the conversation you had with Tony. You and I both know that Tony never talks, but he felt comfortable enough around you that he asked you a personal question. You really care about all the employees that work here Gerard, I've seen it. You never hesitate to help someone out, and you've shown everyone here nothing but kindness. They all respect you. And not only that, you know all the recipes here like the back of your hand, and you've got one of the best customer service voices I've ever heard, and you're also not afraid to take charge when people are slacking off. You're always so nice to customers, even if they don't deserve it. So, yes, I want to promote you. I'd have to get permission from James, and you'd also have to have a sit down meeting with him, but I don't really think he'll see any issues with this. So, what do you think?"

"I think I might pass out."

Eternally Yours - Frerard -Where stories live. Discover now