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*definitely not posting this on my break at work* 😳

Gerard's POV

I had just finished my meeting with James and Amy, and it was official.

I was getting promoted to a shift-leader.

My pay-rate is going to increase, but it does mean that I'm going to be picking up some more shifts. But honestly, that's fine with me. I like my job, and hey, it's more money for us.

The day that Amy brought it up to me, I didn't tell Frank. I didn't want to get his hopes up if James decided that I wasn't good enough. But, now it was official.

I was promoted, and I was off the clock.

I put my apron in the dirty bin and walked out of the store, walking the short distance back to Frank and I's shared apartment.

The coffee shop was literally down the street from our apartment, so I always walked there and back. I didn't see the point in driving when it was right down the street.

As I was walking back to our apartment, there was one thing on my mind.

Frank's been topping a lot lately.

I think it's time for a change.

I walked up to our apartment and put the keys into the door, opening it and locking it behind me.

"Gerard?" Frank calls from upstairs and I see his head round the corner up there.

"Oh hey, I wasn't sure when you got off." He says with a smile, walking down the stairs to greet me.

Once he gets to the bottom of the stairs he leans in to give me a kiss. I immediately deepen it, catching him off guard.

He pulls away, and I'm sure he can tell I'm overly excited.

"What's going on with you?" He asks, knowing that there's something up.

"I got a promotion today." I tell him.

"Really? Gee that's amazing!" He says, hugging me close. "I'm happy for you, you deserve it."

"Yeah, and you know what I was thinking?" I say suggestively.

*Smut warning* (It goes through the rest of the chapter)

"Hmmm" he says dramatically, and then he pushes me against the door. "Maybe, that you deserve a reward?"

"Close." I say, immediately grabbing him and switching our positions so that he was the one being pushed against the door, clearly catching him off guard.

"Oh." He says quietly.

"I noticed that you've been topping a lot recently." I say, and then I lean close into his ear. "I just don't want you to forget who you belong too."

I feel him shudder, and then I look into his eyes.

"Are you okay with this?"

"Of course."

"Safe word?"


"Is there anything that's off-limits? Or anything you really want?" I ask him.

He blushes and looks away. It's been a while since he's had to make that decision, it's almost like he forgot what it's like.

"U-uhm, no. Just, none of my hard limits."

"You know I would never do any of those things to you baby." I say sincerely.

"C-could you, uhm-" He says, and I raise an eyebrow. "C-could you tie me up?"

"You know I love doing that to you." I respond and he only blushes even harder.

"I remember when I first started to dom you were so bratty. You always talked back to me, and constantly talked about how I couldn't handle you. But now, I've barely done anything, and you're already begging for me to touch you. Crazy how submissive you've become to me." I tease.

"S-shut up! I haven't done this in a while.." He says, and I raise an eyebrow.

"What the fuck did you say to me?" I ask, grabbing his wrists roughly and pinning them against the door.

"I said shut up." He says back without stuttering.

"That's the Frank I remember." I say, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him upstairs to our bedroom.

Once we get there I push him onto the bed.

"Don't move." I say, turning around and going into our closet, grabbing the ropes that he wanted.

I walk back over to him and straddle his waist, grabbing his wrists and tying them together, then tying them to our headboard.

I then move down and put my hands on the waistband of his pants, looking up at him for permission.

He nods and I take his pants off, his boxers following shortly after. I smirk at how hard he was, and then spread his legs, tying each of his ankles to the footboard, forcing his legs open.

I then crawl back up his body, making sure to purposefully rub my body against his dick, causing him to buck his hips up in an attempt to relieve some friction.

I kiss and leave hickies all over his neck, causing him to let out little noises that pleased me very much.

As I distract him by kissing his neck, I sneak one of my hands up into his hair and tug it harshly, causing him to moan out in shock.

"That's right baby, moan for me." I tease and he looks away.

"Eye contact." I say sternly, and he turns his head to look at me.

"Better." I say, and I see him pull at his restraints.

"What, puppy wanna touch me?" I tease. "Too bad. You take what I give you."

He doesn't say anything, but I can tell my words affected him.

I lean over to our bedside table and pull out our lube, pouring some onto my fingers.

"I'm going to prep you first." I tell him, and he only nods.

I insert one finger, seeing his face scrunch up. It really has been a little bit since we last did this.

I kiss and nip at his thighs as I continue to prep him, trying to give him another sensation to focus on.

Once I feel like he's ready I pull my fingers out and slick up my dick, lining myself up.

"If I need to stop or slow down, you need to tell me." I say, and he nods.

I begin to push in slowly, and I can tell Frank's hurting slightly.

I lean down and kiss him on the lips lightly, feeling him deepening it.

Once I'm all the way in, I pull out and push back in, hearing him moan into my mouth.

That was my signal that he was now comfortable, so I picked up my pace a little.

I started a fast rhythm, still continuing my kiss with Frank.

He kept trying to take control of the kiss, but I was quick to put him back in his place.

After a little, his pants started to increase and I could tell he was close.

"G-gee, close, f-fuck-" he stuttered out, and soon enough he was coming.

I continued to thrust into him until I eventually came as well.

I pulled out and we both took a couple deep breaths.

I untied Frank's wrists and hugged hi, whispering in his ear.

"Any aftercare that you need?"

"Just a shower." He says back, and I could tell he was tired.

"Of course darling."

"I love you." He says, and I smile.

"I love you too."

Eternally Yours - Frerard -Where stories live. Discover now