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Gerard's POV

Tuesday came pretty quickly, and before I knew it I was pacing back and forth in our living room, not sure what to do.

"Gee, calm down. They're just people." Frank reassures from the couch. "Nothing to worry about."

"I know. Should I order pizza? Will they want pizza?" I question, looking at him. "Do they like pizza?"

"I don't know, Gee. How about we wait until they get here, and then we'll ask them if they want pizza. And then maybe watch a movie or something?" Frank suggests.

"Yeah. Okay, yeah." I say with a sigh, flopping down onto the couch next to Frank. "I'm just nervous."

"I can tell." He says with a chuckle, running his hand up and down my thigh.

~Smut warning, you can skip it if you'd like~

"I could help you relax." He says, trailing his hand up higher. "You know, if you'd like."

"W-we can't." I stutter out. "T-they'll be here soon."

"What's the harm in a quickie?" He whispers right next my ear, and I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"F-frank." I warn, but I could tell he wasn't listening.

"Shhhh" He says, kissing my neck slightly and unzipping my pants. "Just give in baby, I know you want to."

"F-fuck, fine. J-just be quick." I say, and he smirks.

"Oh, don't worry about that." He says, slipping off the couch and getting on his knees in front of me.

"O-oh-" I say, and I could feel my eyes widen.

"Just sit back and enjoy it baby, it's gonna feel so good." Frank says, pulling my pants and boxers down to my thighs and running his hands up and down them.

I let out a small breathy noise as he leans forward, taking me all in one go.

I let out a surprised gasp, and my fingers make their way down to his hair. I tug slightly, and I could hear him moan around me.

It's not long until I'm letting go, and Frank pulls off of me.

He then shoves his hand into his own pants, and I whine in protest, reaching forward.

He smacks my hands away, however, and looks me in the eyes.

"You don't have to repay me. This was for you, not me."

"But-" I start to say, but I'm cut off as we both hear a knock at the door.

My eyes widen and I start to pull my pants up. Frank does the same, and I start to push him towards the stairs.

"Go to our room and sort yourself out, I'll get the door." I say, and he nods in agreement.

~Smut over~

I open the door and see Vic and Kellin standing there, and a smile forms on my face.

"Hey guys!" I greet, and I give both of them a hug.

"Wow! Gee, you look good!" Kellin compliments.

I couldn't help but blush, just a little.

"You look good too Kellin, as always." I say as I move to the side. "You can come in. Frank's doing something, I'm not exactly sure what, but, uhm, he'll be down soon, I'm sure."

"Okay, cool." Vic says.

They both walk in and sit on the couch, and I could tell they're both observing the apartment.

"Would you guys like some pizza? I was just about to order some, if that's good with you guys." I ask.

"I'm always down for pizza." Kellin says, and Vic agrees.

"Great. You guys want a half and half? Like pepperoni and sausage." I ask, looking up at them.

"That sounds fine." Vic says, and so I place the online order.

It's only a little bit before Frank comes down the stairs and Vic stands up.

"You must be Frank, I'm Vic." He greets, and Frank smiles back.

"Nice to meet you." He says, and we all sit down on the couch.

We talk for a while until the pizza arrives, and once I pay for it I set it down on the table and everyone digs in.

After that, we just talk.

"So, are you guys soulmates? Or do you know?" Frank asks, and both of them remain quiet.

After a little but of awkward silence, Vic speaks out.

"We both decided that we don't really want to know. We both agree that we love each other, and nothing would change that. So, we just haven't tried." He explains.

"Oh don't worry, I get that. I mean, Gerard and I didn't do it until our friends forced us to do it after we went through a traumatic experience together." He says with a breathy laugh.

"Traumatic experience?" Kellin questions, and I cut in.

"A while ago I dated someone who was really toxic. Then, once I started dating Frank, they found out and kind of like...kidnapped Frank-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, what?!" Vic says. "I'll kill him."

Frank laughs. "Thank you, but you don't have to worry about that. He's in prison. Gee figured out where I was, and him and our friends rescued me. It was actually one of the people who kidnapped me that jumped in front of the bullet that would've killed me, which is kind of ironic if you think about it-"

"Sounds like a scene from an action movie." Kellin says jokingly, looking at Vic.

"Kind of." I agree. "But anyway, I saved him and our friends told us that that was the perfect time. So, despite the fact that both of us were incredibly nervous, we did it anyway. And I'm glad we did."

"So, this guy.." Vic says, slightly trailing off. "Did he have any close friends that would try to get revenge on you guys for putting him in jail? Like, was he in some kind of gang or something that's now after you guys?"

"I'm not honestly sure." I say. "There were a couple other guys that were with him that also got arrested. The only one who didn't was the one who saved me. But, who knows how many people Bert was close with-"

"Bert?!" Kellin and Vic ask at the same time.

"Yes?" I say, confused.

They both look at each other, and then back at me.

"What?" I question.

"Oh, nothing." Vic says quickly. "It's just that someone we know is named Bert, but it's not the same person. Just a weird coincidence."

I'm not believing that.

I look over and Frank and it's clear that he doesn't believe it, either.

They were definitely hiding something.

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