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*there are tags at the end of this chapter if you're wondering why you got tagged in something :)*

Gerard's POV

It feels weird to say this, but, after about a month, this new way of living started to become normal.

Frank and I became close friends with the three guys who were constantly in our apartment. They're actually really nice guys, despite being part of a literal mafia.

We started to go outside more and we didn't feel as afraid. There was always someone watching us, so we just had to trust that they would do their job and keep up safe.

The only thing that was starting to get a little hard to control was Mikey and Pete. They kept prying about what happened when we went to see Kellin and Vic that one night at the record store. But of course, we couldn't tell them.

"So when are you going to tell me what really happened?" Mikey asks me as I'm leaned over the stove cooking some bacon, Remington hiding in Frank and I's bedroom.

"About what?" I question, playing dumb. Mikey just glares at me.

"We're your closest friends Gerard, I'm kind of offended that you won't tell us." Pete says from the kitchen table, although his eyes are still glued to his phone.

"And I'm literally your brother." Mikey adds.

"I told you already." I groan. "Kellin and Vic used to be in Vic's gang. They got out of it, but they still have to avoid Bert and the police. They obviously didn't kill me when they had the chance, so they're not evil. Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm telling you the truth?"

"Because quite frankly, I don't think that Kellin and Vic were ever stupid enough to get involved in Bert's gang. They never even really liked Bert in High School, so, why would they willingly work for him? It just doesn't make sense to me."

"I don't know Mikey, I'm not a fucking psychic." I say, my tone of voice coming off as kind of aggressive.

"What are we talking about?" Frank asks as he walks into the kitchen. He stops in place, probably because he can sense that the environment is slightly hostile.

"We were just having a friendly chat." Mikey says, and I don't say anything.

I finish up making breakfast and the four of us sat down to eat, not making much conversation.

The awkward silence filled the room, but nobody knew how to break it.

After breakfast Mikey and Pete left, leaving just me and Frank alone.

And Remington in our bedroom.

"I'm going to go tell Rem that he can come out now." I tell Frank, and he just nods.

I walk up to our bedroom and walk into in, causing Remington to jump slightly.

"It's just me, please don't shoot." I joke, and he laughs slightly.

"They're gone, you can come out now."

"Alright." He agrees as he gets up from my bed and walks past me into the hallway.

I sigh as I collapse onto my bed, cuddling into the pillows and for some reason, falling back asleep.


~Smut Warning~
Frank's POV

I was sitting on the couch talking with Remington for a while before I decided I should probably go check on Gee. He went in out bedroom a while ago and didn't come out.

It's not that I was worried about him, I was just simply wondering what he was doing.

I got up from the couch and walked over to our bedroom, pausing outside the door when I hear what sounded like whimpers.

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