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Frank's POV

"You expect me to fucking believe that?!" Mikey asks, completely convinced that wasn't true.

Pete, however, said nothing. I think his brain was still processing the words that had left my mouth. 

"I would believe that Gerard cheated on you before I would believe that." Mikey said angrily.

Everyone is silent. Nobody knows what to say. The truth is out there, but right now, it's not believed. The question is, is anyone going to make them believe it.

Then something happens that throws everybody off. Vic walks through the door.

Still, nobody says anything. Vic looks up and makes eye contact with Kellin. It's not hard to feel the tension in the air.

"Okay, what's going on here?" Vic asks calmly.

When nobody answers, his attention turns back to Kellin.

"Baby, what's happening?" He asks, a little more serious this time. 

"M-Mikey and Pete walked in the house while Gerard was crying a-and he panicked and told them he cheated on Frank and that Remington and Emerson were just friends that were here to help us figure it all out, and Mikey and Pete left because they were disappointed in Gee, but I couldn't leave everything like that so I called them back in here, a-and Frank snapped and told them the truth." Kellin blurts out rather quickly.

"The truth?!" Mikey says angrily. "You expect me to believe that you're in a fucking Mafia!?"

"Here we go again" Kellin sighs.

"What can we do to make you believe that we're telling the truth?" Vic asks, clearly over having to explain this every other week.

"I-I don't know! This is ridiculous!" Mikey says, turning around to leave, but being stopped by Pete grabbing his arm.

Mikey looks up at Pete, monetarily going silent as he realizes that Pete had grabbed him.

"Don't tell me you believe them." Mikey says, his voice showing signs of disbelief. "You're not serious."

 "We thought something suspicious was going on at the beginning." Pete says quietly. "Maybe we were right."

"No no no no!" Mikey exclaims, clearly getting frustrated. "Pete, they are lying to you. Can't you see that?!"

"Seems like things are going great in here." A strong voice cuts through the room, causing everyone's heads to turn and see the sight.

My immediate reaction was to run to Gerard, shielding him from the sight. He was currently sitting on the couch, so I stood right in front of the couch, allowing him to shield himself behind me.

And of course, none other than Bert fucking McCracken was standing in the hallway, his arm wrapped around Remington's neck to keep him from escaping, and his other hand holding a gun, right up to Remington's skull. 

Vic, Emerson, and Sebastian all raise their weapons, aiming directly at Bert.

"If you shoot, he dies." Bert says simply, pressing the gun harder against Remington's skull. 

"Kellin, get them out." Vic says calmly, gesturing towards Mikey and Pete.

Bert then removes the gun from Remington's head and shoots it at the ceiling. A warning shot.

"If any of you move, he dies." Bert says once again, placing the gun back on Remington's head.

"Go." Remington says strongly. "I'm not worth all of your lives."

"We're not leaving you Remington." Vic snaps, turning towards Bert. "What do you want?"

"You know what I want." He smirks, directing his attention over to me, currently shielding Gerard.

"Come on Geebear, all you gotta do is come with me." He says in a sing-song tone.

He goes to move, but I stop him. 

"Are you fucking crazy?!" I whisper.

"It's the only way for everyone to make it out alive."

"I don't fucking care Gee. There's got to be another way." 

"Awe, that's cute." Bert chuckles. "You really think that's true."

"Bert, lets not be stupid here." Vic says calmly. "You know we're not going to give you Gerard."

"Well, I guess this bitch gets it then." Bert says nonchalantly, about to pull the trigger before Sebastian stopped him by shouting.

"Don't you fucking dare." He practically growled, and in that moment, even I was scared he was going to shoot. He sounded so, terrifying. I guess when his brother was put in harms way, his natural instincts kick in.

I then spotted Kellin slowly moving across the room while Bert was distracted so that he was behind Vic.

I then looked to see where Mikey was, but I saw a much better sight. 

Climbing onto the balcony behind Bert, was Jamie, Tony, and Mike.

Clearly someone had signaled to the rest that we were in danger.

The three boys snuck into the kitchen as Bert was distracted with Sebastian, the two going back and forth. 

"Y-you can't shoot him!"  Sebastian said, trying to keep Bert's eyes on him. "H-He's my brother."

"Oh boo fucking hoo, give me Gerard." He said, once again pushing the barrel of the gun he was holding harder into Remington's head, clearly getting annoyed. 

"No." Vic said sternly.

"Suit yourself then." 

That didn't sound good.

I shut my eyes instinctively, not wanting to watch whatever was about to happen. If something went wrong, I didn't want to see it.

The noise of two gunshots rung through the apartment. And so many other things happened at once. I heard screaming, running, something that sounded like smashed glass, and then, one final gunshot, and some other loud noises.

The chilling silence that fell afterwards was tense.

Nobody spoke. But I still didn't want to open my eyes.

I didn't know what happened. I didn't know if anyone got seriously injured, I didn't know if anybody died, and I didn't know who had the upper hand here. Was it us, or Bert?

Gerard was the one who made me open my eyes.


I then shot my eyes open, assessing the situation around me.

The only people I saw were Mikey, Pete, Kellin, and Vic.

And that's when I realized, that people were talking.

Kellin and Vic were arguing over whether they should be chasing Bert right now like the rest of them, or whether they should be here. I guess I just tuned them out.

"frank." I heard Gerard's voice again from behind me, but this time it sounded much weaker.

And that's when I realized that my back that was pressed against Gerard's front was wet. And warm.

I turned around, and that's when I realized what is was.


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