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Question, how old do you guys think I am??

*first half is smut*

Frank's POV

I grab Gerard's wrist and pull him into our bedroom, shoving him down onto the bed forcefully.

I pin him down to the bed and look him in the eyes. "Don't fucking move."

I get up from the bed and grab our rope, a new addition that was just bought recently.

I straddle Gerard's waist and tie his wrists together with the rope, leaving a little gap in order for me to loop another rope through it, securing his wrists to the headboard.

When I look back down at me, he's looking at me with nothing but want in his eyes.

I chuckle darkly at that, he was so desperate for me.

I feel him squirming around slightly as I adjust my position, I can tell he's trying to gain some sort of friction.

I lean down and kiss as his neck lightly, trying to tease him just a little bit more.

I make my way down his body, leaving kisses, bites, and hickeys in just about every place that I can.

The longer I do this for, the more Gerard whines.

He's squirming slightly, and he's letting out barely audible whimpers.

"F-Frankie, please-"

"Please what?" I tease, kissing up his thighs, avoiding where I know he wants to be touched most.

"P-please, touch me, fuck me, do anything please-" he whines, pulling at his restraints.

"You want me to hurt you, slut?" I ask, palming him.

"Oh, fuck- please-"

I lean up and kiss him harshly, running my fingers through his hair and tugging it, causing him to gasp, allowing me to shove my tongue into his mouth.

I could feel him fighting me for dominance, and I was not having that.

I pull away from him harshly, staring into his eyes.

"Stop doing that."

"Hm, no. I don't think I will." He says with a smirk on his face.

"Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say to me?" I say angrily. I knew he was trying to push me, and honestly, it was working.

"You heard me." He says simply, not backing down at all. "I'm not repeating myself."

"If you don't take that back right fucking now, you're getting punished."

"You wouldn't." He challenges, looking me straight in my eyes.

I lean down slowly, wrapping my fingers through his hair.

"You make think you're all big and tough, but the second that I run my fingers through your hair I own you." I tease, lightly running my fingers through his hair.

He whines and struggles, trying to get away from my hold. His attempts are pointless, though, because there's nowhere for him to go.

Once I've got him wrapped around my finger, I pull my fingers away from his hair.

He whines, and it causes me to chuckle darkly.

He's still in his dazed state, so he doesn't even realize that I'm slicking up my fingers with lube until I've inserted one of them inside him.

He let's out a desperate moan, slowly slipping out of his submissive state.

Once I feel that I've prepped him enough, I line myself up and push in rough and fast, causing his whole body to jolt in shock.

"O-oh, fuck-" Gee moans out, but I lean down quickly and connect our lips, shutting him up.

I continue to thrust into him rough and fast, breaking away from Gee's lips to leave more kisses and bites on his neck.

I also snake my hands up to his neck, squeezing slightly, causing him to roll his eyes back in pleasure.

"You gonna cum, slut? You love the pain so much that it's gonna push you over the edge?" I growl into his ear.

"f-fuck, yes. G-gonna cum-"

"Not until I say so." I say sternly.

He only moans in response, throwing his head back.

Normally, I would punish him for all the shit he did earlier. The talking back to me and shit.

But, I'm honestly not in the mood for that.

I feel myself getting close, so I lean into his ear and whisper "cum for me."

He immediately releases, causing me to pull out and do the same.

*smut over*

I flop down onto the bed and Gee immediately clings to me.

"Thank you for that." He mumbles.

"Of course, Gee. Do you want to talk about your day? Or would you rather not?"

He silent for a couple seconds before he speaks again.

"How was your day?" He asks.

I laugh slightly, pulling him closer to me.

He sets his head in the crook of my neck as I rub his back.

"Well, someone around my age came in today looking for Black Flag. We got talking and we was actually pretty cool. I meant to ask for his number so we could maybe become friends, but I never got the chance."

"Was he cute?" Gerard mumbles.

I chuckle. "Even if he was, that's not what I'm focused on baby."

"What was his name?"

"Pretty sure it was Kellin. I thought I recognized the name before, but it's not exactly a common name." I say.

His head peaks with interest. "Did he have black hair that was kinda on the shorter side? And was he skinny and kinda awkward?"

"Very specific, but yeah." I say. "You know him?"

"Yeah, he went to my old school. He was part of my friend group, ya know, the one who kinda pushed me to the side?" He explains.

"Oh shit I'm sorry, I didn't know he was rude to you-"

"Hey, Frank, it's okay. Kellin was never rude to me, he just spent a lot of time with his boyfriend. Which, I completely understand. It's not his fault, and if you want to be friends with him, go ahead. Maybe we can try and reconnect, too." He explains.

"Oh." I say. "Okay, yeah. If I see him again I'll try and get his number."

"When you talked to him, did he mention anything about his boyfriend?" Gee asks curiously.

"We weren't really talking about things like that." I say. "Why?"

"Oh, I'm just curious if they're still together. They were really close when Mikey and I moved away, I wonder if they're still that way."

"Let's hope that he comes back to the shop soon so I can find out."

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