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*Inspired by Vic and Danielle's 'Quarantine Date Night's'*

Frank's POV

The next day Gerard and I both had off, so we decided that we wanted to have a date night.

"Yeah, we haven't had a date night in a while." Gerard agreed when I brought up the idea. "Let's do it."

During the day we lounged around the house. Gerard was painting in our room and I was laying on the bed, making small comments or striking up conversations every now and then.

It was around 6 PM when both of us jumped when we heard a loud crack of thunder, accompanied by some lighting.

Not long after that, the sky turned dark and it started to downpour.

Gerard turned around in his chair and looked at me, a sad expression on his face.

"The rain really said "fuck your date" huh?" He says with a small laugh.

I frown, but then I get an idea.

I get up from the bed and move towards the door, shutting off the light.

"Uhm, whatcha doing?" Gerard asks. "I can't see."

I open the door, allowing some light from the hallway to sneak into the room.

"Get up and come with me." I say, and he looks confused as he doesn't move.

"Please?" I ask with puppy dog eyes, and he sighs.

"Fine." He complies, getting up from his chair and following me out into the hallway.

I then turn off the lights in the hallway and make my way to the living room, turning off those lights as well.

We eventually end up in the kitchen, and all the lights in the apartment are off.

"Sooo what exactly are you doing?" Gerard asks, and I smile, although I'm not sure that he can see it.

"Looks like the storm knocked out the power." I say, and I can tell he's confused.

"But, you-"

"Guess we'll have to light some candles, huh?" I ask, and at that point I think he was catching on.

"Ohhhh." He says, and now I know he got it.

"I thought it would be cute to pretend the power was out. The storm really sets the mood, too. This way we can sit in candlelight and play some board games or cards or something, ya know, typical things you do when the power's out. Except we can maybe make it a little more romantic." I say, and then I start to worry that maybe he found this stupid.

"Aww, that's cute." Gerard says. "That's a great idea. I'll light the candles, you wanna go get some cards?"

"Yeah." I smile, glad that he actually liked my idea.

I go up to our room and grab an uno deck, and a normal deck of cards.

Then I make my way back downstairs and see Gerard lighting candles and putting them on the coffee table in the living room. He smiles when he sees me, and motions for me to sit on the couch next to him.

I sit down and set the cards on the table, turning so I'm facing him.

"So, I got uno and then a normal deck of cards. I thought that we could start with uno, and then play war or something like that, if you'd like." I say, and he smiles.

"That's perfect, you shuffling first?" He asks, and I nod.

I pull the uno cards out and shuffle them, dealing seven cards to both of us.

I pick mine up and see that I'd been graced with four blue cards, a 3, 6, 4, and a 9.

I had also been graced with a wild card and two red cards, a skip and a 2.

"Damn, who shuffled these cards?" I ask jokingly, and Gerard laughs slightly.

"That would be you, you dork." He says as he flips over the top card from the deck, making it our starting card.

"You wanna start?" I ask.

"Sure." He says with a smirk, putting down a draw four right off of the bat.

"Wow, what the fuck did I do to you?" I ask jokingly.

"Nothing darling, love you." Gerard says, batting his eyelashes.

I pick up my four cards and try to conceal the smile on my face as I see that I had picked up a draw four.

"What color?" I ask.

"Yellow." He says as he puts down a yellow 6.

"Shit." I mutter. I didn't have any yellow, and I didn't want to use my draw four yet.

I pick up a card from the draw pile, picking up a green 5.

"Your turn." I say as I organize my hand, seeing Gerard put down a yellow 2.

I smirk as I put down my red 2, making him frown.

"But I don't have red." He fake pouts.

"Too bad." I tease, and he picks up a card from the draw pile.

Our game goes on for a little but before Gerard gets down to Uno, but I still had my draw four.

I put it down and he frowned, picking up the four cards.

But somehow, he still ended up winning.

"Ha! I win." He brags once he puts down his final card.

"Alright, alright. You wanna play war?" I ask, and he nods.

Gerard shuffles this time, dealing out the whole deck evenly to both of us.

I grab my cards and straighten them, getting ready to pull the top card.

"Ready?" Gerard asks, and I nod.

We both flip the top card, and I grin and I see that he had a 7 and I had a Queen.

I grab both the cards and we continue until we both run out.

Once we do, it's clear that I have a little more cards than he does.

We continue for a while, before Gerard only has a couple cards left.

The only thing that's been keeping him alive for the past couple rounds was that Ace that he had. If it weren't for that Ace, he would've definitely lost by now.

We both flip over our top card and we're both shocked to see that both the cards were Ace's. Fucking finally.

We put out the next three cards and lock eyes.

"This is it." I say, and he nods.

"On three." I say. "One, two, three!"

We flip over the cards and I'm delighted to see that he only had a 2, whereas I had a King.

I took his cards, and that's when I realized those were his final cards.

"Oh shit, I won." I say, and Gerard nods.

"Yep. I won once, and you won once. Now we're even." He smiles as he moves over to me and sits in my lap.

"Thank you for trying to make something out of this night with me." He says. "I know our original plans got cancelled, but I'm glad we were able to make the best of it."

"Of course Gerard." I say, running my hand up and down his back. "I'd do anything to make you happy."

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