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This is a filler chapter, kinda sucks, but whatevs. Wrote this at Samanthas house lmao

Gerard's POV

After Frank and I had our conversation with Vic and Kellin, I started to feel a little self conscious.

I mean, obviously I know that Frank would never cheat on me. And, I know that Kellin and Vic are very much happy together, and I honestly couldn't see either one of them ever cheating.

However, Kellin and Vic are both very attractive people. Any sane person would pick one of them over me, I mean, come on.

Frank seemed to notice my change in behavior. He was very quick to put all of his attention on me.

"Hey, what's wrong? You okay?" He asked quickly, placing a hand on my thigh reassuringly.

I honestly didn't want to tell him I was insecure. I didn't want him to know how I truly felt, so I decided to change the subject.

"I just hope LynZ's doing okay." I blurt out randomly. I have no idea where that thought came from, but I was glad I was at least able to come up with one.

"Huh?" He questions, clearly not convinced.

"Ya know, LynZ. We haven't seen her in a while, I hope that she's doing okay. What, you know with like, Bandit and everything." I say quickly, but I know that Frank can see right through my bullshit.

"I feel like you've done this before. You're having a personal problem, and then instead of coming to me to help you, you start to say that you're worrying about LynZ. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that you are worried about her sometimes. However, I know you well enough to know that this is not one of those times. So please, just tell me what's going on. You know you can trust me." He says sincerely.

I looked up into his eyes, and I realized that I can't lie to him anymore.

Curse him and his beautiful fucking eyes. Goddamn.

"Fine. I'm just....I dunno, a little insecure I guess. That is all." I say, trying to make it sound as if it's nonchalant, but Frank picks up on it right away.

"You're insecure? For what reason? Gee, we are soulmates, I am not leaving you for anybody in this entire world. I know that my words aren't enough to reassure you, but I have other ways of showing you how much you mean to me." He says softly, leaving light kisses on my cheek, then making his way down to my neck.

"You saved my life Gee. And you would've risked your life just to save mine. You would've disappeared with that disgusting bastard if it meant I got to live. And don't tell me that you wouldn't, because I know that you would." He continues.

"I wouldn't want anybody else other than the man who saved my life. You mean the absolute world to me Gerard, and I really wish you could see that. I don't exactly know what you're insecure about, but I can assure you, you have nothing to worry about." He reassures me.

"B-but, I'm not even attractive. Don't you want somebody who is." I say quietly. I could barely form a voice to get out the words, but I know he heard me.

"Oh baby, I get it now. You think that I'm going to leave you for Kellin. Baby, I have no interest in Kellin in that way. Sure, he may be a cool dude, but he's not my type. You know who is my type, though? Hot dudes with dyed red hair and hazel eyes. Brave dudes, who would risk their life for me in a heartbeat. Dudes who've been through some rough patches in their life, but still managed to stay strong. Dudes who I know will always protect me when I need it, but let me baby them and treat them like royalty. Dudes who respect my boundaries, and know how to be respectful. But last, and certainly not least." Frank says, pulling out the key from under his shirt. "My type is my other half."

He inserts the key into my lock, correctly this time, and once again, it opens.

He quickly locks it shut and looks back up at me.

"Did you see that? That means we are meant to be together, Gerard. I don't care how many attractive men throw themselves at me, I will always choose you. Always." He reassures.

At this point, I can definitely feel myself crying. I don't deserve him.

"Y-you're too sweet." I say, wiping away some stray tears from my face. "I don't deserve you."

"Yes, yes you fucking do. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, Gerard, but you saved my life." He says.

"Technically, Bob did that." I say, forcing out a small laugh between my sobs.

"No, technically you did. You're the one who found me, you're the one who knew to have the police come in as back up, and you're the one who made the plan. You're also the one who was 100% ready to go into that situation by yourself. You are the bravest person that I know. And you are the one who I want to be there to protect me for the rest of my life. Not Vic, not Kellin, you. Because I love you."

"Aw, fuck. I love you too, you sap." I say, pulling him into my lap and hugging him.

"I hope that made you feel a little better. I know that my words will never fully heal your insecurities, but maybe over time you'll realize how special you really are."

After that, it's silent for a couple minutes.

Frank is still in my lap, and I'm still holding him tightly. And then, he speaks.

"Do you still want to hang out with Kellin and Vic? Or do you need some time." He asks slowly, almost as if talking at a normal pace would cause me to break down.

"Of corse I do." I say. "I know realistically that you're not going to leave me for one of them. And I know that they love each other dearly. It's just that, sometimes my feelings take over without me really thinking about the situation clearly." I explain. "It's something that I've always dealt with."

"Well, now you won't have to deal with it alone."

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