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This update only happened because Samantha called me out for being lazy and not updating, so everyone thank Samantha for this one

Gee's POV

Having a job at a coffee shop isn't exactly what I thought it would be like.

I thought it would be pretty easy, but I was wrong. People just have to have the most complicated fucking orders that don't make any sense.

Please, tell me how the fuck I'm supposed to make a hot iced coffee?? Like?? How.

The good thing about my job, though, is that I like all my coworkers.

There's Jamie, Tony, Danielle, Christian, Lauren, Juliet, Justin, and our manager, Amy.

Christian actually goes by CC, though. He says that he doesn't like the name Christian because it makes him sound like a goody-two-shoes.

Today was actually a fairly slow day, so CC and I were talking as I wiped down the bar, Juliet, Danielle, and Jamie having their own conversation.

"Dude, my friends been freaking out lately, it's kinda hilarious." CC says, scrolling through his phone.

"Why's that?" I question, focusing on a specific spot on the bar, caused by caramel, probably.

"He just started going to college and got paired with a roommate. My friend's gay, and he's just super nervous this person's gonna be homophobic or something. He says it also doesn't help that the dude's kinda hot." CC explained, not once looking up from his phone.

"That is kinda funny. I feel bad for him, though. I know that feeling." I say.

"Yeah. It worked out for you, though." He says, looking up. "Oh yeah, and how's that going?"

"My relationship?" I question, he nods.

"Pretty good. I feel like we're getting closer to each other, if that's even possible." I explain.

We cut our conversation short at someone walks in.

I immediately move to the register and put on a smile.

"Hi! What can I get for ya?" I ask politely.

"Just two hot coffees please, black."



"For both?"


"Alright, that'll be 3.78, can I get a name?" I ask, looking up at him.


"Fuentes?" I immediately question, not even thinking about it before it left my mouth.

"Yeah, holy shit. Gerard?" He questions.

"Yeah man, it's been a while huh?" I say.

"Yeah. I never thought I'd see you again, honestly. How have you been?"

"Pretty good. I recently just found my soulmate, actually." I say with a smile.

"That's awesome!" He says. "I'm happy for you."

"Yeah. You and Kellin still going strong?"

"You know it." He says sweetly.

"My boyfriend actually just saw Kellin the other day at his job. He was trying to get in touch with him because he wanted to be friends with him. Maybe, if you're up for it, we could reconnect as well? I would really love to be friends with you and Kellin again. And I promise, my boyfriend is amazing."

Eternally Yours - Frerard -Where stories live. Discover now