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Ya'll I'm almost at 700 followers, that's fucking crazy, I love ya'll sm
Also, I'll Never Let Them Hurt You hit 50K!! That's fucking insane you guys! You guys mean the world to me 🖤

Frank's POV

After Gerard and I's talk last night, I was feeling pretty nice when I walked into work this morning.

It gave me a lot of new opportunities. It got me thinking a lot about things that I could now do to him.

I clocked into work and greeted Ray, exchanging a couple quick words before he clocked out and left. Leaving just me and our manager Adam.

We'd only had a couple customers this morning, most being middle aged men looking for classic rock shit.

Someone around my age came in earlier looking for a Black Flag record, and this sparked my interest.

We talked for a while, and I found out his name was Kellin. That name sounded familiar to me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. He was pretty cool, and I honestly found myself kind of upset when he left. I hoped that he'd come back, maybe we could talk more.

Adam and I made small talk for most of the day, talking about really anything. Some of it was music related, some of it was personal talk. Adam and I had grown close over the period that I've worked with him, and I was pretty comfortable with sharing things about my personal life.

"So I heard that you went missing for a couple days a while back, what happened with that?" Adam asked innocently.

I felt myself tense, but I calmed myself when I realized the question was innocent. He didn't know what happened to me, and he was simply asking a question. He wasn't trying to be rude.

"It's a long story, really. But to put it simply, I was kidnapped by my boyfriends crazy ex and he almost shot and killed me. But it's alright."

"You're funny." Adam laughed lightly "If you don't want to tell me you don't have to."

"I'm serious." I say, and he stops laughing. "I wouldn't joke about something like that.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." He says sympathetically. "I didn't mean to- you know what? I'm just gonna stop talking."

"It's okay." I say with a breathy laugh. "I've put it behind me now. He's in jail, and he won't be out for a while."

"Good, he can fucking rot in hell. Why on earth would he do something like that?" Adam asks.

"He wanted Gerard, my boyfriend. He kidnapped me and told Gerard that he would only let me go if Gerard ran away with him. Luckily, Gerard was smarter than to go into that situation alone." I explained.

"Jesus, how hot's your boyfriend?" Adam asked jokingly.

I smile. "He's pretty fucking hot. I'm so lucky I get to have him for the rest of my life."

"Oh shit, you're soulmates??" Adam asks. "That's so cool! I'm happy for you, you actually found yours!"

"Yeah." I say with a smile. "He's pretty amazing."

"When did you guys find out?" He asks, absentmindedly tapping his fingers on the counter to his own little beat.

"The same night he saved me." I smile, blushing as I remember what happened just before we found out. "I made him cry."

"Because you were soulmates?" Adam asks, clearly confused.

I laugh. "No, because I put my fucking key in upside down the first time we did it. He thought we weren't soulmates, and for a second, I did too. Then I fucking realized that I was an idiot and everything was okay."

"Oh my god, you dumbass." Adam laughed.

Our conversation was cut short as someone walked through the door, causing me to stand up.

"Hey, welcome to Jersey Records." I greet with a smile. "Anything specific you're looking for?"

"You guys got any Sex Pistols?" He asks.

He looked around my age, maybe a little older. He had blonde hair, but it was clearly dyed.

"Yeah, over here." I say, leading him to the section where the albums were.

He looked for a little bit before deciding on 'Spunk', setting it on the counter before paying for it and leaving. Something weird though, was a little piece of paper that was left on the counter.

I looked at it before picking it up, seeing that the person had left their number.

Call me cutie ;)


I was honestly completely shocked. Nobody had ever given me their number before.

But, I threw it away quickly. I admired the persons bravery, I really did, but I didn't need anybody else's number. I had Gerard, and that's all I needed.

After my shift was over, I clocked out and drove home, eager to see Gerard.

I pulled into our apartment buildings parking lot and got out, walking in and making my way up the stairs until I got to our apartment number.

I pulled out my key and unlocked the door, being immediately bombarded by Gerard.

Gerard had pulled me in quickly for a hug, and I responded almost instantly, hugging him right back. 

"Gee, baby, everything okay?" I ask cautiously.

*sexual talk, no real action in this chapter though*

"I had a rough day." He says, nuzzling his face into my neck, wrapping his body around mine. "I would love a distraction."

"Oh really?" I question, running my fingers lightly through his hair, causing him to whine.

"I want you to use me." He mumbles. "Make me forget."

"Are you sure baby?" I ask, "What's our safeword?"

"Doves." He says instantly.

"Good, now are their any hard-limits for tonight? Anything you don't want me to do?"

He pauses for a second before he looks at me dead in the eyes. "Don't be gentle."

"Oh, little Kitten wants to be hurt hmm? You want to be tied down and abused, forced to lay there while I do whatever the fuck I want to you, just like the little slut you are?"

"Oh god yes." He whines, grinding against my thigh.

I let out a growl, switching us around so that I was pinning him to the door, holding his wrists on either side of his head.

"Did I fucking say you could do that?" I say venomously.

"N-no." He stutters out, looking anywhere but at me.

"Eye contact." I say sternly, causing him to look at me hesitantly.

"You're going to listen to me, and do everything that I say. Do I make myself clear?" I say, my grip on his wrists tightening.

"C-crystal." He stutters out.

Oh how I loved my life.

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