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Gerard's POV

"Vic's the leader of a Mafia."

"Oh my god Kellin, why'd you have to say it like that-"

"Because it's true!"

"No, okay-" Vic sighs. "It's not a Mafia. It's just...organized crime against the people who deserve it."

"Isn't that just a gang?" I ask, confused.

"It would be if it wasn't a family thing." Kellin informs.

"Look, we're not a Mafia that runs around killing people just because we can. In fact, most times we don't kill. We only kill if it's necessary. And we only go after bad people."

"That's kind of hypocritical." I note. "You're going around hurting people who did bad things when you are also doing bad things?"

"Look, it's the best I could do okay?! My dad passed the role of the leader on to me a while ago, but I never wanted it. I still don't. But my dad would be pissed if I didn't take the role, so I changed it up. I lead in such a way where only bad people are harmed. No, it's still not good, and I realize that, but I have no other choice." Vic explains.

"So you honestly just expect me to sit here and believe that you guys are in a fucking Mafia?! If you guys were, how would you even prove that?" Frank asks, not convinced at all.

"I'll explain how we know Bert. He has a gang of his own, and yes, his is actually a gang. There's no family heritage there, and he's not even the leader. He's more like the second in command. Anyway, him and his gang don't care if you're good or bad, they'll hurt you regardless. I've always hated him and his gang, and I guess they're sort of our rivals. So when I found out that he hurt you guys, I was furious. So, I made it our next mission to make sure that his gang (and now him), go nowhere near you guys. I promise that our intentions being friends with you wasn't for that reason alone, we did want to be friends with you guys, and we still do, but we just need you to understand that we're not going to hurt you. But, we do want to protect you. And I ask that you please let us do that, you guys could be in extreme danger."

"I still don't believe you." Frank tells them, and I don't say anything.

How do I know they're not lying? I mean, their story sounds pretty convincing, though.

"What else can we do? Show you our bank account or something?"

"Pull out your gun." Frank states.

"Excuse me?" Vic asks, and Kellin just sighs.

"If you're really the leader of a Mafia, you'll have a gun on you. So, whip it out Mr. Mafia Leader." Frank says confidently.

"You don't want me to do that." Vic says. "If someone walks in the store, or even walks past in the street and sees it I could get in trouble."

"He's got a point." I agree, and Frank glares at me.

"You really believe them?! You're on their side?!"

"I'm Switzerland." I say bitterly.

"Fine, then how about you and I go the back room Vic, that way nobody will see your 'gun'." He says, emphasizing the word gun.

"Frank, please take a breather." I say lightly, but he ignores me.

"Why? You think if I get too mad Mr. Mafia Man is gonna shoot me? I thought he didn't shoot innocent people." Frank taunts.

"God, fucking-fine." Vic says, lifting up his sweatshirt to reveal a gun that was very well concealed.

He quickly puts the sweatshirt back down and Frank doesn't say anything.

"Look, please just trust us?" Kellin asks. "We just want to protect you."

"How many people are in your gang?" I ask, and Kellin smiles slightly.

"Including me? 10. Jamie, Tony, my cousin Nick, Oli, Lee, Rem, Em, Sebastian, and my brother Mike." Vic counts off.

"Wait, you didn't say Kellin's name." Frank states.

"Oh, I know. He's not actually part of it. Since he's my boyfriend, other Mafias and gangs could use him against me. If he were to actually go out with us, he has a higher risk of being kidnapped then any of my other men. He stays home when we go out, and I always make sure one person stays behind with him. Kellin also serves as our mental health support sometimes. This job can sometimes be mentally draining, but he always seems to know what to say."

"And all of these people would be protecting us?" I ask.

"Even if you say no, they already are. It's just that if you say yes we could make it more secure." Vic explains.

"What do you mean by 'they already are'?" Frank asks.

"Well, Mike and Jamie are standing outside the store somewhere on the street making sure nobody comes in here that we know is part of another gang and/or Mafia. Oh, also Nick and Oli are in the alley watching the back entrance."

"Call them in here then." I say.


"I think it's safe to say that if you bring them in here, Frank and I will both believe you're telling the truth. Then we'll trust you guys. Plus, if they're gonna be the ones protecting us, I might at well get to know them right?"

"Yeah. Bring them in." Frank agrees.

"Fine. Kell, you do it."

"Sure." He agrees. He presses a button on his watch and starts talking into it.

"Mike, Jamie, Nick, and Oli. Vic has asked that you come inside the store. Get here as quick as possible, but don't come in together." He says, and Vic nods in approval.

"How can they hear you? I didn't hear noise come out of Vic's watch." Frank asks.

Vic and Kellin both push hair away from their ears and reveal something on both their right ears.

"These are how we hear each other." Vic explains, then points to his watch. "This is how we talk. The guys who have short hair always wear hats to disguise their ear monitors, but Kellin and I just got lucky with long hair. We only use these things when we're out together as a group. We don't wear them all the time."

"I'm gonna go unlock the door real quick." Kellin says as he walks towards the door, unlocking it and then returning to his spot behind the counter.

A couple seconds later I hear the bell above the door chime, so I turn my head and see a man with long spiky hair walk through the door.

"Hey Hime-Time. This is Gerard and Frank."

"Nice to finally formally meet you guys."

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