Chapter 1

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Marinette stared at her phone screen for what seemed like hours. 'Was this a good sign or was this a bad one? What if I didn't win?! What if they laughed at my paper? Oh, Kwami!!! What am I going to do?' I was spiraling in my own mind when Tikki flew up to me. "Marinette you're going to have a panic attack. Breath!" the small red god said in a firm voice. I slowly took a deep breath in and out. "Sorry, Tikki." I said in a meek voice looking back at my phone. "It's just I got an email for W.E. and I kinda freaked out. I mean this is a big deal for me and Chloe." I mumble explained with a light blush from my embarrassment. "Do you want me to read it for you Mari?" Tikki asked kindly knowing I'd just continue to freak out until I knew if was good or bad news. Relief instantly flooded my system "Yes, please Tikki!" I said turning my phone towards her. Tikki silently read the email before letting out a high-pitched squeak. "You did it Marinette! You won the competition and a free trip to Gotham." Tikki said as she lovingly hugged my cheek. I looked at my phone in disbelief as I read the email myself. "I did it. Tikki, I did it!" I whispered in disbelief, before jumping around my balcony and promptly doing my happy dance. 'Tonight I'm having good dreams!' I thought happily.

* Next day/ Current morning *

"....inette! Akuma!" I jolted out of bed ready to fight, only to be met with a bed full of laughing kwamies'. "Real funny guys!" I snapped at them while relaxing my stance. "We had to Mini-bug. You're late for school. Again." Plagg said in a matter-of-fact voice as he floated towards Tikki. 'O, no! Not again!' I swear I broke my best record getting dressed while grabbing my bag and sprinting to school.

(Marinette outfit in pink without the skateboard, Chloe's outfit in yellow)

(Marinette outfit in pink without the skateboard, Chloe's outfit in yellow)

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