Chapter 8

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

The elevator ride to our room was filled with the humming of the bellhop, who decided it was better to help Chloe with her bags before she destroyed (accidentally of course) another hotel lamp. 'I wonder how he's doing? I really hope he got over the shock of the almost mugging.' I thought as my mind started to wander back to his emerald eyes, his sharp jaw, and his surprisingly fluffy hair. 'I wonder if I'll ever see him again. Would he even remember me?'. Shaking my head, I looked over at Chloe who once again was on her phone. Sometimes I swear she would die if her phone vanished for more than an hour. 

"Your floor ma'am. Please follow me to your room." Chloe looked up from her phone sending him a sceptical look before following, dragging me silently with her. "You know Mari, you still need to explain this Greek god to me. It's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, that the street dog would fall into that category. So spill..." Chloe said sending me a side glare. "I have no idea why you keep mentioning a Greek god, besides Jay isn't that bad-looking. On that note, why did you guys have to resort to name-calling? I haven't heard you swear that bad in weeks." I asked, actually curious about her behavior earlier. 

I know she's protective of me and that she was worried, but Jay helped me. "Cute how you think changing the topic would save you. As for the street dog, he had his hands on you. No one touches our Mari without the triple approval!" Nodding my head along with her words 'Yes, yes the triple approval... Wait... Oh, no... Fuck!' Suddenly stopping, I nervously turned my head to Chloe. "Please tell me you didn't Queenie! You know how they get." I groaned, already seeing the smirk on Chloe's face. "Your room ma'am. I hope you have a lovely stay." The bellhop said with a little bow before walking back to the elevator.

(The hotel room)

"Well Brucie, you aren't so bad

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"Well Brucie, you aren't so bad." Chloe said as she stood in the middle of the room with Pollen, Tikki, and Plagg flying around. "Chloe be polite. It's Mr. Wayne." I scolded as I pulled the last of her bags into the room. Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!  "I'd get that if I were you Mari. Don't want the lecture longer than it already is." Chloe said as she tossed her phone to me with an evil smile before she walked over to her bags and disappeared into the bathroom. 'O, Kwami. I'm dead ... I'm so dead. Maybe it won't be that bad?' I thought as I pulled the phone to my ear. 

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