Chapter 36

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

"We need to talk." These were the first words out of my mount as I watched Damian walk around the room. 'Okay. Not the ideal words after one is forced into marriage. Calm Mari, calm.' I mentally rant as I move to sit on the chair I claimed as my own, throwing a glare at the other chair as if the bitch was still sitting there.

"That is not a good start to a marriage." Damian deadpanned as he placed his entire focus on me making guilt, fear, and uncertainty bubble inside. 'He didn't want this! Kwami, he hates me now! We literally just had our first date and now we're husband and wife! This moved too fast! He hates me! Now he knows I'm the Guardian...that I kept a secret from him. And to make it worse, it's not a small secret it's a HUGE one! But then again, he hasn't told me that he was Robin or that he was the heir to the League of Assassins...BUT still! He will definitely hate me now and want to end our relationship and then send me back to Paris where I will be forced to live in hell with no soulmate...Kwami, I haven't even told him THAT!' I mentally spiral, slouching into the chair, begging it to swallow me whole, when suddenly I felt warm hands on my cheeks making me glance up right into Damians' worried eyes.

"Breathe Angel. Breathe with me. I will not leave you." Damian whispered over and over again, like a chant as he wiped the tears I didn't know were falling from my cheeks. "Breath Habibti. I am here." Damian whispered again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I force out, feeling the tears start to flow faster. "I know you must hate me now. Fuck, I'd hate me now if I were you. I'm sorry." I whimper between sobs. The next thing I knew, Damain had me in his lap on the floor of our prison room, rocking us slowly while continuing his chant. Not being able to stop myself, I threw my arms around his neck as I cried from the fear and frustration of being kidnapped, the suddenly forced realization that I would be married ... that I am married, the pain from that damned ceremony, the sting of yet another betrayal... so I cried and sobbed and hiccupped words I could not remember until I couldn't cry any longer.

After what felt like hours of Damian comforting me, I finally uttered one last sorry as I released him from my vice-like grip. I felt Damian lift my chin, forcing me to look into his emerald eyes only for my breath to leave me again. Damian's eyes only held worry and love in them as he stared at me. "Listen to me Malak, for I will not say this a second time. I do not hate you, for I could never hate the one who saved me. I will not leave you and no one will tear you from me ever again. Should anyone try, I will hunt them to the end of the earth and force the life out of them. You are mine. Mine alone to love, to protect, to dream with, and to build a future with. Just as I am yours and no one else shall take my place." Damian commanded with such fierce confidence and certainty that I could only nod my head once before I whispered the one thing that truly bothered me the most, "But you were forced ..."

"As were you." Damian quickly cut me off, his eyes softening as he held me closer. "You do not have to speak about your secrets until you are ready. I will not force you, but I must tell you about that ceremony." Damian continued, effortlessly standing up with me still in his arms only for me to stop him when he moved to sit in the cootie chair. "Not that one. It has bitch-cooties." I whisper, making Damian chuckle before taking a seat in the chair I claimed as mine. "Mother left an impression, I see." Damian remarked as we got comfortable.

(A/N: They're sitting like the couple in the image below.)

"She was a bitch

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"She was a bitch. I now have a bitch as an in-law." I comment as I lay my head on Damians' shoulder. "Indeed. At least you know your in-laws. I have jet to meet mine." Damian joked as he rubbed comforting circles on my back. "What did you want to tell me about the ceremony mon chat?" I whisper, remembering the green glow and intense pain. As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt Damian tense as his grip tightened on me. "That Malak was an ancient League wedding ceremony that was only ever used when my grandfather wanted both husband and wife dead." Damian growled, before letting out a sigh and forcing himself to relax while I ran my fingers through his hair in comfort. 

"The water my mother forced us to drink was the water of the Lazarus Pit. Those waters have immense healing properties but within them, dark magic lingers. The League, especially when it was controlled by my grandfather, used the pit as a resurrection tool. Malak ... I have been brought back from death with those waters." Damian continued, his voice cracking at the end making me pull him closer to shield him from that pain while remaining silent, knowing that he needed to speak while someone listened. "I do not know what that chant was, it was not similar to the ones I've heard before nor any I was taught as the Heir. However, the intent was clear. We are now bound together Marinette. Bound together in body, mind, and soul. Your pain is now my pain, your emotions are now mine and our souls are now one. We cannot get a divorce. I am sorry that Mother forced this on you before we were both ready." Damian finished, leaning his head back and staring at the ceiling with a scowl.

"So basically when I get hurt you'll feel it and vice versa?" I ask Damian, summarizing what he just told me while feeling slightly giddy that Damian actually thought about a future with me, married to me and maybe... one day a family. "Yes, Habibti." Damian answered, sounding further away than he actually was. "Huh. So if I stub my toe, you'll feel it right?" I ask again, lightening my tone into sounding almost playful making Damian snap his attention back to me. "This is serious Marinette. The dangers that go with what my mother has done to us are astronomical!" Damian snapped, making me smile slightly. "So we protect each other and nothing bad will happen." I tell Damian with a warm smile but serious eyes, causing him to look at me like I've grown three heads.

"Damain. We will be fine. Yes, it sucks that your mom is a fucking bitch who forced us to marry when we barely reached adult age, but so what? We both thought of a future where this was a possibility, it just came a bit earlier and with a magical condition on the side. Plus this means that the minute you cheat I'll know and can then enlist the entire Bat-fam into plotting revenge." I comment with a slight laugh just thinking about the cause that scenario would bring, only to hear Damian growl at me. "I. Would. Never!" Damian forces out between clenched teeth while pinning me with a cold glare. I could only hold a straight face for a few seconds more before I went into a giggle fit making Damian freeze as the rest of my sentence finally registered with him.

"Hello, Robin." I tell Damian with a warm, soft smile. This made Damian release a deep sigh before he looked at me with pure adoration in his eyes. "Hello, Ladybug." Damian replied so softly, it was like saying those words were a secret in itself.

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