Chapter 25

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

After scrubbing my skin raw and letting the warm water wash away what happened today, I realized that I might have lashed out too harshly at everyone. Suddenly overcome with guilt again, I look into the bathroom mirror. I was almost shocked to see me again. Not the Marinette who smiled with affection and understanding, nor the Marinette with warm eyes. I was cold Marinette again. Marinette who in the last battle saw all of Paris burned and broken. The Marinette who had to watch her team dy fighting Shadowmoth and the traitor Chat Noir. I looked exactly like I did after combining both Plagg and Tikki in order to make the ultimate wish, the wish for Paris to evermore be free from the terror of Shadomoth.

My eyes were bloodshot and empty, my skin pale and sickly and my heart ripped in shreds. "Mari? Can I come in?" Chloe whispered just behind the bathroom door, uncertainty lacing every note in her voice. Reminding myself not to snap at her like I did before and that she would understand far better than anyone else. "You can come in Queenie." I whisper, closing my eyes to remember all the good memories and moments in my life that made me, me.

"The katana mutt said you could borrow these until we go shopping for new clothes. Obviously, I told him to fuck off and send the butler to get you proper clothes when I saw it was his shirt he wanted you to wear. Bloody cave man that mutt!" Chloe rambled as she placed a set of pink pajamas on the counter next to me. "He does seem possessive, doesn't he?" I joke lightly, testing to see if she would be angry at me for lashing out. Thankfully she only gave me a 'No, shit.' look before leaving the bathroom again.

Dressing quickly, I shyly make my way into the guest bedroom only to find Chloe seated on the bed, phone out and texting away. "Are you..." "I'm not mad at you Bug. That ally cat thou should pray not to cross my path, mind you. Neither is anyone else. In fact, I think they are all plotting revenge as we speak." Chloe answered, putting her phone away and looking up at me. "You are strong Mari. Stronger than any person on this Earth and I'm sorry I forgot that. I was worried and should have given you more time to process but..." "It's fine, Queenie. I'm sorry I took my anger out on you and them when I was just angry at myself for being weak. I'm a superhero. I'm Ladybug. And I forgot that these last few days, because of how happy I am to be here. Forgive me?" I explain, cutting her off before she could blame herself for my actions.

Chloe only gave me a wicked grin before standing up and holding out her pinky, "We are warriors, we are queens." Chloe starts off saying, making me copy her stance and loop my pinky with hers, "We make the world kneel while sipping caffeine." I end our motto before we both start giggling and hugging each other tight. "You okay, Mini-bug?" Plagg asks as he flouts up slowly to meet my eyes, Tikki nowhere to be seen. 

"I will be, Plagg. Just need some coffee maybe even my special drink and I'll be back to full Mari strength." I tease, making the Kwami laugh before he zips away towards the corner of the room. "See! She's okay. Now stop sulking! You're making Nooroo look cheerful." I hear Plagg scold, making me frown as I head over to where he's floating. Feeling a wave of guilt wash over me as I see Tikki in the corner, a depressed auro surrounding her while she mumbles to herself. If I wasn't the cause of her worry I would have laughed at how she looked like an anime character sulking.

Slowly picking her up, I brought her close to my face before peppering her in tiny kisses until she squealed and zipped behind Plagg and giggled at me. "There she is. The all-powerful queen!" I playfully sing making Plagg pout as Tikki mock bows to us. Feeling better and more myself, I look towards the bedroom door hesitantly. "They aren't mad at you, Bug." Chloe reassured again, before smiling down her phone. Looking back up she has a mischievous smile in place. "Fresh baked macaroons?" Chloe offers knowing that I couldn't refuse any chance to bake, especially after the day I had. Nodding once at her with my normal beaming smile, we were off toward the kitchen. 

In our hurry to get to the kitchen, we didn't see Mr. Alfred Pennyworth smile at us before pulling out his pocket watch to look at the time. "Perhaps Pizza would be more appreciated tonight?" mused the old butler as he silently followed the now-giggling girls.

No One Prov.

No one in the Wayne household knew how they would approach dinner. Would Marinette still be cold and disant with them? Would she and Chloe have left during the few hours the family opted to give them space? Thousands of different thoughts ran through each member's head as they fretted in their different areas within Wayne Manor. Alfred, having ordered enough pizza to feed an army had kept a close eye on the two Parisians baking, singing, and playing in his kitchen. Under normal circumstances he would have tusked at the mess they left, had it not been for the angelic smile on Marinette's face. Deciding that he had left everyone to avoid their gust for long enough, Alfred rang the diner bell loud and clear, making sure that everyone would hear except the girls in his kitchen who were dancing to loud music.

First to arrive in the dining room was Dick, a gum air about him until he heard the singing floating in from the kitchen. Curious as to what was going on he followed the voices only to stop short at the sight before him. Soon he was joined by Jason, who like him, followed the voices. Giving each other a quick confused but happy look the two eldest Wayne sons leaned against the door frame of the kitchen with a happy sigh as they observed the caios in the kitchen.

Tim, Barbara, Stephanie, and Cassandra appeared barely 10 minutes later, confused but entranced at the laughter that flowed through the kitchen and into the dining room. Spotting Dick and Jason looking into the kitchen with content smiles, they all moved closer only to be shocked by the sight of the two Parisians dancing wildly around the kitchen while using Icing tubes as microphones. Deciding that they much preferred the smiling Parisians to the ones they met that afternoon, the three girls moved back into the dining room with happy smiles.

Bruce and Seline, having heard the laughter and singing from outside where they had been taking a late stroll, smiled amused at the two girls in Alfred's kitchen. Noticing their three sons on the other side smiling at the girls as well, they moved silently around the happy atmosphere and headed toward the dining room. Seline simply winked at the three girls already sitting at the dining room table, before motioning to Bruce to get the food. Shaking his head lightly at the female's actions he did as told, only for everyone to freeze as the last remaining Wayne entered the dining room.

Damian Wayne stood in the middle of the dining room with an aura that promised death and with cold, steel eyes as he observed his surroundings. Noticing that the majority of his family were seated at the table with food already on their plates while there was no sign of the one he wanted to see most, he released a sigh of anger. But before he could pull out a chair for himself he froze as another round of laughter flew in from the kitchen. As if in a trance, the youngest Wayne turned towards the kitchen and took only one step before halting. 

As the singing once again started up in the kitchen, Bruce Wayne stood in silent awe as he watched his youngest move silently towards the sound. And it was as Damian Wayne finally saw what had caused the angelic sounds that hypnotized him, he scared his family into another dimension with the pure, loving smile that took form as he observed Marinette Dupain-Cheng twirling around in his home.

 And it was as Damian Wayne finally saw what had caused the angelic sounds that hypnotized him, he scared his family into another dimension with the pure, loving smile that took form as he observed Marinette Dupain-Cheng twirling around in his home

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