Chapter 12

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

It was safe to say we now looked like absolute crap. My hair was hanging in damp streaks down my back, with my makeup smudged beyond recognition from Chloe's attempt in drowning me, oops... I mean from when she lovingly helped me wash my hair in the bathroom sink *cough* DROWNING ME *cough*. Chloe on the other hand refused to walk out of the bathroom since her look mirrored mine and it would be 'such as shame' if someone famous or hot saw her. It took me literally 15 minutes to get her out of the bathroom and back into the lobby. 

Chloe looked for the class of sheep almost like she was getting ready for their harsh remarks, but I knew better. I knew they wouldn't be here and would already be back at the hotel enjoying the gourmet dinner that was supposed to be prepared by a world-renowned chef. Taking a deep breath I walked to the receptionist keeping Chloe in my sigh as she walked around the lobby. "Pardon me miss, but do you know where the French tour group has gone?" I gently ask the receptionist who nearly jumped out of her skin from shock when she noticed me. "They left 20 minutes ago. Did you need something from them ?" She asked almost annoyed that we were bothering her. 'Guess she doesn't remember us from this morning.' I mentally facepalmed. 

"No, no it's alright. Thank you miss." I say while turning and walking towards the doors, Chloe on my heels. "The sheep left us, didn't they?" Chloe asked gripping my arm tighter with each word as we stood outside the doors of W.E. "Yip!" I said while popping the 'p', scanning our surroundings. "But at least I have good news Queenie!" "Oh no.  I know that twinkle in your eye. No. Nope. No. Not happing Bug." Chloe said shaking her head when she saw my eyes land on a café just across the street. "Please Queenie? You know we could do with a cup of coffee while we walk back to the hotel. Pretty please? With sparkly designer shoes on top?" I begged using my best puppy eyes with a little pout. 

"No!" Chloe stood firm while keeping a firm grip on my arm and refusing to meet my eyes. "Besides, you don't drink coffee. You create a nightmare of caffeine and sugar." Chloe said as she finally turned to give me a stern look, only to be met with my puppy eyes, a pout, and just because I could a little whimper. "Fine! But only 4 shots or so help me I will kill you myself Bug." Chloe sighed, shaking her head. Jumping in victory I practically ran to the coffee shop, only to trip over something before I could reach heaven.

The something was a person. A person who was laying face down just outside the coffee café, one hand reaching out towards the door. Chloe walked over to me staring at the person. 'Zombie will be your name. You will be Zombie and you will not steal my coffee!' I sang in my head. "Bug now is not the time for your creepy coffee songs." Chloe sighed as she walked over to me. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked Chloe after I pulled myself off the floor. "Creepy song voice and all." Chloe laughed behind me, sending the strange person one last look before heading into the store. 'Hmm. Maybe he had a long day. Should I help him? Who am I kidding? Zombie is getting my coffee!' I wined in my head before I crouched down next to his head and started to poke his cheek. 

"Excuse me Monsieur? Are you alive?" I asked as he swatted my hand away. "No, I'm a ghost haunting you." He replied with sarcasm, not moving an inch. "Well then you're a zombie. Does the zombie want coffee?" I asked in my most childlike voice, knowing my teasing would only annoy him more but enjoying my own inside joke too much to stop. "Zombie needs coffee." The man replied lifting his head slightly. His eyes met mine and I could see the mischievous twinkle in them. 

"Well then Mr. Zombie, you better get up or I'm stealing your coffee!" I sang offering my hand to help him up. Just as he reached for my hand Chloe walked out the door with two coffees and a smirk. Zombie and I froze, eyeing the coffee in her hands like starved wolves. Chloe's smirk grew when she eyed the man, slowly raking her eyes over his face before stopping to stare into his eyes. "I am saying this only once. These are a single shot of espresso. They should raise the zombie from the ground since the hyper zombie won't leave her brethren alone." Chloe teased, eyes never leaving Zombie's. Before I could take a step toward the coffee cups, Mr. Zombie shot off the floor and greedily downed BOTH the coffees. "I need more." He mumbled looking at Chloe, who was staring at him in amusement. "Well then Mr. Zombie, let's get more!" I said as I bounced through the door into the café.

"How strong is your strongest coffee?" I asked the barista? Coffee-rista? Anti-zombie person! "The strongest coffee we have is a 5 espresso black coffee." She answered eyeing me suspiciously. I turned to look at Chloe who stood with Mr. Zombie two steps behind me. I sent her a mischievous smile before turning back to the coffee-rista. "I'll take two of those with no milk, along with three energy drinks, an extra double espresso with milk, and umm three brownies. Also, could you give me a cup of boiling water?" I said with a sweet smile pulling out the amount needed with a big tip for the coffee-rista. 

She stared at me skeptically before moving to make my orders, shaking her head the whole time. Chloe laughed behind me before she led Mr. Zombie to a table, already knowing there was no stopping me from making my 'special coffee'. "Here is your order Miss." the coffee-rista said before showing me where the sugars etc. were. I grabbed about 15 packets of sugar before I took my seat in front of Mr. Zombie. I handed Chloe her double espresso with two sugars and gave each person a brownie before I started making my special drink leaving only the one 5-shot coffee for myself. As I was sturing the special coffee I narrowed my eyes at Mr. Zombie who was eyeing the drink with fear written all over his face.

"Now, Mr. Zombie. I will give you something that will keep you awake for the next few hours. That should give you plenty of time to get home and go TO SLEEP!" I said in a stern voice, sounding almost like a scolding mother. Mr.Zombie just nodded his head, now looking at the cup with a curious expression but still held fear in his eyes. "Verbal confirmation Mr. Zombie or I'm drinking both these coffees myself." I threatened while narrowing my eyes more at him. 

"I will go to sleep the minute I'm at home. Now please give this lowly zombie his coffee." He answered with a sly smile. Chloe and I smiled at him as I handed him the coffee. He took a small sip, testing the taste of the coffee before downing the whole cup in one go! 'Bloody hell! This guy's an even worse coffee addict than me.' I thought as I sent Chloe a raised eyebrow while she just shook her head again. "Thanks for the coffee! I haven't had this much energy in years." Mr. Zombie said after he drank the last drop, practically bouncing in his chair. 

Chloe and I laughed at his words and antics before standing up from the table, coffee in our hands. "No problem Mr. Zombie. Now remember your promise and get some sleep." I said as Chloe looped her arm through mine. "See you around Mr. Zombie." Chloe said slyly before pulling me out the café door, sending a single wink over her shoulder as we walked through the door and headed towards the hotel. 'Coffee is mine! No zombie my coffee get, or I'd make them regret...' I sang in my head feeling lighter with each made-up lyric that flowed out of my thoughts.

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