Chapter 23

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⚠️Trigger Warning Chapter⚠️

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⚠️Trigger Warning Chapter⚠️

Marinette Prov.

While washing my hands in the sink and humming, I suddenly felt my Ladybug instincts kick into high gear. Discreetly I looked into my purse to see Plagg and Tikki still asleep cuddling the miracle box, I let out a small breath of relief. 'What's wrong? Why are my instincts screaming that there is danger?' I thought on edge while turning the water off. Just as I turned to leave, I froze at the sight in front of me. "Adrien." I said coldly, forcing calming steel into my veins and pushing the images of the final battle away. 

"What are you doing Mari? I thought we were... I know you are in love with me. Alya and Lila told me. So why are you hanging onto those bastards? Letting them touch you when you're mine?" Adrien asks, with each word moving closer to me until he has me cornered against the bathroom wall.

"I Am Not Yours'." I spit venomously, pushing him away from me only for him to trap my arms against the wall above my head. "You don't have to hide Mari. I know you love me." Adrien whispered as he brought his face closer to my own. His eyes were clouded in insanity and lust, making me shiver as cold seeped into my bones. "I don't and I suggest you let go of me before I show you exactly what I think of you." I growled out, trying to hold onto my bravery, making him smirk with a chuckle. "Shss. I'll show you." Adrien whispered before forcing his lips on my own.

Struggling in his hold, I could feel panic sink in shutting my brain off. I could feel myself disconnect from my body as Adrien forced my lips apart and shoved his tongue into my mouth. Struggling harder against him, I feel a freezing cold sweep over me as his hand slips beneath my shirt and starts to make its way up. Tears in my eyes as I pull against his hold harder, feeling my legs shake. 'Legs! Use them!' I hear myself shout as panic courses through my veins.

Bringing my knee up with as much force as I could, I hit home making him instantly release me. Not looking behind me I ran out of the bathroom and down the hall only to collide with a solid mass. Feeling someone's arms around me I struggle blindly to get away. 'Let me go! No, no, no! Please!' I mentally scream before the scent of earth, almonds, and mint surrounds me. The scent of home.

Calming down slightly, I look up and see blurry emerald staring down at me. 'Damian.' I realize and sag in relief. "Angel? Are you alright?" Damian asked concerned as he looked me over. "Adrien... he-he ... touch..." I struggle out, shaking from what just happened and what could have happened. Damian instantly pulls me closer with a growl. "I have you Angel. He won't touch you again." Damian whispers into my ear before leading me toward the rest of the class and more importantly Chloe.

"Mari, what happened? Why are you shaking? Why are you crying? Who am I killing? Scratch that, who am I skinning alive?" Chloe asks me pulling me into her arms, noticing my smeared lipgloss and tearstained face. "Wayne, explain." Chloe growled viciously, pulling me closer. "Tt. I found her like this. She said something about Adrien." Damian matched her icy tone. "That ally cat! Where is that fucker?" Chloe nearly screamed only for Ms. Kyle, Mme. Bustier and Mrs. Whitestone walk into the room.

"What's going on here?" Ms. Kyle asked as she walked straight to me, scanned me over, and then turned to the Wayne boys. "Well?" she demanded as she waited for them to speak. "It's nothing, Ms. Kyle. Just a misunderstanding. Isn't that right Mari?"  a chilling sweet voice said. Feeling ice cover me, I start to tremble in Chloe's hold again. "Marinette has a ... umm, habit for being ... dramatic." Mms. Bustier dismisses suddenly as she joins the class and stares at me in disappointment.

"This does not look to me like being dramatic. She looks traumatized!" Richard hisses as he pulls Chloe and me behind him with Jay at his side. "What did you do?" Jay demanded, voice full of rage and hand twitching at his side. "Nothing." Adrien answers with a shrug, sending me a look like he was undressing me with his eyes making me reach for Damian subconsiously. Feeling Damian grab my hand in a death grip, I started to breathe a little easier.

"He forced himself on me." I whisper loud enough for the Waynes to hear. It was like an instant trigger went off in them and they all looked at Adrien with murderous glares. "What?" Adrien asked after schooling his face into an innocent look. "You forced yourself you her?" Damian seethed, murderous intent flowing off him in waves making the tension in the room rise. "I didn't. She begged me to." Answered Adrien with a shrug and smirk. "She will let anyone have a feel for the right price." he added after a minute, making the sheep laugh and nod in agreement.

"Get. Out." Ms. Kyle bit out, making everyone silent from her cold-bitten words. "Yes. Marinette, Chloe get on the bus." Mme. Bustier orders like the entire situation didn't just happen, dismissing us entirely. "The girls stay." Ms. Kyle shot back, taking the class of sheep and Mme. Bustier by surprise. "Madam, they are under my care so they will come with me." Mme. Bustier argued hotly. "The fact that you would force her to be in the same proximity as her attacker only shows that you are not capable of looking after children. They stay, now get out of my house!" hisses Ms. Kyle.

"Oh, yes. Do get out of our house." a new voice drew everyone's attention towards the front door where three women stood observing the situation. "I will notify Mr. Wayne of what happened today and if you are lucky the rest of this trip won't be canceled." added the beautiful, redhead in a wheelchair. "Leave." demanded the black-haired aisen, glaring at Mme Bustier.

Shocked, Mme Bustier ushered the sheep into the waiting bus with Mrs. Whitestone without any more argument. As soon as the last of the sheep was out the door the gorgeous blond slammed the door closed with so much force the windows rattled. "Now then, who is the tiny pixy that has my brothers on a leash?" The blond asked with a warm smile as she turned to look at us with a raised eyebrow.

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