Chapter 35

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No One Prov

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No One Prov.

Deep beneath the Guardian Temple, before a pool of glowing green water, Damian Wayne was chained and kneeling. Surprisingly the young Wayne was still unconscious, be it due to the near-deadly dosage he received or the continued sedation injections, no one knew. Suddenly the doors to the chamber were thrown open and in strode the crazy bitch who orchestrated this entire shit show, Talia Al Ghul. Close on her heels were a man dressed in orange and red monk attire. He was the backstabbing bastard who would become Plaggs plaything, the head monk of the Guardian Temple.

Talia walked up to her son and kneeled to his level before harshly slapping him across the face. "Wake up, Damian!" She growled before standing once more. Damian blinked his eyes open with a slightly painful groan, before straightening as he took in his surroundings and his attire. Frowning down at the gold and green heir attire he now donned, Damian boredly looked up at his mother. "Mother. What an unoriginal method to gain my attention. Let me spare you the groveling. I am no longer the Heir of the League of Assassins, nor will I ever be. Your continued persistence on this matter is pathetic. Now release me." Damian demanded, shooting a glare at the trembling monk next to his mother.

"Hmm. How about no? Yes, that sounds about right." Talia gloated as she waved her hand slightly, making two men appear next to Damian and roughly pull him into a standing position. "Mother..." Damian started to threaten, only for Talia to cut him off. "God, you two are so similar. I can see why you like her. I already had this conversation with your little girlfriend. Quite a beauty, if you ask me. Now listen and listen well. You are the first-born male heir of the Demon which makes the seat of power that you so plainly detess yours and only yours. While I may control the Leaguw since you don't want the power, thank you for that son, it is still yours when it comes to alliances. Especially...betrothals." Talia informed Damian, taking great joy when he tensed at the mention of Marinette and how he practically froze at the word betrothals.

"I will not." Damian growled out with such menacing force, that even Talia tensed in fear before forcing herself to relax. "Oh, yes you will. If you don't, I will kill that girl along with every monk in existence. You remember your lessons on the Guardians, do you not?" Talia continued as more people, both monks and assassins, started to fill the room. When Damian only glared at Talia she continued her little speech with a slightly annoyed glare. "Well, they came back and have a new Guardian of marriageable age. Since I deemed it more beneficial to form an alliance than waste resources on killing them, again, we struck a deal. You are to marry the Great Guardian and we will no longer be at war and have the Temple as an ally. Wonderful, is it not?" Talia rhetorically asked as two assassins brought two boxes for Talia's inspection.

"I will not marry her." Damian declared, refusing to leave Marinette, refusing to leave their relationship when it barely started. Talia rounded on her son so suddenly that it took Damian a second to register the sting on his right cheek. "You will! We can not afford to go to war over this mountain! For once in your life do as you are told Damian Al Ghul!" Talia whispered fiercely.

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