Chapter 7

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Jason was actually pretty funny. As we walked to Wayne Hotel he told me about how he came to Gotham, how his adoptive father was a 'pain in his ass', how his siblings loved to prank their youngest brother just because they could, and just about his life in general. By the end of the 20-minute walk, I felt like we were best friends, but all good things must come to an end. Laughing at one of Jay's jokes I spotted Wayne Hotel with a pacing Chloe just outside the doors. ' I'm in so much trouble.' I sighed thinking about the lecture Chloe was going to put me through once she saw me. 

Jay must have sensed the change in my mood since he also went tense once he spotted the hotel. "You ready to go Pixie? It isn't that dark yet if you want to walk around some more?" Jay suggested, lightly petting my hand still looped with his arm. "No, it's okay Jay. My best friend is already pacing in front of the hotel. I don't want to worry her more than I already have." I say while pointing at Chloe. It was like she could hear me all the way across the street, cause her head snapped to us. Her eyes scanned the street before landing on us. She was furious if the look on her face was anything to go by. 

I barely had time to call out to her, when she was in front of me pulling me away from Jason. She stood in front of me protectively, while glaring at Jay (if glares could kill, he would have been six feet under instantly). "Who the fuck are you?" Chloe asked with venom lacing each word. I peeked over her shoulder to look at Jay and the bloody idiot had the nerve to look amused at Chloe. "I could ask you the same thing shorty." Jason said with his arms folded in front of his chest again. "Um, Chlo?" I asked trying to move in front of her to explain, but she pulled my arm back behind her with another glare at Jay. "I've got this Mari. Stay behind me." Chloe whispered not taking her eyes off Jay. I tried to indicate to Jay to not upset Chloe more, but he just ignored my pleading stare. 'They're going to have a pissing contest, aren't they?' I mentally asked myself waiting for shit to hit the fan.

They were glaring at each other for around 5 minutes now, and I could feel the circulation stopping in my arm from Chloe's tight grip. "I'm just here to see that Pixie gets home safe. Can you let go of her arm now? You're hurting her." Jay's said with a cold voice, upping his glare. Chloe instantly released my arm, sending me an apologetic glance. "Well, she's safe now, so you can fuck off. Goodbye." Chloe said with a little wave to Jay. The look of utter disbelief on Jay's face was enough for me to burst out laughing causing both of them to look at me offended. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just your face Jay!" I said before I went into another laughing fit. 

Once my laughter died down, I thought I'd introduce them before they could continue their glaring. Hopefully, this gets them to not kill the other person. "Chloe this is Jason Todd. He's a new friend who helped me out. You can trust him. Jay this is Chloe Bourgeois. She's my best friend slash honorary sister. Now play nice!" I scolded them as if they were children. They both looked at each other before scuffing childishly and looking away with a pout. 'I guess this is as good as it'll get with them.' I thought as I smiled at them. 

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