Chapter 31

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

The week Chloe and I spent at Gotham Academy made us realize that this was our dream school after all. We also spoke more with the principal and teachers to gain a better understanding of how our classes would work when we were full-time students from next month. Surprisingly, with our credits and additional online classes, we could graduate this year. Chloe of course immediately made an appointment with Gotham University to see if we could start our studies there earlier than we previously discussed. Thankfully the university was more than accommodating (More like Chloe threaded the living daylights out of them) so we were all set to fully integrate into Gotham society from next month.

We decided to not tell the Waynes about our permanent stay in Gotham since Chloe didn't want to involve them in our plans and said something about the best torture for the mutts whatever that meant.

Gotham Academy itself was interesting in a strange yet expected manner. Chloe and I followed our future permanent schedule, which ironically forced Chloe and Damian to have all their classes together much to both their dismay. I had them both for most of our classes, except when they had Business Courses, I would have Fashion Courses. I honestly learned so much in this week alone that I couldn't wait for when we were here full-time. I had so many ideas for new fashion styles and outfits, I went through 3 sketchbooks.

Lei-la and her sheep tried almost every day to isolate Chloe and me but that only made the Gotham Academy students ignore them. It is so wonderful when people have more than one brain cell, isn't it? Adrien and the guys from our French class tried to 'teach' us another lesson on Wednesday since Lei-la was upset that we would stay with the Waynes for the remainder of the trip and not at the hotel. Luckily Alix warned us ahead of time and we could get Richards' help while simultaneously gaining more ammunition against them all.

Alix, however, got outed since Sabrina saw her warn us. She decided that she'd experience Gotham with us next year and would go back to Paris in order to help Tim and Chloe with our Paris lawsuits. Gami, Luka, and Alix were now our Paris detectives as I jokingly call them, but I was honestly just relieved and more than happy that she would be safe and no longer forced to listen to Lei-la and her mindless rantings.

Damian on the other hand never left my side, unless he had to, and I never left his. It was like we would naturally be next to each other once we were in the same room. Most of the academy students learned on Monday that their 'Ice Prince' only melted for 'The Sunshine of Gotham' as I was now nicknamed when I saved another student from Damians' katana because he was talking to me, thus leading to the new unofficial school rule as Chloe has dubbed it, that any male who came close to me would immediately forfeit their life. Ridiculous, right? 

Speaking of ... Richard, Jason, Tim, and Stephanie were laughing so much that they were rolling on the floor with tears in their eyes when Chloe told them Monday afternoon. This of course led to Damian getting revenge on all of them, even Chloe. Let's just say that Chloe was not amused when she woke up with green hair. She of course got revenge by bribing Alfred into decorating Damians' whole room in pink with Barbie everywhere. And what may you ask was I doing while Chloe and the Waynes declared war on each other?

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