Chapter 20

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Marinette Prov.

Wayne Manor, for lack of better words, was a sight of gorgeously huge stone surrounded by nature.  "Pinch me, I'm dreaming." I sigh once Chloe and I get off the bus and view the breathtaking manor in full. Feeling a sudden sharp pain in my side, causing me to jump and playfully glare at Chloe. "I was joking, Queenie." Chloe only shrugged with a half smile as if to say, 'You asked for it.'

"Welcome to Wayne Manor. My name is Seline Kyle, Mr. Wayne's fiance and your hostess for today. My French is not the best but we will do our best to make this tour as entertaining as possible." A gorgeous woman told us with a warm smile as she scanned the class, only to freeze when she saw Chloe and I in the back. I could have sworn I heard her squeal before motioning for us to move into the house.

"My sons will do the actual tour since they are closer to your age and might be more interesting than myself. BOY's!" Ms. Kyle yelled, causing me to jump and latch onto Chloe while she did the same. To our utter bewilderment, all four Wayne boys walked into view. Damian instantly looked at me and then scanned me over with his eye before focusing on my eyes again. "This is the eldest, Rickard Grayson. I believe you met him as a tour guide earlier this week." Ms. Kyle introduced motioning a hand toward Richard, causing Lei-la to suck in a breath. "This is Jason Todd and that is Timothy Drake. They should be new faces." Ms. Kyle continues pointing at Jay and Mr. Zombie with a slight smirk. "And last but not least. Damian Wayne. You should have met him at school yesterday, if not well you know who he is now." Ms. Kyle finished before looking at the two adults behind us.

"I suggest we leave the youngsters to it. Richard will keep an eye on them to make sure no one causes any problems. Would you two like to join me for some tea or coffee?" Ms. Kyle again motioned to a room to her left and ushered both teacher and tour guide to follow her. "Well then, since I'm the only one who willingly speaks French, let's get this tour started. Oh, do be careful where you step and what you touch. Old house, old butler. We wouldn't want an accident to happen, now would we?" Richard said, a twinkle of mischief and fury behind his eyes as he promptly started the tour.

"You know Pixie. If you wanted to come home with me, all you had to do was ask." Jay whispered in my ear, throwing his arm around my shoulder, joining us (me, Chloe, Mr. Zombie, and Damian) at the back of the tour. "Hands off Mari mutt! Or I will remove your hands." Chloe sneered at Jay, pushing his arm off my shoulder and tucking me into her side in a protective hold. 'And here we go again. Think they will get along? No, never... I have doomed the world by forcing the meeting of one Chloe Bourgeois and one Jason Todd. If I comment on being lost, they might argue enough for me to slip away and talk to Mr. Zombie. He might have some coffee ideas.'  "Tt. Silence demon." Damian's voice suddenly sounded on my left forcing me out of my plans of escape. "Come on, Angel." Damian added as he tugged my hand into his, speeding his steps a bit so that we were in front of two shell-shock brothers and one furious Chloe. 

"Hi, Damian." I whispered shyly, feeling the shocks course through me. Damian only sent me a smirk, leaving me a blushing mess, before tucking me into his side to whisper, "Hello Angel." with a relieved smile.

"Bloody mutt and his hand holding!" "That is definitely not Damian, Timmy boy. Clone?" "No way, alien." "Can you focus on the fact that your mutt of a brother has stolen my best friend?"  "Meh. She's fine." "I will castrate you and him both!" "Fifty, that Seline starts planning their wedding before the days are over." "Sixty, and the girls help." "You are both ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.... Hundred, they have their first date before the end of next week." "Deal"

- Time skip brought to you by Plagg chasing Tikki with Camabert -

The tour was very interesting. One of the most interesting tours so far. It was by far the most satisfying. Through the four-hour tour of Wayne Manor. Nathaniel slipped on a water spill causing him to fall on his back hard and forcing him to walk the remainder of the tour winching every few minutes, Mylene and Ivan got the life scared out of them when a suit of armor dropped its ax millimeters away from their heads, Rose and Juleka were clutching each other in fear claiming that the eyes of the painting where following them, Sabrina was attacked by a cat which Damian whispered was his, Kim stepped in wood wax making him trip and fall face first into Nino causing both boys to fall in a very... conspicuous position. Yes, all in all, the morning tour of Wayne Manor was the best thing about this trip so far.

During the tour, Damian never left my side and constantly whispered facts about his home to me or just made random comments regarding his family, like "That chandelier had to be replaced twice because Grayson kept swinging from it like the trained monkey he is." or "That is the best place to hide my katana. Pennyworth never finds it there." or "Todd broke that display five times because he kept thinking it was a person when he first moved here." I have never giggled as much in my whole life as I did during his snarky comments.

 Adding on to Damian's witty and sarcastic remarks, Jay, Chloe and Mr. Zombie kept joking that Damian wasn't Damian while Chloe and Jay bickered about who could protect me better. Mr. Zombie switched between the four of us, giving facts about Wayne Manor, talking *cough* flirting *cough* with Chloe or just insulting his brothers. He did randomly hand me coffee so that was an absolute plus to my day much to Chloe's horror and the boy's amusement.

"Since the remaining rooms through the rest of the house are our private bedrooms, the house tour is at an end. We wouldn't want my sisters to skin you alive for accidentally trespassing into their rooms, or set your hair on fire accidentally because you walked into Jason's room where he has lasers on. Alfred should have lunch ready by now, so let's eat then you guys can walk around outside for the rest of the day." Richard informed us with a satisfied smile, seeing the majority of the class pale with fear and trembling.

"Master Grayson is correct. Kindly follow me to the dining hall." came the sudden voice of Mr. Pennyworth as he materialized quite literally from nothing scaring the sheep even more. 'I wonder if they did this on purpose and for what reason. The only one who knows about some of the things that have happened is Richard. Did he tell them? Is that why they are acting like this?' I wondered as we all followed Mr. Pennyworth into the dining room which, given its massive layout, easily fit all of us. "Don't eat the sweets. They're not safe." Damian whispered to me and Chloe just as we took our seats at the table. Giving him a confused look with a slightly raised eyebrow, I decided to just take his word for it and get answers later.

"Enjoy!" Richard exclaimed as he motioned for everyone to help themselves and predictably all the sheep reached for the various sweet dishes. Silently asking Damian if the sandwiches in front of us were safe, waiting for his go-ahead head tilt, Chloe and I filled our plates with the delicious sandwiches. Not noticing that I had dished out for Damian as well, making the corner of his lips twitch up in an almost smile, Chloe and I mostly talked with Mr. Zombie regarding Gotham businesses and Wayne Enterprises since we both had a few questions left from our tour there and wanted to know as much as possible for when I open my boutique.

"Come on Blueberry, Goldie. You've only been talking to my brothers. Me time." whined Richard like a five-year-old after about 15 minutes, jumping slightly in his seat.  "Is little Dicky feeling lonely?" Chloe asked with playful sarcasm. "Now, now, Chlo. We don't want to upset him before his nap." I tease playfully as Richard looks at us betrayed while Jay and Tim chock on their coffee. "How could you? I thought we were friends." Richard dramatically gasped in playful offence causing all of us to laugh. "Be an adult, Grayson. No need for the world to know you're a child." Damian added with a smirk making all the boys gap at him.

"Little D, did you just make a joke?" Richard asked in disbelief before looking at Jay. "No way, not Demon spawn." Jay added as he and Richard looked at each other and then back at him. "You have grown little brother." Richard whispered in awe, wiping an invisible tear away. "Tt. No. I merely commented on your behavior." Damian instantly retaliated looking agitated and ready to stab them both. "Come now, mon amour. That was hardly the first joke you've made today." I add teasingly, not seeing their shocked looks as they look between Damian and me. 

"Tt. Come on Angel. I want to show you the garden. The imbeciles will look after the demon." Damian said, already pulling me from the table and out the door. He only stopped once to take a blanket from Mr. Pennyworth before striding towards the back gardens. "Where are we going Damian?" I ask with a giggle when I notice him leading me into a mazelike structure. "Somewhere the imbeciles won't find us." was all Damian answered as we disappeared into the maze, not noticing a pair of jealous green eyes tracking our every move.

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