Chapter 29

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

I have learned that the Waynes are actually very weird people. Like who bursts out laughing, then freaks out, and then laughs again when you tell them you were held hostage and basically rendered the famous Batman and his Bat-team useless because they needed to do more cardio while also suggesting that their age was getting to them. For some reason, Richard, Jason, and Tim looked supper offended when I made that comment while the girls (including Ms. Kyle) were rolling on the floor laughing. 

Chloe also didn't help when she started to ridicule the entire Bat-team and their outfits as well as the Riddlers. I guess, drawing up a new outfit of him, which in my defense my design looked so much more villainy and functional, only made the situation worse *cough* HILARIOUS *cough-cough* Mr. Wayne and Damian were the only two who looked worried, offended and angry as we explained everything back at Wayne Manor after our shopping spree.

"I am glad you both are safe. I had hoped that you would not have to experience some of the worst Gothan had to offer. I do have a question for both you girls since you don't seem to be traumatized or in shock." Mr. Wayne said, breaking the joyous atmosphere and turning the air somber. Chloe and I instantly tensed, unconsciously building our defenses while taking a seat in front of Mr. Wayne. Damian took the seat on my right, Chloe on my left with Jason, Tim, and Richard behind us.  "What exactly is an Akuma?"

Not expecting that question, Chloe instantly clutched onto my arm while removing any and all emotions from her face. On the other hand, I instinctively relaxed and stepped into my Ladybug persona. "I see you have looked into Paris. Is that your only question?" I asked, my voice even but my eyes steel as I stared Mr. Wayne down. I saw a flicker of surprise in Mr. Waynes' eyes before he relaxed into his seat and arced an eyebrow waiting for an answer. 'Fine. We'll play it your way.'

"An Akuma is a magical butterfly capable of giving a target superhuman abilities. Originally it can be used for either good or evil through the use of emotion. Since you asked about an akuma, I take it you know about Hawkmoth or Shadowmoth. He, yes it was a male, used the power granted to him by the Kwami of Transmission for evil." I explained briefly, not wanting to go into detail. Predicting the next question he was going to ask, I held up my hand to silence Mr. Wayne. Unknown to me, the entire Wayne family nearly had a heart attack from shock from my action.

"A Kwami is a mini God that grants a specific power to their chosen by means of enchanted jewelry. The chosen can use the power however they see fit. In other words, for either good or evil. It is the Gardiuans' responsibility to ensure that the Kwami and their power are used for good while stopping and retrieving any Kwami that is being used for evil." Holding my hand up again, I silence Mr. Waynes' next question again, earning a slight smirk from Chloe. "No, I won't tell you how I know all this. Most of this information should have been explained through the Akuma-alert, the Ladyblog, and the Pariasian news channel."

"Now, how do you know about an Akuma and where did you find the information, Monsieur Bruce Wayne? The Mayor informed us that he hid that information from those outside of Paris to minimize panic and destruction levels while working with other government heads." I ask with an icy voice, connecting dots at a rapid pace. 'So the Waynes are the Bat-team. Interesting. I'll have to talk to Plagg and Tikki about this. I wonder how long it will take Chloe to figure it out.'

Ignoring the shocked looks from the Waynes, I stare down Batman himself until he lets out a sigh. "The boys wanted to know more about you and your situation. Dick and Barbara used a few of their resources at the police force to look into it. However, they ran into barriers so they turned to Tim who used Wayne's resources and contacts and here we are." Mr. Wayne answered without actually answering. 'So basically the Bat-boys used the Batcomputer to dig up information on us. I don't know if that's sweet or creepy.'

"I don't know if that was kinda nice or just plain stalker-creepy." Chloe bluntly stated, looking at Mr. Wayne with a raised eyebrow. "Umm." Mr. Wayne cleared his throat, looking away uncomfortable. Sensing the perfect opportunity to tease the unteasable Mr. Wayne. "Hey Barbara, isn't that illegal?" I teasingly ask with a smirk. "Umm." Barbara started to say, looking a bit uncomfortable. "You can't ask the stalkers if it's illegal Mari! We need to escape before they turn us into their slaves!" Chloe dramatically yells with a gasp. 

It was like 8 broken records played at once as each Wayne tried to explain themselves while stammering and freaking out. I glanced at Chloe who was starting to turn red from holding in her laugh as the mighty Waynes' freaked out and talked over one another. Unable to hold it in any longer, both of us went into a laughing fit. "Relax, o mighty Waynes'. We won't press charges." Chloe started to say, causing the entire Wayne family to fall silent and stare at us. "But as compensation, help us bring Lei-la down?" I ask, with a slight smile.

"Of course, Blueberry!" Richard said while side-hugging both Chloe and me. "That goes without saying, Pixie. That selfish, conniving little..." "Enough, Jason! They get the point." Tim, cut Jay off sending both of us a smile. "Tt. We agreed as a family to help you, Angel. We already started on the lawsuits anyway." Damian added, pulling me down onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me.

"Ugg! You two are just too cute!" Stephanie playfully whined, making Damian glower at her while Tim, Jay, and Richard made fake kissing noises.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

"Chlo, your phones going off." I say, hiding my face in Damians' neck as the younger Waynes teases us. "Not just mine. Yours too, Mari." Chloe said, already pulling her phone to her ear. Following Chloes' action, we both winched at the volume of the screams sounding through the speakers causing everyone to freeze.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TWO THINKING!" Luka and Kagami yell at the same time in each of our ears. "O, no." Chloe and I whisper simultaneously. "WHY DID YOU ANTAGANISE A VILLIAN!" / "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER!"

"We're sorry." Chloe and I mumble sheepishly, looking at each other in slight fear. "You both know what you need to do." Kagami stated firmly, making both of us sigh. "Yes, Gami." We both answer with a sigh, placing our phones on speaker mode and kneeling down in front of them with our arms raised above our heads. "Could we borrow a few books, Mr. Alfred?" I sheepishly ask, making Mr. Alfred nod before disappearing and reappearing with two Encyclopedias.

"We are ready." Chloe reluctantly announced as we both begged the Earth to swallow us whole. "Good. WHAT WERE YOU BOTH THINKING? YOU COULD HAVE DIED! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT! WE KNEW WE SHOULD HAVE GONE WITH YOU!" Kagami and Luka shrieked nearly cracking the living room window with how high their voices went.

No One Prov.

For the next three hours, the entire Wayne family watched as their two house guests got a scolding from their friends. They watched with amused faces and smug smiles as both girls repeatedly apologized. That was until Chloe mentioned that the Waynes were present. Never in their entire lives had the Wayne family been scolded so severely by two 18-year-olds. At the end of the night, only Alfred Pennyworth remained scolding-free, watching with an amused but smug smile as each Wayne was instructed to kneel before the two phones holding up books while he sipped tea.

 At the end of the night, only Alfred Pennyworth remained scolding-free, watching with an amused but smug smile as each Wayne was instructed to kneel before the two phones holding up books while he sipped tea

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