Chapter 27

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No One Prov

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No One Prov. ---> Earlier that same day

The Wayne males all watched amused as Stephanie and Chloe pulled the girls into the car for their shopping trip. "Have fun!" Dick yelled after them, between bites of his favorite sugar cereal. "Since you boys are staying home, I suggest you look into those lovely girls and what's been going on in Paris. The way they acted yesterday and what Chloe said last night... Something more is going on than just their class bullying them." Seline says as she grabs an apple from Alfred as well as her keys. 

"Where are you going?" Bruce asks, setting his paper down while raising an eyebrow at his fiance. "Little old me? I have my own girls' day, so to speak." Seline answered with a mischievous smirk and wink before leaving out the door. 

 "I already started but I agree with Seline. Something has been going on in Paris that we don't know about." Tim added as he held up a cup of coffee in one hand while motioning for everyone to follow him. Leading everyone into the Batcave, Tim made himself comfortable behind the computer. "I suggest you lot sit." Tim mumbled as he pulled files onto the various overhead screens.

The first screen showed Marinette's information starting with her full name, date of birth, family, etc. The middle screen showed Lila Rossie's file with her information, while the last file showed Chloe's information. Damian wasted no time, memorizing all the information on Marinette's screen. "Those two are very talented." Bruce commented as he read over their files, before focusing on the girl in the middle. "Where you going with this Timmy boy?" Jason asked annoyed as he glared daggers at Rossie's screen. "I have only been focusing on information regarding the school, class, and Marinette herself since that is what you buffoons kept asking me to do." Tim shot back, making Damian throw a dagger right at his head.

"Now, now Little D. No need to get defensive." Dick teased as the Wayne males dragged chairs closer toward the different screens. "The point I'm trying to make is that last night I looked closer into Paris and what's been happening there. You guys won't believe it, but Paris has been dubbed the safest place on Earth for the past few years. At first, I was like 'Danm that's impressive!'..." Time continued to ramble before Alfred suddenly interrupted him. "Master Tim, you might want to get to the point before Master Damian retrieves his swords."

"NO INTERRUPTIONS!" Tim yelled, pointing a finger at the seated Waynes before clearing his throat. "As I was saying. I was impressed until the system picked up this blog. Watch." Tim continued before a video appeared on the middle screen.

(Shows the Stoneheart video followed by more Akuma villains such as Stormy Weather, The Bubbler, The Pharaoh until it showed Miracle Queen)

The Wayne males looked at the screen with shocked expressions and anger until they watched Chloe as Miracle Queen with utter disbelief. Tim looked down in sadness as the video ended and he paused the video. "That...That can't be true." Dick whispered in disbelief while Jason jumped up and started to pace. "Blondie got turned into a villain, but she's now best friends with the sweetest girl on this planet." Jason mumbled while dragging his hands repeatedly through his hair. Damian on the other hand started at the frozen screen where Ladybug and her partner Chat Nior stood before switching his gaze to the screen where Marinette smiled back at him.

"Tim, are you sure that what we just saw was 100% accurate?" Bruce questioned in a steady tone, drawing the attention of each of his sons. "Yes. Up until this video this 'Ladyblog' was an accurate representation of what has been going on in Paris. There is news coverage of these heroes, victim accounts, and various interviews with these heroes. At first, I wanted to dismiss this since it was started by Alya Ce'sair, one of Marinette and Chloe's bullies, but after hacking into Paris Government systems...Well, let's just say that this is all true and still brighter and tamer than what happened after Miracle Queen." Tim hesitantly said, making everyone snap their heads toward him.

"Brighter? Tamer? Good Lord Tim! They look like children!" Dick bellowed, pointing toward the screen in anger. Tim took a breath before turning his face emotionless while giving them the next bit of information that he knew would floor them, especially Bruce. "According to the video analysis on the first video, both heroes appear to be between the ages of 12-14. I watched the first video on a loop and concluded that both heroes had no training prior to their first battle. They are the definition of learning on the job."

"Fuck." Jason breathed before collapsing back into his seat. Damian, who hadn't uttered a single word so far, turned to the screen once more with a clenched jaw and murderous eyes. "You said it was tame until this point. What happens next?" Bruce asked quietly, making Tim sigh before changing the video from the blog to the national footage over Paris. "You are not going to like it." Tim whispered before pressing play.

(The video showed how aggressive the Akuma villains became, How Paris was destroyed over and over again, How millions died only to be brought back, How the hero team changed and grew, How Ladybug and her team fought, nearly died, were beaten within an inch of their lives,  How the black cat became an annoyance towards his teammates until he no longer appeared, and finally the Last Battle)

Dick and Tim had tears running down their faces as they watched the Last Battle. Jason, Bruce, and Alfred watched with wide eyes at the events played out in front of them. Damian remained blank-faced as he watched, but his eyes showed the many emotions he refused to show. "When did this battle happen?" Damian asked, breaking the tense silence once the video ended with Ladybug on her knees looking up into the sky while tears rolled down her face.

"Two weeks ago, more or less." Tim whispered which made Bruce lower his face into his hands while Dick and Jason let out a curse. "Tt. Fuck." Damian grunted as he rose from his seat, and moved toward the screens. "Stronger than we know indeed." Damian uttered, reaching out toward Ladybug which caused the other to stare at him in confusion. "Little D?" Dick asked, not understanding why Damian sounded so awe-struck but devasted. 

 Before anyone could utter another word, Barbara frantically wheeled into the Batcave. "We have a problem!" she shouted in fear, shoving Tim away from the computers and showing the news feed in Gotham.

'Police still don't know much as to what is going on inside the mall. The only information we have right now is that the Riddler decided to target Gotham Mall right after his escape and has taken hostages. Hold on. We are getting new information. Did you just say, hostages are being released? People of Gotham, a miracle has happened. Police have informed us that hostages are being released every minute. Just what could be happening inside Gotham Mall?'

Barbara stared at her screen, tipping like the hounds of hell were after her as she hacked into the Mall security feeds, only to be met with a sight that shocked her to her very soul. Once she placed the feed on the middle screen, every person in the Batcave stared with dropped jaws at the sight before them...

 Once she placed the feed on the middle screen, every person in the Batcave stared with dropped jaws at the sight before them

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